Records of Anne Arundel Co., MD
1789-1790 Letter from Rev. Emory Pryor methodist minister (see Ezekial Cooper tracts on website Documenting the American South.)
1778 Fidelity Oath – Emory PRYOR, William PRYOR. (Emory Pryor may be from Queen Anne’s County, MD. DAR record: Emory Pryor commissioned lieutenant, 1778, in Capt. Thomas Harris’ company)
1805 Ad – Edward Pryor, Callico Dyer, from London, begs leave to inform the merchants and store-keepers of Baltimore, that since his arrival he has dyed many hundred yards of damaged and other Manchester goods for some of the principal importers of this city…”
Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser (Baltimore, MD) 27 August 1805.
1820 Census Anne Arundel Co., MD
Dist 2 James PRYOR 2200103002
1930 Census Anne Arundel Co., MD
US Navel Academy and US Navy Hospital at Anapolis, James C. PRYOR 59, md 35, TN TN TN doctor in US Navy. Frances P. wife 42 md. 42 PA Eng VA, James C. Jr. son 17 DC TN PA, Frances P. dau 8 VA TN PA
Records of Baltimore, MD
1792 Funeral – A funeral sermon / preached by the Rev. Mr. Prior, Minister of the Methodist Church at Baltimore, ; on the death of Miss Christiana Lane, who departed this life, Friday, October 5, 1792. ; Taken down in short hand (published Baltimore: Printed by Samuel & John Adams, Market Street., MDCCXCII)
1810 Census Baltimore, MD
Page 144, Edwd. PRYOR 3001 – 0001 (oldest male 27 – 45 years) (Edward PRYOR is listed in an 1810 city directory as a “dyer” living on Fish Street)
1816 Balimore Directory
Edward PRYOR, living at 64 N. Gay St., occupation dyer.
1818 – Joseph B. PRIOR wrote to Adjutant General trying to obtain a death certificate for his brother James PRIOR. His letter states James was a cooper who was born in Newport, RI. James was in the 5th regiment under Capt. Uriah Opey and died in Williamsville. (Joseph started writing in 1815, so it’s likely James enlisted for the War of 1812)
1827 Citizenship Declaration – Edward PRYOR entered US at Baltimore in May 1805. Native of Hertfordshire, England. 2 July 1827. Age 59 (1768 Edward Pryor christened St Mary, Hitchin, Herts, England – parents Edward Pryor and wife Ann Hobbs)
1828 Citizenship Petition – Edward PRYOR made citizen upon the oaths of George PRYOR and Charles Farquharson. (1772 a George Pryor christened St Mary, Hitchin, Herts, England – parents Edward Pryor and wife Ann Hobbs – possibly the same George?)
1830 Census Baltimore, MD
Ward 4, page 155, line 26 – Edward PRIOR 011110001 – 0101001 (oldest male 60-69 years)
1839 News – Trial of Thomas Gorman who was accused of beating Charles PRYOR in a fight between members of the Mechanical and Friendship engine companies. (The Baltimore Sun, 15 Aug 1839. Pryor was wearing a fireman’s cape in the fight which indicates this may have been between two fire departments. A July 30th report of the same incident– witnesses said Pryor was “rude and violent.”)
1840 Census Baltimore, MD
Ward 5, page 251 Edward PRYOR 0011100001 – 00011001 (oldest male 70-80)
1840 Property Ad – Frederick St near Baltimore St for sale by George W PRYOR, coachmaker. (The Baltimore Sun, 16 Oct 1840)
1841 Ad – A barouche and 2 horses for sale by George W. PRYOR (The Baltimore Sun, 13 Dec 1841)
1843 Marriage – Richard S. PRYOR md Miss Sarah G. White, daughter of James B. White formerly of Philadelphia. (The Sun, 21 Oct 1843)
1843 Baltimore Post Office “List of Letters”
Miss Ann M Pryor
(Published 1 Nov 1843 in The Sun)
1844 Marriage – Maria White married Alfred V PRYOR on 9 May 1844
1845 Baltimore Post Office “List of Letters”
Benj F Pryor
(Published 4 Jan 1845 in The Sun)
1847 Runaway Apprentice – Richard S. Pryor placed notice of a runaway boy named John F. M. Hunter who was apprenticed to coach trimming and harness making. (The Sun, 27 May 1847)
1848 Ad – Property on North St, belonging to George W Pryor, insolvent was to be sold. Mentions a “sub-lease ground rent of $1.75 per foot belonging to Edward Pryor Sr. (The Baltimore Sun, 3 Jan 1848)
1848 Mail “General Delivery” – The notice of a letter held in Baltimore for Hugh PRIOR (published in the The Sun on 25 Aug 1848)
1848 Death Notice – On 17 January 1848, Martha Ann Elizabeth (Prior), aged 3 years, 3 months, and 1 day. The only daughter of Benjamin and Mary Prior. A request for Pittsburgh and Cincinnati papers to copy. The funeral was at their residence in Boyd Street, west of Schroeder street. (The Baltimore Sun, 18 January 1848. Benjamin Pryor and his wife Mary are on the 1850 census in Baltimore.)
