Records from Bronx County, NY
1900 Census Bronx Co., NY
Page 270b, house 37, 233rd St., Charles PRYOR (bl) b. Aug 1875 25 VA VA VA, Rebecca wife Feb 1872 28 3 children/1 living VA VA VA, Gilbert son Dec 1894 5 NY VA VA
Records from Cattaraugus County, NY
1860 Census Cattaraugus Co., NY
Farmersville, house 256, Ormond PRYOR 49 miller NY, Elizabeth 42 PA, David 20 IL, Elisha 13 PA, Abel 12 PA, Mary A. 8 PA, James S. 2 NY, Sarah J. Hatfield 20 house maid England (Ormond Pryor and Elizabeth Fleetwood married in Gallatin Co., IL in 1837, see 1850 Census in Jefferson Co., PA).
Records from Erie County, NY
1850 Census Erie Co., NY
Aurora Twp, page 103a, house 1591/1607 Able Brewster 50 sawyer NY, Maria 45 NY, Almira 20 NY, Clara 15 NY, Francis 13 NY, Melissa J 5 NY, Dan PRYER 38 farmer NY.
Records from Genesee County, NY
1830 Census Genesee Co., NY
Philip PRYER 00011 – 1001 (oldest male 30-40 years)
(possibly the Philip Pryor who was in Knox County, IL)
1840 Census Genesee Co., NY
Philip PRYER 100001 – 01101 (oldest male 20-30 years)
Records from Jefferson County, NY
1830 Census Jefferson Co., NY
Lyme Twp., Josiah PRYER Jr. 00001 -10001 (Possibly Josiah Pryor and Louisa Lighthall, parents of Elizabeth Hubbard Pryer who died in Allegan Co., MI in 1906.)
1820 Appointed Post Master
New Post office established at Pamelia. Richard PRYOR esq. appointed post master (Otswego Herald, 23 Oct 1820)
1840 Census Jefferson Co., NY
Watertown, page 509 Giles S PRYOR 01000101 (oldest male 50 to 60 years) – 000102 (Giles Pryor died in Franklin Co., OH)
Records from Kings County, NY (includes Brooklyn)
1832 Probate – George PRYER, “immediately previous to death” lived in New York County. Administrators Grice PRYER and Brigham Howe. 20 August 1832
1860 Census Kings Co., NY
Brooklyn Ward 15 District – page 73b, house 332/618 John PRYOR 48 cabinet maker NY, Eliza Pryor 45 SC, May Pryor 26 NY, John Pryor 24 NY, Isaac Pryor 21 NY, George Pryor 14 NY, Louisa Pryor 7 NY, Emily Pryor 19 NY
1870 Census Kings Co., NY
Brooklyn, Ward 15 – house 935/1940 John PRYER 58 cabinet maker NY, Eliza 55 NC (Obituary states Eliza Chardoyne was the widow of John PRYER).
Records from Lewis County, NY
1827 Letter Held at Post Office. George Pryor (Black River Gazette, 5 August 1829)
1829 Meeting of Lowsville Fire Company. G. Pryor appointed to committee to raise money and circulate subscription. (Black River Gazette, 16 October 1827)
1830 Fresh Meat For Sale. Advertiser George Pryor. (Black River Gazette, 14 April 1830)
1832 Lowsville Academy established. Boarding under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Pryor. (Black River Gazette, 24 April 1832)
Records from Madison County, NY
1830 Census, Madison Co., NY
Page 319, line 24 Asahel PRIOR 00011001 – 0021201
(Asahel probably son of Azariah Prior)
Page 335, line 8 Azariah PRIOR 000000001 – 000010001
(Azariah Prior born in Windsor, CT)
1844 Birth – Alonzo Bailey PRIOR born 18 Jan 1844, died in 1926 in Saginaw Co., MI (Memorial on Find A Grave)
Records from Nassau County, NY
1829 Death in New York – Samuel Pryor, age 35, son of James Pryor, of Oyster bay (The Long Island Star, 15 October 1829)
1839 Marriage – On the 12th inst., by his Honor the Mayor, Horace Prior of Oyster Bay, LI to Julia A. , only daughter of T. M. Southwick, of this city.
