Hertfordshire England


1730 Death – Ellen wife of Robert PRYOR. Buried at Friends Burying Ground. Quaker Records.

1744 Death – Robert PRYOR. Quaker Records.

1763 Marriage – John Freshfield of Colchester, son of Frances and Elizabeth of Colchester, Essex to Elizabeth PRYOR daughter of the late Robert PRYOR of Baldcock and wife Elizabeth, surviving. Quaker Records.

1774 Birth – John Izzard PRYOR, son of John PRYOR and Martha. Quaker Records.

1775 Birth – Martha PRYOR, daughter of John PRYOR and Martha. Quaker Records.

1777 Death – Elizabeth PRYOR, about 72 years old. Quaker Records.

1777 Birth – Thomas Marlborough PRYOR, son of John PRYOR and Martha. Quaker Records.

1778 Birth – Robert PRYOR, son of John PRYOR and Martha. Quaker Records.

1784 Birth – Vickris PRYOR, son of John PRYOR and Martha. Quaker Records.

1801 Birth – Eliza PRYOR, daughter of John Izzard PRYOR and Hannah, Quaker Records

1804 Birth – Morris PRYOR, son of John Izzard PRYOR and Hannah. Quaker Records.

1804 Criminal Conviction – Felony charges, John PRYOR age 24 was convicted on March 4, 1804 in Hertford. Notation that he was removed to New Zealand. (Record of the Prison Hulk Prudentia on the Thames at Woolwich

1806 Births – Emma and Julianna PRYOR, daughters (not twins) of
of John Izzard PRYOR and Hannah. Quaker Records. (Hannah died 1812)

1810 Notice – Partnership dissolved between John Williamson, Samuel Wells, and John Izard Pryor, bankers.(The Morning Chronicle, Sept 27 1810)

1811 Birth – Alfred PRYOR, son of John Izzard PRYOR and Hannah, Quaker Records

1811 Marriage – Joseph Morris, esq. of Ampthill to Miss Martha Pryor, daughter of John Pryor, esq. of Baldock (Jackson’s Oxford Journal, April 27, 1811)

1812 Death – Martha PRYOR, about 68 years old. Quaker Records. (Her death was also reported in The Gentleman’s Magazine, and Historical Chronicle, Volume 82, Part 1, published 1812– this states they lived in Baldock.)

1812 Death – Hannah PRYOR, wife of John Izzard PRYOR, about 35 years old. Quaker Records.

1819 Death – John PRYOR. 78 years old (born about 1741). Quaker Records. (This may be the same Pryor whose death notice appeared in the London Morning Chronicle, John Pryor, esq age 79, died “Wednesday Last” in Baldock. Published Sept. 11, 1819) 

1820 Marriage – On Tuesday last was married, at Headington, by the Reverend T H. Whorwood, John Izard Pryor, esquire of Baldock, Herts., to Louisa, eldest daughter of the late Reverend Robert Barker Bell, formerly fellow of new College in this University. (Jackson’s Oxford Journal Oxfordshire England August 26th, 1820 Saturday)

1826 News Article
A hard case. A correspondent informs us, that he poor laboring man need to Covington has recently been sent to Hartford jail for 3 months, for the following preceding, Covington undertook to sell beer for a retail Brewer during the fair at Ash well, he sold it for five Shillings per pot, while Pryor, the Brewer of Baldock, sells his for 6 showings. He was informed against by one of Pryor’s tenants, the witness, the  Parsons servant, swore he had a pint of the beer, and stood with one foot on the ground when he drank it, consequently Covington was summoned before the bench of magistrates meeting at Royston, who sentenced him to three months imprisonment. This bench was composed of three clerical Magistrate’s, one, the Reverend Henry Morris, Vicar of Ash well, was an intimate friend of Prior, and another head married Pryor’s daughter. Our correspondent thanks, that though these things are done in a corner, they should be exposed to the light of the meridian sign, and he Intimates that an appeal to a court of justice is contemplated. (The Examiner, greater London, September 3rd, 1826 Sunday)

Marriage Between 1820-1840 – Louisa Mary Colston married Morris PRYOR of Baldock, Hertfordshire. (from Burke’s Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry, Volume 1)


1752 DeathJohn PRYOR Sr. , about 76 years old (born about 1676). Quaker Records.

1752 Death – Last Saturday the Assizes ended at Hertford, when six Persons were capitally convicted, viz Isacc Shuffle and Thomas Wood, Bargemen, for the Murder of FRANCIS PRIOR three years ago, whome they waylaid, knock’d down with t a Bludgeon, and then threw him into the River near Ware because he had threatened to prosecute them for frequently dragging his Waters.
The Leeds Intelligence and Yorkshire Advertiser, 18 March 1755

1753 Death – Elizabeth PRYOR, wife of John PRYOR “lately deceased”, about 70 years old. Quaker Records.

1753 Death – Susanna PRYOR, daughter of John PRYOR and Elizabeth Pryor deceased. She was about 40 years old. Quaker Records.