1850 Census, Baltimore, MD
Baltimore, 1st Ward “Seaman’s Boarding House” Manual PRYOR 27 mariner born in Boston (MA)
Baltimore, 5th Ward, page 130a 470/552 Richard PRYOR 80 collector England. Richard Pryor Jr. 30 coach maker MD, Sarah 30 PA. Mary 5 MD. Eliza 2 MD. James 8/12 MD. Alfred 28 coach maker MD. Maria 28 PA. Henry 4 MD. Victor 2 MD. James H 5 MD. Lucy Carrelton? 13 MD, Hestor PRYOR 60 England. Laura 28 MD. Henry 35 carpenter MD. (Richard Jr. is possibly is the Richard who married Sarah White in 1843, as Sarah stated birth place as PA. Alfred V Pryor married Mariah White.)
Baltimore, 6th Ward, page 219 George W PRYOR 43 coach maker MD, Margaret A 38 MD, Margaret A 18 MD, George E 17 stone cutter, Emmeline 13 MD, Mary E 11 MD, Clara 8 MD, Laura 8 MD, Thomas M. 5 MD, Sybel L 5 MD, Frances A 2 MD, Agnes A Francis 25 MD, Martha J Brown 19 PA, Abraham Lewis (bl) 13 MD. (G. W. Pryor advertised in 30 Oct 1845 The Sun for apprentices for his coach factory. An ad in the 2 Nov 1841 issue of The Sun for Pryor’s Coach Factory states it was located at North Frederick St. near Baltimore St. )
Baltimore, 17th Ward, page 525a, house 1647/2107 John H. PRYOR 35 engineer Philadelphia, Elizabeth 35 LA, Ed 13 MD, John 12 MD, Wm 10 MD, Sarah 6 MD, Elizabeth 5 MD, Joseph 2 MD, Thomas 8/12 MD
Baltimore, 18th Ward, page 90a, house 1182 Susan Harman 38 boarding house MD, Mary C. 8 MD, Benjamin PRYOR 37 carpenter MD, Mary PRYOR 37 MD, Francis A Forest 23 moulder MD, Lucy A. Forest 19 MD, Horace F. Fisher 23 laborer MD, Joseph C. Fisher 10 MD, Wesley C PRYOR 4 MD, Laura R PRYOR 1 MD, (These Pryors are on the the 1860 Census in Taylor Co., WV)
1851 Ad Placed – Carriages and wagons for sale by Richard S. Pryor‘s Carriage Factory on N. Frederick St. (27 Mar 1851, The Sun)
1854 Baltimore Post Office “List of Letters”
Edward Pryor
(Published 17 Jan 1854 in The Sun)
1856 Shooting at the 6th Ward Polls – “Harrigan, drew a revolver and deliverately fired into the crowd. The ball passed through the fleshy part of the hand, near the thrumb, of Mr. Wm. Bright, an inoffensive American, and thence into the abdomen of Mr. Richard Pryor, one of the most estimable members of the patriotic Ashland Club. The ball entered Pryor just below the navel, inflicting a most severe and, it is supposed, fatal wound. (The Athens Post, Athens TN on 21 Nov 1856. It was reported that Pryor lived on the York Road and revived considerably the next day)
1858 Altercation in Baltimore – Ida Miller swore, Saw Dick Pryor kick Mateer on the head, in the ballroom; Pryor had a long knife in his hand identified Pryor as the man who was kicking Mateer did not see deceased have a knife. (published 21 Oct 1858 in The Daily Exchange)
1859 Arraignment – John Sullivan was arrainged for rioting at the 6th Ward elections. He was not a resident and was “denied permission by the challengers, one of whom was Dick Pryor known to police annals.” (The Daily Exchange, Baltimore, 4 Aug 1859)
July 1861 – Military Incident in Baltimore – An incident after the start of the Civil War, the Baltimore Police Board was arrested by large units of the US Army. “When the office of the Board of Police was thrown open, Richard PRYOR, with half dozen of the vice-police, entered and took posession, when they waited for the arrival of William F McKewen, clerk of the Board. He arrived about eight o’clock, when Richard Pryor made a demand for the keys of the safe, desk, and other aricles…Pryor then informed him that he was a prisioner. (Yorkville Enquirer, 11 July 1861)
Records of Caroline Co., MD
1778 Choptank Hundred, Emory PRYOR (early record per
Records of Cecil Co., MD
1753 Charles town, Cecil County Runaway Apprentice – Joseph Edwards placed an ad for his apprentice John Barneby. States he went off in the company of John McDonald, an apprentice of Thomas PRYOR. States he was well acquainted with Philadelphia (The Pennsylvania Gazette, 6 Mar 1753. Ad was also placed in the Maryland Gazette. This may be the same Thomas Pryor who was in Philadelphia records.)
