Category Archives: Virginia Pryors

Samuel Pryor, Norfolk, 13 October 1788

Just Imported In the Schooner Bacchus from the West-Indies, and to be sold at Mr. William A. Bayley’s Store by Wholesale, for Cash only… Samuel Pryor Who will sell the above named Schooner, Now lying at Colonel Newton’s Wharf, very low, and will take in payment, Cash, Tobacco, Military Certificates, or good Bonds—-She is about four years old, burthen about ninety hogsheads tobacco, and a prime sailer.

Category: Virginia Pryors | Tags: ,

Runaway Apprentice: Samuel Philip Pryor

As summer came to an end in September 1840 coach makers in Norfolk put an ad in the Richmond Whig for a runaway apprentice: Samuel Philip Pryor. Pryor was 19 years old and described as having kin in King and Queen County, VA–it’s unclear if they were Pryor relatives or another surname. There are Pryors who were coachmakers in Baltimore. Wonder if there was a connection.

Richmond Whig (Richmond, VA), 1 September 1840.

Major Pryor born about 1789: VA, SC and Savannah, Georgia

Major Pryor
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Dearest Dennis Will (John Pryor’s Mother In Law)

Pryor Will

I mentioned Dearest Dennis’ will back in 2013 (see post) when I first saw it transcribed in a Chancery Court file: John Pryor vs. the estate of Dearest Dennis.

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1844 – Samuel Pryor of Dinwiddie County

I love real estate ads from old papers. I don’t know if the houses and land were as glorious as described, but they give a good idea of where people lived and when they lived there. This ad from 1844 was placed by Samuel Pryor. I suspect this is the Samuel who married Mary Hamlin since the ad mentions Thomas Hamlin as the person who can show the property. I’m intrigued… Any ideas about his occupation?

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