1759 Death – Mary PRYOR, daughter if John PRYOR, late of Hertford. She was about 29 years old. Quaker Records.

1760 Quaker Marriage – Recorded in London Middlesex. John PRIOR of Hertford, son of William PRIOR, married Mary Bray. The record is signed by witnesses including Andrew Bray, William Pryor, Sarah Pryor, Sarah Bray, Nathaniel Bray, Mary Prior. (Married at the Tottenham Meeting House per announcement in The Public Advertiser on Oct 17 1760)

1761 Quaker Birth – Mary Prior, daughter of John Prior and William Pryor. Sarah Prior and Sarah Bray were present at the birth. (1760 John Pryor married Mary Bray)

1766 Marriage Susannah PRYOR , daughter of William PRYOR and wife Sarah married John Goad. Quaker Records.

1766 Quaker Birth – Born in Parish of St Andrews, Hertford. Nathaniel PRYOR born to John PRYOR and wife Mary. Signed by Susanna Welch, midwife, Sarah PRYOR and Sarah BRAY (1760 John Pryor married Mary Bray. This may be the Nathaniel Pryor, silversmith who married in the Quaker church in Yorkshire. The marriage record states his father was John Pryor a wool stapler in Hertford.)

1768 Baptism – Edward Pryor
christened St Mary, Hitchin, Herts, England – parents Edward Pryor and wife Ann (Hobbs) (By 1805 this Edward Pryor was in Baltimore MD and in 1828 he became a citizen of the US)

1772 Baptism – George Pryor christened St Mary, Hitchin, Herts, England – parents Edward Pryor and wife Ann (Hobbs) (In 1828 a George Pryor provided oath for Edward’s US citizenship.)

1775 Residence – Notice regarding sale of land in the parish of Great Hormead, Mrs. PRIOR “tenant at will.”. To be sold at auction by Mr. Hibberdine (The Public Advertiser, 12 Aug 1775)

1788 Death – Sarah PRYOR widow of William PRYOR. She was about 80 years old Buried in Hertford. Quaker records.

25 Jan 1799, Philadelphia, PA, USA Quaker Record. A certificate for our endeared friend Mary PRYOR directed to the board by meeting of Hertford and the Quarterly meeting of Hertfordshire in Great Britain produced from the Mins meeting was read and signed by this being expression of our near sympathy and unity with her and setting for her diligent circumspection in visiiting the several meetings in this City the families of diverse friends– her religious labours under the uniting in-ence of diverse love having been truly acceptable and edifying and we hope may prove as bread cast on the waters to be found often (after?) mo- days. (This is likely Mary Bray Pryor the subject of “Mary Pryor; A life story of a hundred years ago“, published in 1888. The short story recounts that Mary Bray married John Pryor of Hertfordshire and became a Quaker evangelist in later life, traveling to America and back.)

1815 Death – In her 77th year, Mary PRYOR, wife of John Pryor of Hertford, an eminent preacher in the Society of Friends (Jackson’s Oxford Journal, February 25, 1815)

1820 Death – John PRYOR age 87 (born about 1733) (Reported in Annual Monitor, a Quaker publication)

1857 Death – On the 8th instant, at the house of her brother-in-law Arthur Fry, 75, Herbert Street, Ann (Pryor), the wife of James Pryor, of Dunkirks, Hertford, and eldest daughter of the late Joseph Bennell, of Houghton, Bedfordshire, in the 62nd year of her age. London’s The Morning Chronicle June 12th 1857

Other Hertforshire Records

1606 Document
Admission of FRANCIS PRIOR, to a reversion after the death of MARGARET PRIOR, his mother, on the surrender of THOMAS PRIOR, his brother. 19 Sept 1606 (Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies, not available at The National Archives)

1653 and earlier – Over one of the arches a framed board, with arms, and the following inscription: “At the upper ende of this midle ile lyeth intered body of GEORGE CORDELL, esquire, who served QUEEN ELIZABETH, and was sergeant of the Ewry to KING JAMES and the late KING CHARLES, in all sixty yeeres, who married DOROTHY, the only daughter and heyre of FRANCIS PRIOR, of this parish, with whom she lived 52 yeares, and deceased the 26th May, 1653, being aged 84 yeeres…. One ANN PRIOR lived in this parish to the age of 120. (From The Gentleman’s Magazine, and Historical Chronicle, Volume 82, Part 1, Published 1812)

1789 Residence – Notice regarding sale of land in the parish of Great Hormead within 3 miles of Berkway, Mr. PRIOR “tenant at will”. To be sold by Mr. Christie in Pall Mall (This is possibly Christie’s auction house in London. The Times, London, 20 Jun 1789)

1798 WillJohn Prior of Much Hadam. 08 February 1798

1810 ChristeningRichard Vickris PRYOR son of Vickris Pryor and Jane Anne on 11 Jul 1810 (Richard Vickris Pryor was the rector of Spetisbury, Dorset and married in Baldock, Herts to Juliana Pryor. The marriage record should be check because it stated the groom’s father was John Izard Pryor the bride was the daughter of Vickris Pryor– I’m wondering if the parents names were reversed since the baptism states Vickris was Richard Vickris’ father. )

1815 Death Notice in The Times, London. Mary PRYOR aged 77, wife John Pryor of Hertford, “an eminent preacher in the Society of Friends.” 18 Feb 1815.