April 1823 Revolutionary War Pension – Thomas Pryor, served in Capt. Conway company in the NJ Line from Oct. 1775 to Nov. 1776. He enlisted in Brunswick county, NJ (Revolutionary War pension)
1828 Death
Thomas Pryor, served in the New Jersey line. died May 4, 1828, age 72 (Born about 1756. Final Payment of pension states date of death. Last payment made in 1828.).
1830 Census Cecil Co., MD
Page 57, line 3 William PRYOR 00001 – 00101 (Oldest male 20-30. Oldest Female 20-30. Youngest female 10-15)
1840 Census Cecil Co., MD
Page 221, line 13 Wm H. PRYOR 11011 – 100011 (Oldest male 30-40, born 1800-1810. Oldest female 30-40, born 1800-1810. One free “colored” male age 10-24 living in household)
1850 Census Cecil Co., MD
Page 79a, 5th election dist., house 1117/1118 John PRIOR 34 laborer MD, Ruth 34 MD, William 8 MD, Sarah 6 MD, Joseph 1 MD
Page 79a, 5th election dist., house 1118/1119 William A PRIOR 42 captain of vessel MD, Ann 41 MD, George 19 sailor MD, Sarah 15 MD, William 12 MD, John 11 MD, James 7 MD, Ann 4 MD.
1878 Estate – Thomas PRYOR. Widow C. A. PRYOR. Joseph V Wallace, administrator. Estate sale on 22 Nov 1879.
1880 Census Cecil Co., MD
Page 165a, 5th Election Dist., house 201/201 William H PRYOR 71 farming MD England PA. Ann 71 wife keeping house MD MD MD. Ann R. 35 daughter at home MD MD MD. James N 37 son works on farm MD MD MD.
Page 165a, 5th Election Dist., house 206/206 John W. PRYOR 62 laborer MD England PA. Ruth 63 wife keeping house MD VA MD. Charles T. 25 son laborer MD MD MD.
1884 Estate – Sarah J. PRYOR. Adminstrator: Harry J. PRYOR, Witnesses: Charles W. Cooper, R. G. Reese.
1884 Death – “A market wagon containing William A PRYOR, a farmer, residing near Elkton, MD and two little children, was struck by an express train, and the three occupants instantly killed.” (The Monroe Journal. Claiborne, AL. 10 Nov 1884)
Records of Charles Co., MD
1682 Event – John Smallwood was in business with John PRYOR, merchant at Westwood.
1685 Land Record in Charles County – Quit Claim from WILLIAM PRYOR, planter, and Marie his wife, d/o Nicholas and Elizabeth Emerson, dec’d to Henry Hawkins and Elizabeth his wife, relict of Francis Wine; for 1,200 tobacco; a parcel of land called Glovers Point on the north side of the Potomac on Nanjemy Creek; formerly sold by Elizabeth Emerson to Francis Wine 16 Jun 1671; signed by William Pryor (mark), Mary Pryor (mark); witnessed by Clebo. Lomax, Wm. Hacorte, John Hawkins. 9 Nov 1685.(Mary Emmerson was from Norfolk, VA)
1687 Deed – Edward Mings deed land to William Pryor
1687 Deed – William and Mary Pryor deeded land to Henry Brawner
1782 Will – Pryor Posey, son of Humphrey Posey and wife Mary. Wife Janet. Children David Posey and Lanty Posey.
Bef 1782 – DAR Patriot, PRYOR Posey took oath of alligiance.
