About Webmaster

For new information see TheRecordLady.com

The website was developed by Vanessa Wood the owner and developer at Design to Spec LLC in Newtown, CT.  That’s my day job. Nights and weekends I’m working on the Pryor family trees. My own Pryor family I can trace back to Tennessee in the 1820’s and in to Campbell County, VA through an 1812 marriage. My search has been fraught with lost records, burned court houses, and too many Pryors with the same first names. When I had collected banker boxes of records I used my web skills to create TNPryors.com which started out as a repository of Pryor information, but  has developed into a means of organizing the Pryors and all the old records into a meaningful way of identifying family groups. With introduction of social media I turned to Facebook as a way of connecting Pryor researchers in the Pryor Group on Facebook. We have a really nice group of more than 200 researchers on Facebook and I invite you to like the page to get updates and to see what others are sharing. I’m always encountering new information and blogging became a natural step to sharing information and sharing interpretations of the old records. A blog is an evolving project — relationship conjectures may change as information is developed.

I  hope you enjoy the website and learning more about the Pryors.
Welcome to ALL the Pryor families!

Vanessa Wood
DAR member ( A029843 Isaac Darnall)