Category Archives: About TN Lines

Chesley W Taylor: Changed His Name to Richard Taylor?

1870 Census, Cheatham County. Chesley W Taylor. His sister Mary Ann Taylor Allen is also on this page.

It’s so frustrating to run into the name switcheroos among the Pryors (see Shadrack to Chesley post) Wouldn’t you know, I also run in to mysterious name changes among the Taylor cousins who settled in TN.

I’ve been trying to flesh-out the family tree on Chesley Taylor about 1785 in VA. Edmund Taylor, the father, died in VA in 1827. William Pryor and Spicy Taylor were in Overton County, TN by the 1820 Census, and soon after Edmund’s death Chesley and his other Taylor siblings followed, including Massey Taylor and her husband John Pryor. He married Mary Ann Hardeman in Sumner County in 1829 and settled in Davidson County.

Chesley left a very small trail. There was a post the Tennessean giving notice that here was a letter held for him in Nashville in 1835. At some point a baby or young boy came to live with Spicy Taylor and William Pryor; they named him Chesley. From 1835 to his death in 1839, Chesley Taylor and his wife Mary Ann had 4 children: Susan, Mary Ann, John Edward, and Chesley Washington– Chesley Washington b. 1837 again brings up the issues of name changes.

Chesley Washington Taylor was recorded on all census records as C. W. His name Chesley Taylor appears on a land grant in Cheatham County. However, C. W. appears on the 1880 Census in Chatham County and there are several children recorded in his household who were recorded as sons and daughters. When those children died, their death records and social security records state their father was Richard Taylor.

His son James General Taylor:

His son George Washington Taylor:

His daughter Ella Catharine (Taylor) Wilkerson:

His daughter Rosa (Taylor) Demonbrun

So Richard it is. Did he have multiple names? Did he drop one name for another? Absolutely confounding but also a great reminder that evolving research means being open to new data and asking new questions.

My new question: When we can’t find Taylors and Pryors are we looking for the wrong first name?


Pryor and Tackett Surnames


While experimenting with the new Search on this website I found something that may be of interest.

In 1818 Philip Tackett, Section 15, Township 44 was recorded in Gasconade Co., MO. At the same time there was a William Pryor in Section 32, Township 44 (History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford and Gasconade Counties Missouri
Published by Goodspeed Publishing Company 1888)

The Tacket and Pryor surname was connected by marriage in Gasconade when Mary Pryor married George Tackett on 14 Aug 1828.

I’m wondering if there was a connection between these families in Tennessee. TN Land Grant 7912 described land being granted to John Prior in 1828 as bordering land he purchased from Philip Tackett (no date for that transaction). The Pleasant Pryor on the 1850 Census in Gasconade Co. is thought to be related to the the Pryors in White County, TN.


1893 Pryor Death in Memphis, TN

In 1893, before death certificates in Tennessee, the suicide or murder of a “Pryor” about age 35 was recorded in the Shelby County death register. Date of death was March 23, 1893. No first name was recorded.  No place of birth. Cause of death was “Throat Cut”. He was buried in Potter’s Field. His last known residence was “Foot of South Br (Bridge).”

I found that the death of Mr. Pryor made it into The Tennesseean on March 25, 1893


I did a search for Anderson Pryor on and found that he may be the man listed in a Memphis city directory in 1893: Pryor Anderson c, driver, res rear 10 Exchange.” I think the small italic “c” denotes racially he was identified as “colored.”

I’m not coming up with a likely identification for this person. Perhaps it will help someone complete a blank in their family tree.

Category: About TN Lines | Tags: ,

Cleaning Up John Hughes Pryor’s Children

I was recently asked about John Hughes Pryor‘s children. I’ve written about them before but thought the question was good and worth revisiting this Pryor line. A post I wrote a couple years ago Documentation for John Hughes Pryor’s Family Tree only documented some of his children. So I’m posting a transcript of the Chancery complaint Continue reading

Taylor Family (Pryor Kin) in Sumner County and Overton County, TN

french-art2My ancestor John Pryor of Campbell County, VA and Sumner County, TN married Massey Taylor, a daughter of Edmund Taylor and Elizabeth Garrett. Edmund’s other daughter Spicy Taylor married  and settled in Overton County. I feel compelled to write a bit about the Taylor Family in Sumner County, TN.  Some of the twists and turns may be of interest even if you’re not related to this line.

For years I had argued with Taylor researchers that Pleasant Taylor was a son of Edmund and Elizabeth Garrett. Their relationship was stated in Edmund’s Campbell County will and in a later Sumner County lawsuit that named his son Pleasant. The dispute was that some researchers of Thomas Taylor and his wife Mildred Markham were convinced that Pleasant was Thomas’ son.  This belief originated with a transcript of Thomas Taylor’s 1836 will in Sumner County, TN.  His son’s name was erroneously transcribed as Pleasant.


But when you look at the actual will, Thomas’ son is recorded as Jarratt Taylor. The whole will is on

Thomas Taylor Sumner County TN will

Now Jarratt Taylor is very interesting indeed. Thomas Taylor’s Revolutionary War pension application helps to support that Jarratt or even Garrett may be a family name (see application The family record attached to the pension names his son as Garard Taylor. There’s even an affidavit from Jarratt E Taylor of Monroe County, KY who states he was Thomas’ brother and that he recalled Thomas and Mildred’s marriage in Cumberland County, VA in 1785 (after the War).  Both Thomas and Jarratt had beautiful clear signatures… no X’s.

Now this is where the whole Pryor and Taylor search takes on a wild hook. There are several family trees on that link Thomas Taylor as the son of Samuel Taylor and Sophia Childress (a daughter of Abraham Childress). Remember Samuel Taylor? He was appointed guardian of John Pryor after the death of his father David Pryor in 1747. Abraham Childress was the guardian of David Pryor, the son of the deceased older David Pryor. Hmmmm, I’m approaching the link of Thomas Taylor to Samuel Taylor with a dose of skepticism because none of the trees include his brother Jarrett/Gerard/Garrett Taylor.

Are Thomas and Jarrett Taylor related to Edmund Taylor the father in law of John Pryor and William Pryor? I’m looking at records because not only do I suspect John Pryor who was in Bedford and Campbell Counties in VA was from Cumberland County, VA — I also suspect the Taylors had ties to these same counties. Here’s some additional records that make for interesting reading.

  • Thomas Taylor’s son Jarrett Taylor married Delilah Anglea in Sumner Co., TN.  In Cumberland County, VA there’s a 1795 Chancery Court case titled Creed Taylor vs. William Anglea.
  • Thomas Taylor’s will was witnessed by Wrenny Crews (his name was also recorded incorrectly on the transcript). Wrenny Crews signed a 1791 petition in Campbell County, VA  with John Deckey, Edward Deckey, Wrenny Crews, Martin Rector, Thomas Oglesby, Murrell Cunningham (Murell Cunningham also went to Sumner County). Edward Dickey was the father of Sally Dickey Giles who married Hezekiah Taylor, son of Edmund Taylor.
  • Thomas Taylor’s daughter Betsy married James Flowers (The Flowers family was connected to the Pryors in Overton County and were also in Campbell County, VA  see post)