1792 Will – John Smallwood. Names his brother Pryor Smallwood as an heir. (Will of Pryor Smallwood states his father was James Smallwood)
Records of Frederick Co., MD
1840 Census Frederick Co., MD
Dist 10, page 7 Peter PRYER 0111001 – 2000001
Dist 10, page 6 Jacob PRYER 111001 – 111001
1850 Census, Frederick Co., MD
page 363b, Catoctin Election Dist., house 98/102 Jacob PRIOR 64 MD laborer, Margaret 42 MD, Emanuel 20 shoemaker MD, Cynthia 19 MD, Lawson 16 laborer MD, George 14 MD, Elizabeth 12 MD, Roan 8 MD, Mary C. 6 MD, Upton 1 MD.
page 364a, Catoctin Election Dist., house 106/110 Benjamin PRIOR 42 laborer MD, Catherine 37 MD, Hannah 17 MD, Robert 15 MD, Benjamin 13 MD, Delila 11 MD, Margaret 8 MD, Samuel 6 MD, Mary A 3 MD. (Benjamin Pryor married Catherine Lewis in Washington Co., MD in 1832)
History of Frederick County, Maryland, Volume 1, By Thomas John Chew Williams, Folger McKinsey – states Wilson L PRYOR b. 1854 to to Samuel H. PRYOR and Dorothy Wolf. His grandfather was Peter PRYOR and Mary Hays who settled Catoctin, MD.
1880 Census, Frederick Co., MD
Page 253C, Catoctin, living in household of Thomas Durning 32 …. Benjamin PRYOR, 70, no occupation, MD MD MD
Page 339b, Havers, house 10/11 Jacob PRIER 73 laborer MD not known not known. Margaret 71 wife MD MD not known
house 10/12 Clayton Shuff 19 laborer MD not known not known. A. Sarah 20 wife MD MD MD.
1885 News Article – Announcment of Peter C. Pryor had bought a thrashing machine and it would be used on the timber lot of Samuel C. Pryor.
1885 Marriage – Jenny Welliar, daughter of Joel Welliar married Wesley PRYOR on 1 Jan 1885 in Sabillasville, MD (The News, Frederick, MD. 6 Jan 1885)
1887 News Article – Harry PRYOR, “little son” of Benjamin Pryor lost part of finger playing in the “straw machine.” (The News, Frederick, MD. 20 Aug 1887)
1909 Reported Sick – News article stated Welsey PRYOR suffering from Bright’s Disease (The News, Frederick, MD. 31 Aug 1909) Death noticed followed – Wesley PRYOR died at age 51 from Bright’s Disease. He left a widow and one son. He was a member of the Winebehaarian Church, the Red Men, and Jr. O. U. A. M. Buried in Bethel Cemetery. (The News, Frederick, MD. 13 Oct 1909. Memorial for Wesley Pryor on Find A Grave states he died 7 Oct 1909 and is buried in Bethel Cem. in Germantown. )
1911 Property Sale – Wesley PRYOR and wife sold real estate in Frederick Co. to Elmer V. Wagaman for $1 (The News, Frederick, MD. 3 May 1911)
1930 Census, Frederick Co., MD
Hauvers, Page 41a, John T. PRYOR 67, widow, md. 27, MD MD MD, Maud J. sister 52 single MD MD MD, Commodore P. brother 42 MD MD MD.
Thurmont Dist., Page 5b, house 95 Samuel P. PRYOR 43, md 20, MD MD MD farmer, Dora M. wife 41, md 18, MD MD MD, Lillian E. dau 18 MD, Hellen E. dau 16 MD, Samuel L. son 14 MD, Gordon L. son 12 MD, Raymond L. 9 MD, Marguerite dau 7 MD, Lester L. son 4 MD, Bettie dau 1 MD, Kenneth R. son, 5/12 MD.
Records of Kent Co., MD
1710 Cattle Mark Registered – Thomas PRYOR
1717 Cattle Mark Registered – John PRYOR
1722 Tax List (Levy Books) – John PRYOR
1820 Census Kent Co., MD
Chestertown, William PRYOR 3000101101
1825 Estate Inventory of William Pryor. Gives names and ages of slaves: Robert 38, Pere 30, John 17, Sewell 16, Horatio 15, Warner 13, Abraham 20, Pere 10, Cain 8, Benjamin 4, Alfred 4, Harriet 26, Nancy 21, Harnett (girl) 15, Airy Ann 12, Pol 12, Aimy 2. Signed by Jas. Pearce and Baritz? Pine. Samuel W. Woodland, administrator on 6 June 1826 swore to the authenticity of the inventory. Included payment to Eliza F. PRYOR “for boarding and nursing negoes since the death of the deceased.”
