
Pryor Records from Arapahoe County, Colorado

1880 Census Arapahoe Co., CO
Denver, page 42b, M. S. Bacon 33 physician NC VA VA, B. M. (PRYOR) 24 wife TN TN TN (Bartie Pryor married Montfort Bacon. Bartie was the daughter of Thomas David Pryor of Cocke and Jefferson Co., TN)

1900 Census Arapahoe Co., CO
Denver, Dist 110, Pct. 3, page 150a, house 124 Rollo U. PRYOR Feb. 1867 32 md 9 MO OH OH, Mellie W. wife Jan 1875 25 4/4 MO NC NC, Jessie L son May 1893 7 CO MO MO, Oscar S. son Aug 1894 5 CO MO MO, Etta dau Nov 1896 3 CO MO MO, Rollo E. son Sept 1898 1 CO MO MO. (Rollo Pryor is the son of Smith and Mary Pryor and is counted with his family on the 1880 Census in Harrison Co., MO)
Denver, Dist 100, Pct. 6, page 18a, house 118 Daisy PRYOR head Nov. 1876 23 MO OH IA sewing at shirt factory, Bertha sister Dec. 1879 20 MO OH IA school teacher. (Daisy and Bertha are sisters of Rollo Pryor – above – they are on the 1880 Census in Harrison Co., MO)

Records from Bent County, Colorado

1910 Census Bent Co., CO
Melonfield, Pct. 7, South Las Animas, sheet 1b, house 113/117 Richard PRYOR 35 (md 6 yrs) MO VA VA, Josephine wife 35 (no children) MO Unk Unk. (Richard V. Pryor md. S. Josephine Filed in 1904 in CO. Richard died in 1945)
Melonfield, Pct. 7, South Las Animas, sheet 3b, house 124/128 James P. PRYOR 63 (md. 33 yrs) MO TN IL, Katherine wife 52 (12 children/12 living) OH OH OH, Tom son 18 CO, Eurie dau 16 CO, Ella dau 14 CO, Willie Son 12 CO, Fay dau 10 CO, Calvin R. son 7 CO. (James Pleasant Pryor is a son of James H. Pryor, who is probably a son of Pleasant Pryor of Gasconade Co., MO)

Records from Denver County, Colorado

1880 Census Denver Co., CO
Denver, Dist 3, house 330 N. Coberly 35 RR employee IL OH OH, Sarah J. 27 wife IL ?? ??, Jessie B. (male) 7 son IL, John A. 2 son IL, M. M. PRYOR (female) born May boards IL ?? ??, Ida A. Overasker 18 sister IL, J. B. Coberly 27 brother IL, …. also living in same household W. P. PRYOR male 35 boards AR TX MS.
Denver, Dist 13, page 293a, Maria J. PRYOR 38 MO PA PA, Kate 18 dau KS,
Emma B dau KS.
Denver, Dist 13, page 299a, house 179… living in a boarding house ?? PRYOR 35 CO, Clarence 12 at school CO.
Denver, Dist 17, page 372d, William PRYOR 30 MO MO MO.

1910 Census Denver Co., CO
Pct. 2 , page 15a, house 1919 Lawrence Ave. Nellie PRYOR 52 widow (11 children/4 living) TN KY NC, dressmaker.

1920 Census Denver Co., CO
Dist. 157, page 73a, house 1506… boarding in house Archibald M. PRYOR 42 single TN MS TN laborer oil co. (Archibald is on the 1930 Census in San Francisco, CA. Son of A. M. Pryor and Lucy J. McKissack)

Records from El Paso County, Colorado

1881 News Article – “John Houghland and CHARLEY PRYOR, both colored, were araigned before Justice Steward yesterday, charged with discharging firearms within the corporate limits of the city on Christmas night.” Houghland was found guilty and Pryor was released. (The Weekly Gazette, 1 Jan 1881)

1884 News Article – “There was — have been in progress before Justices Elliot and Pix_ey during the past two days in which A. M. PRYOR of Easton, was charged with both rape and bastardy, terminated Tuesday night and decisions were rendered yesterday morning. Proceedings of the trial cannont be given, as no admitance was allowed to the courtroom except to the attorneys and witnesses interested in the case. A large number of wintesses were subpoenaed for both the prosecution and defence, but many of them were not placed upon the stand. The defendant was bound over to the grand jury in both the rape and bastardy cases, being required to give bonds in the sum of $1,000 in the former, and $800 in the latter.” (The Weekly Gazette, 24 May 1884)

1885 Colorado State Census, El Paso Co., CO
Page 8d, Mary Helps 30 mother Can Can Can, William 8 son KS, A. M. PRYOR 32 boarder stock breeder “insanity” ?? ?? ??, David Helps 6 son KS Can Can, Emma 1 dau CO Can Can.

1886 Unclaimed Letter – At the El Paso post office, for A. M. Pryor.(The Weekly Gazette, 17 Apr 1886)

1920 Census, El Paso Co., CO
Colorado Springs, Pct. 35, page 61, Guy L. PRYOR 38 IA IA IA U.S. Deputy Coll& Res., Jewel M. wife 27 MO MO MO, Warren G. son 4 CO, Clayton R. son 2 CO. (Guy L. Pryor is on the 1880 census living as a boarder in Decatur Co., IA)

Records from Huerfano County, Colorado

1885 Colorado State Census, Huerfano Co.
Archibald M. PRAYNOR (sic, actually PRYOR) 39 stockraiser LA MS TN, Lucy J. 35 wife TN TN ME, James M. 10 son TN, Archibald M. son 8 TN, David C. son 5 TN, David C. brother 35 stock raiser LA MS TN. Living in the household are numerous cattle hands and cattle raisers. Also in household a William L. McKissack and Calvin C. McKissack, born in TN and probably related to the Pryors. (Archibald M. and David C. Pryor are sons of David Pryor and Emily McKissack, on the 1850 Census in Desoto Co., MS. Archibald M. born 1877 is on the 1900 Census in Las Animas Co.).

