Thanks again to our Georgia researcher — we have the will (dated 1796) of Edward Pryor of Wilkes and Oglethrope Counties in GA. My last post discussed his land survey. Rather than post the photo copy of his will which is a bit hard to read, I’m posting a transcript. From the will we can confirm this is the Edward Pryor who’s land was near “Tatum’s Land” on the survey– in the will Edward identifies his neighbor as Peter Tatum. Edward also states his wife was Mary and identifies his 3 sons according to age as John (the oldest), Obediah, and Allen the youngest.
Can we tell when he was born? He states he was of “an Infirm age” — how old was that in 1796? If he was born in 1746 he may have been 50. If he was born in 1726 he may have been 70. Yep, Edward Pryor may be from waaaaaaaay back.
He refers to Allen as his youngest son. I suspect Allen Pryor is the Allen Pryor (b. 1771-1780) who was on the 1830 Census in Obion Co., TN. Perhaps Henry Pryor (b. 1810 in GA) from the 1850 Census of Obion Co. , is his son. Then is Allen Pryor (b. 1775-1794) on the 1820 Census in Rutherford Co., TN the same man? Allen’s age may be a clue to Edward’s age– If Allen were born between 1775-1780, then it’s likely that Edward was was born before 1760, so how long before is the question.
When were his sons born? I think the rules of getting land in Georgia are interesting. “Beginning in 1783 a head of household living in Georgia could be granted 200 acres of land on his own head-right and fifty acres for each additional family member, including slaves, up to 1000 acres.” Edward had 300 acres on his 1789 survey and in 1796 when he gifted the land to his sons. That would be 200 acres for him, 50 acres for his wife Mary, and another 50 acres perhaps for his son Allen who if he’s the same man in the TN records, was 9 to 14 years old when Edward got his land. Edward’s oldest son, John Pryor, has been identified as a Revolutionary War vet. He would be have been born about 1763 or earlier.
Where was Edward before coming to GA? I suspect he was the Edward Pryor recorded on the 1784 Tax List in Pittsylvania County, VA. Oh no, back to Pittsylvania County? Yup! There’s more about this connection in my next post.
When did Edward die? He appears to have still been living in 1798 when he was on the Oglethorpe Co., GA tax list.
While exploring the names in this document, Jeremiah Lindsey is mentioned in an application for a Revolutionary War Pension. Henry Talley of Newton Co., GA had served through Virginia as a substitute for his uncle Jeremiah Lindsey. A researcher has posted information on Lindsey’s will online
Transcript of Edward’s Indenture
This certifies to all whom it may concern that I Edward Pryor being of an Infirm age do Give & bequeath all my Real Estate on the following Terms. First of all I give to my oldest son John Pryor one hundred acres of Land being more or less according to the Description herein mentioned. The said land being Bounded on the South side by the Augusta Road & by a branch on the West side and by Peter Brook’s land on the East Side.
Next I give to my son Obediah Pryor one hundred Acres of Land being a part of the Said Tract more or less according to the boundaries herein mentioned the said Land being Bounded on the North side by the Augusta Road & on the East side by a branch & on the West Side by Jeremiah Linsey’s* land & by William Elay’s land on the North side & lastly. I give to my youngest Son Allen Pryor One Hundred Acres o f Land the same where I now live being a part of the same Tract & lying on the South side of the Augusta Road joining of Lands belonging to the heirs of Peter Tatum Dec’d which said Lands I give to the said John, Obediah, & Allen to them & their heirs forever. But still it is to be for the use & behoofs of the above mentioned Edward Pryor & Mary his wife During their natural lives to possess and enjoy the said three hundred acres of Land without Interruption or Constrains and should the said Edward Pryor Die before his wife then shall his wife (next page)
Then shall his wife Enjoy the said land and premises In like manner as tho the said Edward Pryor was still living and should Edward Pryor shall enjoy the said in like manner but after the Decease of Both the said Edward & Mary his wife then the said three hundred acres of Land shall be to the ___? Use & behoof of the said John, Obediah & Allen as above mentioned to them & their heirs for Ever and for myself I do hereby utterly revoke all other Gift or Gifts, will or wills whatsoever & this only to be taken & allowed as my last & only Gift of the said Lands to the said John Obediah, & Allen and in Testimony hereof I have set my hand and seal this 20th day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred & ninety six. Signed sealed and Delivered in the presence of
T. Shropshire
Bazel Swan
and Jno. Fluker
Edward Pryor (his mark X)