1830 Census Kent Co., MD
Page 446, Dist 3 Elizabeth PRYOR 01 – 010101
1850 Census, Kent Co., MD
Page 291b, third election district, house 185/185 James P PRYER 36 merchant MD
Records of Nutters Co., MD
1880 Census, Nutters Co., MD
Wicomico, Page 135D, house 7 William P. PRYOR 51 farmer MD MD MD, Esther F. 14 dau MD, MD MD, Sarah C. 14 dau MD, Mary E. E. 12 dau MD, Maggie F. 10 dau MD, William L. 9 son MD, John B. 6 son MD, George L. 4 son MD.
Records of Prince George Co., MD
1900 Census, Prince George Co., MD
Blandensburg, page 40b, house 346 James F PRYOR b. Jan 1870 30 md 5 DC DC DC painter. Effie wife b. Feb 1879 21 2 children/2 living DC DC DC. Elsie dau b. Jul 1896 3 DC. James F Jr. son b. Feb 1898 2 DC.
Blandensburg, page 40b, house 347 James PRYOR b. Mar 1866 34 VA VA VA carpenter. Ardella wife b. Jan 1867 33 4 children/4 living DC DC DC. Norman son b. Apr 1891 9 DC. Ethel dau b. Oct 1891 8 b. DC. Russell son b. Dec. 1895 4 DC. Earle son b. Nov. 1899 6/12 MD.
1910 Census, Prince George Co., MD
Blandensburg, page 49b, house 346 James F PRYOR 48 VA VA VA cabinet maker, Ardella C. wife 42 4 children/4 living DC PA DC merchant grocery store. Russell F. son 13 DC. Erl S. son 10 MD. Maggie Staton niece 19 single VA VA VA.
1930 Census, Prince George Co., MD
Blandensburg, page 58b, house 182 James T. PRYOR 68, md 27 VA VA VA horticulture. Ardell C wife 66 md. 25 VA VA VA. Earl C son 30 MD clerk. Norman F. son 39 DC farmer. Cavell N. PRYOR cousin male single 35 VA VA VA. (Cabell Nicholas Pryor b. 1894, is the son of NIcholas Pryor of Amherst Co., VA, the first cousin of James T. Pryor. Cabell was a First Cousin Once Removed. Cabell registered for the Draft in Prince George Co. in 1942)
Records of Queen Anne Co., MD
1729 Tax List (Levy Books) – Edmund PRYOR (Side-lights on Maryland History: With Sketches of Early Maryland Families, pub. 1913. State Edmund Pryor first married Mary and then married Catharine Vandervoort/Vanderford)
1748 Militia List – Cpl. William PRYOR.
1747 Will in Queen Anne Co. – Will of Catherine PRYOR, Spinster (widow?). [ Liber 27, folio 33. April 1747] To my children. John Emory, Sr., William Emory, Arthur Emory, Ann Glanden, & William Pryor that money in New York. To daughter. Ann Glanden, my wearing apparel., saddle, & household furniture. To two sons & extrs., John Emory, Sr., & William Emory, all my lands. Witn: Christ. Wilkinson, Andr. Cockrell, Mary Moore 24 Aug. 1749, sworn to by Cockrell & Moor.
1750 Will in Queen Anne Co. – Will of Humphrey Wells, Gentleman. Witnessed by William PRYOR and Benjamin Gould, and Vincent Benton.
1760 St. Lukes Parish, William PRYOR (early record per
1767 Will in Queen Anne Co. – William PRYOR. Names land as “Pryor’s Chance” and another tract “James Choice”. Heirs: son Joseph PRYOR, “eldest” son William PRYOR, daughter Rebecca Swift, daughter Elizabeth Massey. States he had 7 children (are these his minor heirs?): Thomas PRYOR, Ann PRYOR, Rotiller PRYOR, James PRYOR, Emory PRYOR, Catherine PRYOR, Joseph PRYOR. Wits: Jacob Boots, Benjamin Harris, Wm Coots.