New York Daily Herald, 17th Dec 1839
Records from New York City
1765 Building – architect John Edward Pryor built the Jumel-Morris Mansion in Manhattan (see Middlesex County, NJ)
1767 Lawsuit – William Neate and others (Frederick Pigon, Benjamin Booth) vs. John Edward Pryor, filed 4 December 1767 in the county of New York.
1768 Notice – John Edward Pryor was an “insolvent debtor”
New York Journal (New York, NY), 28 January 1768
1768 Ad – Offer of a 17 year lease for house occupied by John Edward Pryor. Suitable for a Tavern. Adjoining Commissary Lake’s Store, at the North river.
New York Gazette (New York, NY), 28 March 1768
1769 Lawsuit – Matthew Prior vs. John McCoun (also spelled John Maccoun) and David Maccoun. Filed March 9 1769 in the county of New York. Nature of case: tresspass.
1769 Notice – Edward Pryor an “insolvent debtor”, deceased. The assignees of the estate will attend 23d of November next. Assignees Evert Bancker, jun; John Mccomb, John Gelston
New York Gazette (New York, NY), 21 August 1769. Note: this is noticed as Edward Pryor, not John Edward Pryor.
1771 Notice – The creditors of the estate of the late John Edward Pryor, deceased, an insolvent debtor.
New York Journal (New York, NY), 14 March 1771
1772 Ad – Run away apprentice boy. William Pryor, a painter, 5ft 4in. Dark hair tied behind, large dark eyebrows,
New York Gazette (New York, NY), 31 August 1772
1773 Ad – Run away apprentice boy. Matthew Pryor, a peruke-maker, about 18 years old. 4ft 10in. Brown hair.
Rivington’s New York Gazetteer (New York, NY), 11 November 1773. Note: A wig maker.
1774 Death – William PRYOR died 14 June 1774. Age 2, son of Edward PRYOR & Jane. Buried St. Paul’s Chapel, Manhattan (Memorial on Find A Grave). Nature of case: debt.
1786 New York Directory (by David Franks, Noah Webster, and William Kelby)
Edmund PRIOR, merchant, 195 Queen St.
1788 Federal Procession at New-York. CONFECTIONERS. Bacchus’s cup made of sugar, richly ornamented, four feet six inches in circumference; round the goblet’s edger the inscription “the Federal confectioner.”–The letters of different colours: sugar plumbs in the cup; the federal cake ornamented with preserved fruit, made and carried by Mr. Pryor.
Hampshire Gazette (Northampton, MA), 3 September 1788
1789 Ad – A. Pryor, Federal Confectioner. Had moved to No. 59 Wall Street. Comfits, Cinnamon Drops, Lemon Drops, Pastry of all kinds, Jellies of all kinds, Ice cream.
Daily Advertiser (New York, NY), 18 May 1789. Note: Is this Adam Pryor, an English confectioner who was in Charleston, SC?
1789 Deed – (grantor) Edmund Prior and others, Trustees to John Jackson on 28 Dec 1789
1790 Deed – (grantor) Edmund Prior and wife Mary to Andrew Van Tuyl on 3 July 1790
1792 Deed – (grantor) Edmund Prior and wife Mary to Benjamin Ross on 19 Dec 1792
1800 Census New York City
Edmond PRIOR 0011 – 4021
1803 Deed – (grantor) Thomas Pryer and wife Catharine to John Hone on 4 Mar 1803
1804 Deed – (grantor) Jacob Prior and wife Sarah to Asa Holden on 5 Apr 1804
1808 Notice of Ships’ Arrival
Sloop, Astrea, Pryor, Richmond
1817 Notice of Ships’ Arrival in Richmond, VA –
Sloop Astrea, Pryor, New York.
Sloop Lady Hamilton, Pryor New York.
(The Evening Post, NY, 23 May 1817)
1819 Killed in Ship Wreck – Seaman, Thomas Pryor of New York, killed in the shipwreck of the America which had shipped out to Calcutta. (the Evening Post, NY, 21 Dec 1819)
1819 Notice of Ships’ Cleared (for travel or cleared through customs?)-
Schooner Astrea, Pryor, Richmond (VA).
Schooner Belvidere (sic), Pryor, Currituck (NC).