1900 Census Huerfano Co., CO
Dist 142, Pct. 21, sheet 38b, house 87 Archie PRYOR Jan 1847 53 widow FL FL FL landlord, David C. son Jul 1879 20 TN FL TN stock herder (Archibald Pryor born in LA is in the household of David Pryor on the 1850 Census in De Soto Co., MS. He also had a brother named David Christopher Pryor.).

1902 News Article – “Shooting at Walsenburg”. The dispute was over a tract of land that Mac Pryor had fenced, but had been claimed by Wes and Lon Holford. The shooting occured after Mac PRYOR put out some horses to graze on the land. The Holford boys went to Pryors where the shooting began. It doesn’t state who was shot by whom.

1906 News ArticleA. M. PRYOR owned a lease of “160 acres of coal land in Herfano County.” Pryor stated he had to get the state legislature to pass a bill so he could build a spur across the land. He was testifying before a Denver commission investigating stock owners. (Los Angeles (CA) Herald Examiner, 6 Dec 1906)

Records from Las Animas County, Colorado

1900 Census Las Animas Co., CO
Pct. 14, page 309B, house 27/29 boarding house… A. M. PRYOR Jr. b. Aug. 1877, 23 TN TN LA, clerk in coal office. (A. M. Pryor md. Lucy J. McKissack 12 Feb. 1873 in Giles Co.>son Archibald M. Pryor is on the 1880 Census in Giles Co. 1910 Census Arch Pryor is in St. Frances Co., AR )

Records from Montrose County, Colorado

1885 Colorado State Census, Montrose Co., CO
Page 19c, living with Charles Skate and family… A. M. PRYOR 32 ranchman ?? MO ?? (Austin M. Pryor from MO)

Records from Ouray County, Colorado

1900 Census Ouray Co., CO
Page 138a, A.M. PRYOR Feb. 1850 50 MO VA MO, miner, Minerva wife Apr 1856 44, 4 children/4living MO KY TN, Grace dau Oct 1878 21 KS MO MO, Bertha dau Jun 1884 15 MO, Roger A. son Apr 1887 13 CO, Jessie dau May 1890 10 CO
1910 Census Ouray Co., CO
Sheet 3b, house 82 Austin M. PRYOR 60 md 31 yrs MO VA MO, Minerva A. 54 MO KY TN.
House 83 William P. Knowles 34 NY NY NY, Grace A. 32 KS MO MO, Mary E. dau 8 CO, Edith M. dau 5 MO (Austin Pryor is the son of Bennet B. Pryor. He is on the 1870 Census in Clinton Co., MO).

Records from Pueblo County, Colorado

1885 Colorado State Census, Pueblo Co., CO
Page 51c, Frank PRYOR 32 wholesale furniture WI Ire Ire, Mary 23 wife WI MO VA, Unice 11 dau MN?, Moses 7 son IL, Rachel 4 dau CO, Norma 4/12 (Feb 1885) dau CO.

1900 Census Pueblo Co., CO
3rd Pct., page 16, house 912 Richard PRYOR b. Jan 1860 40 md. 15 yrs, IL OH UNK under gardener, Elizabeth wife Dec. 1869 30, 9 children/7 living IA IA IA, Edgar A. son Feb. 1887 13 KS, James E. son Oct. 1887 12 KS, William H. son Dec. 1890 9 CO, Richard C. Dec. 1892 7 CO, Clyde son Jun. 1896 3 CO, Ada E. dau Jun 1896 3 CO, John S. Jan. 1898 2 CO. (Richard is Richard Curtis Pryor who was on the 1880 Census in Kingman Co., KS and in 1870 in Adams Co., IL)

1902 News ArticleFrank PRYOR, once a state senator, was nomiated to again represent Pueblo and Custor county republicans. (The Weekly Gazette, 18 Sept 1903)

1903 Fire – Reported that Frank Pryor‘s furniture warehouse on Second Street in Pueblo, perhaps caused by a defective light wire. “A great amount of fine furniture was burned.” “During the fire a live wire touched and badly shocked a number of spectators, creating quite a panic.” (The Weekly Gazette, 27 Aug 1903)

1910 Census, Pueblo Co., CO
5th Pct., page 144, house 1127 W. 17th St., Richard C. PRYOR 52 widow IL KY KY, gardener at park, Louis E. 14 son CO, John H. 12 son CO, Ada L. 14 dau CO,
House 1123 W. 17th St., Edgar A. PRYOR 23 md. 2/12, KS IL IA, shipping clerk at Colo. Bedding Co., Hazel D. wife 20 MO MO MO.

1920 Census, Pueblo Co., CO
5th Pct., page 158, house 1127 W. 17th St. Richard PRYOR 60 widow IL KY KY gardener City Parks, Louis son 23 CO house painter, Cora daughter in law 21 IL IL IL

1930 Census, Pueblo Co., CO
Dist. 35, Pct. 33, House 1140 Claremont, John S. PRYOR 31 (md. 19) CO IL IL crane man at steel works, Myra E. wife 32 (md 21) NY NY MN, Harold C. son 10 CO, Kenneth E. son 4 OK, Richard C. father 71 widow (md. 21) IL VA KY gardener for park