1836 BirthRev. John Eade PRYOR, born in Baldock, Herts per 1881 Census. In 1881 he was living in Bennington, Herts. and was the Rector or Bennington. When Rev. Pryor died in 1884 his estate was worth 50,000 pounds. His widow Mary Gertrude Pryor was the executrix. John Eade Pryor attended Cambridge University.
1841 UK Census, Hertfordshire
Baldock, Dist 6, page 6 Elizabeth PRYOR 65 ind. born in county.
Baldock, Dist. 6, page 23, High St. John PRYOR 40 corn brewer? born in county. , M. A. 35 born out of county, J. Eade PRYOR 5 born in county. Henry M. Pryor 1 born in county.
Baldock, Dist. 6 page 23, High St. Morris PRYOR 37 corn brewer? born in county. Louisa M. 30 born out of county. Louisa M. 1 born in county.
Baldock, Dist. 7 Charles PRYOR 77 iron monger born in county, William 29 iron monger, Wiliam Deyton 27 grocer, Mathilda 25 born out of county, Charles Deyton 1, Mary Gentle 17 F. S.
Baldock, Dist 7,
page 31
Vickris PRYOR 55 malter? born in county. (Possibly Vickris Pryor baptised 30 Dec 1784 in Baldock, parents John and Martha Pryor.)
Baldock, Dist 7, George PRYOR 37 iron monger, Sarah 34, Sarah 15, Emma 12, Henry 8, George 8 “twins”, Albert 6, Eliza 8 mos. (This family is on the 1850 US Census in Philadelphia, PA)
Bishops Hatfield, page 14, North Road Alfred PRYOR 25 brewer born in Herts., Jane 20 born in Herts., Alfred 2 born in Herts., Ernest 4 months born in Herts. (Possibly Alfred Pryor baptized 22 Sept 1811, son of John Izzard Pryor and Hannah. Alfred Pryor married Jane Anne in 1838. Alred died in 1876 and his will was proved by Alfred Reginald Pryor and Edward Vickris Pryor, mentions widow Jane Ann Pryor)
Hemel Hempstead, Dist 3, High Street, Thomas PRYOR 65 parish clerk born in county, Sarah 55, Thomas 20 shoe m.
Much Hadam, Dist 8, page 9, Perry Green John PRIOR 65 agr lab born in county. Eliza 60 born in county. Robert 30 agr lab born in county.
Much Hadam, Dist 8, page 9, Perry Green Thomas PRIOR 25 born in county, Mary 20 born in county. Elinor 11 mos born in county.
Standon, Dist 3 James PRYOR 40 post lad, b. Herts. Martha 39 b. Herts. Emma 14 b. Herts. Lydia 13 b. Herts., William 11 b. Herts. George 9 b. Herts. Henry 7 b. Herts. Charles 5 b. Herts. Frederick 3 b. Herts.
Welwyn, Dist 2, page 11 James PRIOR 30 born in county,
Ann 30 born in county,
George 7 Mo (James Prior son of Edward Prior married Anne Roft on 3 Nov 1838 in Welwyn)
Widford, Normans, – Thomas PRIOR 65 laborer born in county.
Widford, Nether St.,Robert PRIOR 56 farmer born in county. Elizabeth 53 born in county. Emelie 4 born in county. Henry 3 born in county.

1851 UK Census, Hertfordshire
Standon, Dist. Wades Mill. Thomas PRYOR coachman b. Adham, Middlesex, Ellen wife 26 b. Gravely, Herts. Henry Prior 16 b. Standon. Charles 14 b. Standon, Frederic 12 b. Standon, Harriet 10 b. Standon. Alfred 8 b. Standon, Ann 3 b. Standon. Turner 2 b. Standon, Cleaver 4 mos b. Standon.
Tring Anthony PRIOR 60 agriculturer laborer Wingrave, Bucks. Mary wife 60 disabled b. Great Milton, Oxon. Sarah dau 22 b. Tring. Eliza dau 20 b. Tring. Edward son 17 b. Tring. (Anthony Pryor married Mary Nixey 21 Oct 1818 in Tring)

1861 UK Census, Hertfordshire
Digswell, Dist 4, Felix PRYOR married 46 corn merchant b. Baldock, Herts. Helen M wife 41 b. Little Stanmore, Middlesex. … numerous people in this household, mostly servants. Thomas PRYOR visitor married 40 Laud– Proprietor b. Baldock, Herts. — Pryor wife 28 b. Baldock, Herts. (Felix Prior was on the 1871 census in Brighton, Sussex and 1881 census in Walmer, Kent. Helen’s surname may be Norton, she was in the household of George Norton in 1901 and recorded as his sister.)