(The Evening Post, NY, 7 Apr 1819. Another notice for the sailing of the Astrea in 1819 states Thomas Pryor, master. A report on 30 Sept 1819 refers to the Astrea’s master as William Pryor who had died from a fever that day- the ship was to leave Hampton Roads)
1820 Deed – (grantor) Thomas Pryer and wife Catharine to Lewis Denny, on 18 Apr 1820
1820 Census New York
Marseilles PRYOR 21 0211101
1820 Probate – Thomas PRYER the father of Thomas PRYER Jr late of the city of New York, mariner, deceased. Thomas Jr. died intestate. Signed 2 February 1820 (see shipwreck notice from 1819_
1828 Notice of Ships’ Arrival in New York-
“Sch Gazette, Pryor, fm Richmond, and 6 days from the Capes, with flour and pig iron, to G. and J. PRYOR, and others. Off the Hook, spoke brig Union.”
(The Evening Post, NY, 31 Mar 1828)
1829 Death in New York – Samuel Pryor, age 35, son of James Pryor, of Oyster bay (The Long Island Star, 15 October 1829)
1829 Death in New York – William PRIOR, age 49 years old (The Evening Post, Sept. 25, 1829)
1830 Notice of Ships’ Arrival in New York-
Schooner Gazette, Pryor, from Richmond. Coal to G. PRYOR
(The Evening Post, NY, 4 Dec 1830)
1830 Probate – Thomas PRYER died after a short illness in Charleston, SC. Signed 26 Oct 1830 by John PRYER. / 1830 Probate – Thomas PRYER Signed 26 Oct 1830 by John PRYER (brother of Thomas) and George PRYER. Names heirs living in New York City: Maria Pryer, George Pryer, John Pryer, Ann Pryer, Jasper Pryer, Sarah Jane Pryer, and James Pryer
1831 Will, John PRYER, mariner. Wife Mary PRYER. Gave her his pew in the Baptist Church and houses on Vesy Street. Wife’s niece Ann Vader, no Ann Jacobson, and Jane Smith. His brothers Thomas PRYER and Marselus PRYER. His sister Sarah Seaward. He gave $250 and a feather bed to his “mulatto girl” named Sylvia and her issue. He also specifiec Sylvia’s inheritance was for her and should not pass to any husband. Signed 13 November 1830. Mary Pryer brought the will to court on 1 March 1831. (An online family places John, Thomas, Marcellus, and Sarah as children of Casparus PRYOR and Mary Van Riker)
1832 Probate – Peter PRYER, deceased. Elizabeth PRYER widow. Children: Andrew PRYER, Hannah M. PRYER, Jacob L PRYER, Catharine Delia PRYER. Dated 23 January 1832.
1833 Obituary – “Died this morning Mrs Mary Pryer widow of the late Capt. John PRYER, aged 65 years, 5 months, and 2 days.” Funeral to be held at her residence at 52 Vesey St. (The Evening Post, April 8, 1833. Vesey St. may be in Newark, New Jersey not New York City)
1833 Probate – Mary Pryer, names her sister as Jane Smith and her neices and nephews Edward McManus, Sarah McManus, Jane McManus, and John McManus who all live in New York City. Dated 10 April 1833
1833 Estate Notice – “Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Mary Pryor, late of the city of New York, widow, deceased, to present the same with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, administrators, in the city of New York on or before the 20th of April next.” 13 Oct 1833. J. Jacobson, 206 Elm Street and Jno. McMannus, 7 Bowery. (The Evening Post, NY, 11 Dec 1833)
1836 Chancery Court Case – Announcement names Richard Pryor and wife Priscilla Pryor, vs Margaret Pryor, John Pryor and his wife Kesiah Pryor, Joseph Pryor and his wife Margaret Pryor, Thomas E. Pryor, Edmund Pryor and Margaret his wife, Joseph Rhodes and Rebecca his wife, David Bacon and Margaret his wfe, William Litchworth Sr., Joseph Cox and Hannah his wife, Josiah Litchworth and his wife Ann, Thomas Litchworth and his wife Mary, William Litchworth Jr., Matthew Patterson and his wife Susan, Martha Dunning widow, Thomas V. Sullivan and his wife Elizabeth, Emily M. Dunning, Martha Dunning, Julia Dunning, and Augusta Dunning. The case involved lots located between Fourth and Fifth Avenues and between 108th and 109th streets (The land in question now sits on the northern border of Central Park and would probably be worth millions of dollars. It’s likely to have been open space in 1825 (survey date in the announcement). Death Record for Priscilla Pryor, wife of Richard Pryor born 1771 and died 1844 in Philadelphia and is buried in the Friends Burial Ground. Priscilla Pryor age 73, burial was recorded in records of Friends, Arch Street, Philadelphia. This case was still active in the courts in 1844)