1776 Census – William PRYOR
1820 Census, Queen Anne Co.
Dist 1, Jo. PRYOR (or Ja. Pryor) 000001
Records of Somerset Co., MD
1692 Cattle Mark Registered, Thomas PRYOR (early record per
1723 Pocomoke Hundred, Thomas PRYOR (early record per
1772 Will – Thomas PRYOR signed will 3 March 1772. Heirs: His wife Esther, son James PRIOR. Mentions children who had not yet come of age, but didn’t name them. Wits: James Robertson, James Wilson, Aquila Snelling. Proved 7 November 1772 (Thomas possibly was son of Thomas Pryor and Ann Long)
1773 Will – Anne PRIOR signed will 19 December 1772. Names estate “Mates Enjoyment”. Heirs: her son Randolph PRIOR, son David PRIOR. Randolph was nominated the executor. Wits: Sampson Wheatly, Samuel Trahern, William Lankford. Will proved 26 January 1773. (Ann Long married Thomas Pryor)
1840 Census Somerset Co., MD
Page 220 Alexander PRIOR 10011001 – 1322001 (oldest male 50 – 60)
Page 215 David PRIOR 001001 – 11011 (oldest male 30-40. also within lines of this entry are John and Caleb Disharow–there is a similar surnamed in a Pryor household in Somerset Co., MD, 1850 Census)
Page 247, Middle Dist., Thomas PRYOR 00001- 000001
1850 Census Somerset Co., MD
Trappe Dist., page 477 a, house 61/61 John PRIOR 30 farmer MD, Harriet 25 MD, Robert Dishawon 23 farmer MD, Catharine Malone 9 MD, Eliza J PRIOR 4 MD, Matilda J PRIOR 2 MD (This is possibly the John Pryor who left his will in Wicomico Co., MD in 1891)
Records of Washington Co., MD
1832 Marriage – Benjamin PRYOR married Catherine Lewis on 16 Jun 1832. (They are on the 1850 Census in Frederick Co., MD)
1840 Census, Washington Co., MD
Hancock Dist., page 180 James PRIOR 000001 – 010101 (oldest male 30-40)
Cavetown Dist. page 137, Samuel PRIOR 0100201 – 210001 (oldest male 40-50. Thomas Swope on previous page– Swope and Pryor marriage in Frederick Co.)
1850 Census, Washington Co., MD
Dist 2, page 152b, house 789/804 Sophia PRIOR 46 day laborer VA. Catharine Prior 24 MD, Leah Prior 18 MD, Delilah Prior 3, James P. Roman 2 MD, Jacob Prior 1 MD, Alexander Prior (no age) MD, Andrew J Baxter (no age) MD, Lloyd Baxter (no age) MD day laborer, John Morris (no age) MD day laborer, Elizabeth Baxter (no age) MD, Louisa Clevett 24 VA, Sarah Morse 16 MD, Ellen J. Baxter 4 MD, Charles F Dickerhoof 2 MD.
Records of Wicomico Co., MD
1888 Will Filed – Will of Mary A. PRYOR filed 7 Feb 1888
1891 Will – John B. PRYOR. His children Eliza E. Malone, Matilda J. White, Sarah E. Washburn, Thomas W. H. White esq., executor. Signed 2 July 1891 (This is possibly the John Pryor who was in Somerset Co., MD in 1850)
1892 Will – Harriet PRYOR. Names her children: Mary C. Taylor, Eliza E. Malone, Matilda J. White, Sarah Washburn. Grand-children Harriet E. Washburn, Matilda J White. Signed 23 March 1892. Witnesses: Levin B Price, W. F. Allen, Thomas W. Hayman.
Records of Worcester Co., MD
1800 Census Worcester Co., MD
Boquetenorton Hundred
Henry White
Reuben Davis
John Shockley, Cap. John Shockley, Elijah Shockley, Eli Shockley, Stuart Shockley
John PRYER 20010011
1829 Marriage – James Massey married Mary Elizabeth PRYOR on 12 May 1829
1830 Census Worcester Co., MD
Dist. 6, page 257 David PRYOR 001011 – 000001
1840 Census Worcester Co., MD
Western Dist., Page 301 Thomas Prior 210010000001 (oldest male 90-100. On the same page with Disharoon families– see Somerset Co. Also neighbor named Brewington.)
Page 308 Samuel PRIOR 0012 – 0000100001 (oldest males 10-15. oldest female 70-80)
Page 308 David PRIOR 000001 – 0000001 (oldest male 30-40)
Page Nelly PRIOR 0010001 – 0000102 (next line Madison Shockley)
1850 Census Worcester Co., MD
house 89/89 James Bussels? 69 farmer MD, Sally 55 MD… living in household Samuel H PRYOR 31 MD laborer.
Dist 5, page 231a, family 63 William PRIOR 30 miller MD, Jane 35 MD, Elizabeth E. 9 MD, John W. 7 MD, George D. 5 MD, —? female 2 MD.