1839 Letter – Unclaimed letters held at NY Post Office: J. W. PRYOR, Tonmas PRYOR (Thomas PRYOR?) (The Evening Post, NY, 1 Oct 1839)
1840 Petition – John PRYOR and James PRYOR petitioned Board of Alderman for reduction of quit rents (The Evening Post, NY, 17 Mar 1840)
1842 Probate – Jasper PRYER, widow Catherine E PRYER of New York City, two children under 14 years of age Desier A. PRYER, John A PRYER. Dated 21 April 1842 (Jasper and Catherine are buried at St Pauls Church Cemetery in Mt. Vernon, Westchester County, NY- see Find A Grave)
1842 Death – Margaret Prior age 67, widow of William PRIOR (New York Tribune, April 8, 1842)
1849 Death – On Friday evening, Adeline, wife of John PRYER and daughter of William Chardavoyne, aged 41 years (The Evening Post, NY, 14 April 1849)
1853 News Report – “…a man named Elijah W PRYOR called at the store of the Messrs. Anspach, and made som inquiry concerning the note, he ahd put off, and left the store: he was subsequently “dogged” and arrested and was tatken before Mayor Gilpin, who held him in $5000 bail for futher hearing in the matter.” (The New York Tribune, 23 Jun 1853)
1909 Marriage – Grace Pryor married Sydney Yankauer on 31 May 1909 in Manhattan. The Wilkes Barre Evening News (PA) published an account of her accidental death on 29 Jul 1914. She was an eye specialist and assistant surgeon at Mount Sinai Hospital. She was the daughter of George M Pryor of Middletown, NY and a graduate of the Woman’s Medical Infirmary of NY.
1920 Census, New York City, NY
12th Assembly Dist., page 272b, house 201 East 32nd St, family 237 John B. PRYOR 34 white, NY NY NY, captain hotel, Amelia wife 21 PA PA PA, Joseph son 2 PA PA PA (John B. Pryor born in NJ married Amelia Udick of Edna, PA – his second wife. John B. is the son of John B. Pryor and Mary Glennon of Monmouth Co., NJ. By 1921 he joined his brother Joseph to operate the Sheridan Arcade in Monmouth, NJ.)
Records from Oneida County, New York
1850 Census Oneida Co., NY –
Paris Twp, page 202a, house 338, Oliver PRIOR 61 cabinet maker CT, Mary 64 CT, Patty 26 NY, Amanda 36 CT, Fanny 34 NY, Henry 25 Musical Instruments NY.
Records from Onondaga County, New York
1841 Death – Formerly of New York City, Sarah PRIOR died in Skaneateles, Onondaga County on 4th Jul 1841. She was 88 years old. (The Evening Post, 10 Jul 1841)
1850 Census, Onondaga Co., NY
Page 321a, house 1454 Thomas PRIOR 84 RI, Sarah 55 NY, Martha 50 NY, Mary 47 NY. (Thomas born abt. 1766)
Records from Ontario County, New York
1826 Obituary –
At White Springs NY, Mrs Mahetable PRIOR, age 42, wife of Jesse PRIOR, and the eldest daughter of the Rev Bidlack of Kingston. (The Susquehanna Democrat, Wilkes Barre, PA – June 30, 1826)
Records from Queens County, New York
1860 Census, Queens Co., NY
Hempstead Twp., Page 391, house 1246 – Rev James PRYOR 63 b. Oxford, England, Presbyterian minister. Anna 60 England, Persilla A 9, Ann Fleming 19. (Rev Pryor was on the 1850 Census in Washington Co., PA)
Records from Richmond County, New York
1761 – Abraham Rickhow married Hannah Pryor on 18 Mar 1761
1790 Census, Richmond Co.
Abrm. Rickhow 10111 (Abraham Rickho+w) (wife Hannah Pryor)+
Jacob Rickhow 30415
Andrew PRIOR 15300
Records from Saratoga County, New York
1850 Census, Saratoga Co., NY
house 184 Thomas PRYOR 50 farmer NY, Thankful 51 NY, Potter 22 farmer NY, Fanny 20 NY, Charles 17 farmer NY
Page 238a, house 2/2 John Clements 24 NY, Huldah 18 NY, house 2/3 James PRYER 45 farmer Eng, Robert 17 Eng, Thomas 15 Eng, John 5 Eng, James Jr. 8 Eng, Ann 11 Eng, Elizabeth 3 Eng, Mary 2 Eng.
1860 Census, Saratoga Co., NY
Page 653, Milton Twp., house 1405 Thomas PRYOR 60 farmer, Thankful 61, John 38, Potter 32, Charles 24, Maria Johnston 13 NY
1865 NY State Census, Saratoga Co., NY
Ballston Twp., house 91 James PRIOR 55 farmer England, Margaret 52 Saratoga, Charles N “child” 7 Saratoga, William H. “child” 6 Saratoga.
1880 Census, Saratoga Co., NY
Ballston Twp., page 5b, house 103 James PRIOR 65 farmer England England England, Margaret 64 NY Scotland Scotland, Charles N son 22 NY, William Henry son 21 NY
Records from Seneca County, New York
1840 Census, Seneca Co., NY
Page 300, Waterloo Twp., line 30 Geo PRYOR 000110001 – 00020001
1850 Census, Seneca Co., NY
Page 179a, Waterloo Twp., house George PRYOR 70 PA, Margaret PRYOR 65 PA, James Truman 23 wool sorter PA, Benj. Underhill 21 wool sorter NY, Burroughs Philips 25 law student NY, Marshall Donance 25 merchant tailor NY, Adeline Phillips 20 NY, James Betts 13 NJ, Matilda — 17 (bl) NY, Permelia Willard 26 NY (Margaret Pryor was in Cumberland Co., NJ on the 1870 Census.)
Records from Suffolk County, New York
1817 Obituary – Sag Harbor, December 6th. Another revolutionary Patriot gone. Died in this place on Saturday morning last, Captain Elisha Pryor, formerly of Norwich Connecticut. He enjoyed a painful illness of about 9 weeks, which he has sustained with Christian fortitude and resignation to the will of Divine Providence. Captain Pryor received a severe wound defending Fort Griswold, from the traitor Arnold, in the Revolutionary War. He lived respected and beloved by all who knew him, and was esteemed as an honest man and a worthy member of society. His funeral was attended by a large Concourse of people, and a sermon adapted to the occasion was delivered by the Reverend John D Gardiner, from 1st Corinthians 15, 26 (American Yeoman, Battleboro Vermont December 30th 1817)
Records from Westchester County, New York
1790 Census, Westchester Co., NY
Joseph PRIOR 102
Barrah PRIOR 101 (Barrah Peterie married Abragan Pryor on 11 May 1780
1850 Census, Westchester Co., NY
Town of Mamaroneck, page 158a, house 137/164, John PRYER 50 oil refiner value of real estate $12,000 NY, Ann 36 NY, William 16 NY, John T. 13 NY, Rose Lynch 20 Ireland, William H. Dixon 38 farmer NY, Cornelia T 32 NY, Elizabeth J 7 NY, Albert M. 6 NY, Francis Strongleth? 18 laborer France
Town of Mamaroneck, page 158b, house 141/168 William Tucker 39 miller CT, Hannah 31 CT. House 141/169 James PRIOR 28 laborer NY, Margaret 25 Eng, Mary E. 1 NY, David Harvey 19 miller CT, Cornelius Sweeny 28 laborer Ireland, George Penny 22 laborer Ireland.
1887 Death – Eliza Chardavoyne PRYER, age 75, widow of John PRYER, daughter of William Chardavoyne. died on 9 June 1887 in New Rochelle. (1870 Census in Kings Co., NY)
Records from Wyoming County, New York
1850 Census, Wyoming Co., NY
Eagle Twp., page 327b, house 23/24 Josiah PRIOR 33 joiner PA, Louisa 34 NY, Martha 16 NY, Edmund 13, Mary 8, Leander 6 NY, Orvil 3 NY, Robert 1 NY. (MI death records for Robert Pryor, Elizabeth Hubbard, and Martha Bowerman all state they were born in NY and their parents were Josiah Pryor and Louisa Lighthall. In 1860 Josiah Prior and family were on the census in Allegany Co., NY and his stated place of birth was NJ)