Washington DC

1842 Announcement – Meeting of The Washington Junior Temperance Society at the Washington Temperance Hall. N. B. PRYOR, secretary of the Society. (The Sun, Balimore, 2 Dec 1842)

1870 Census Georgetown, Washington, D.C.

Page 31a, 5th ward, house 404, Emily PRYOR 40 MD, Mary 16 DC, Thomas 14 DC (Emily Pryor’s obit in The Washington Post, 8 Jan 1905 states she was the “relict” of Thomas Oscar Pryor. Emily was buried in Congressional Cemetery, per Find A Grave.)

Page 607a, house 1424/1535 David PRYOR 38 brick moulder (mu) VA, Lucy 34 (mu) VA, William 18 works in brick yard (mu) VA, Robert 16 works in brick yard (mu) VA, Charles N. 14 works in brick yard (mu) VA, Maria 12 at home (mu) VA, Elizabeth 8 at home (mu) VA, Mary 4 (mu) DC, Thomas 1 (mu) DC. (Charles N. Pryor was the son of Beverly Pryor of Fredericksburg, VA, see 1870 Spotsylvania Co. Census)

Page 256a, house 1671 Charles PRYOR 45 (mu) VA carpenter, Angeline 45 (mu) VA, Martha 14 VA, Caroline 10 VA, Ely 8 VA, Madison Brooks 27, Sarah Brooks 20, John PRYOR 28 (mu) VA laborer (Caroline Pryor married William H. Grimshaw the author of “Freemasonry Among the Colored People in North America”)

1877 Fine Robert PRIOR fined $5 for profanity (National Republican, 31 Jan 1877)

1880 Census Georgetown, Washington DC
Beverly PRYOR (bl) 50 VA widower porter in a grocery store, William 27 VA, Charles 24 VA, Maria 22 VA, Elizabeth 19, Mary 13, Thomas 11 (Beverly Pryor on the 1870 Census in Spotsylvania Co.., VA, he was in Georgetown by 1871 when he was recorded in the Freedman’s bank records. In 1871 his wife was Lucy, he was 40, and a brick moulder, and born in Fredericksberg, VA)

1886 Divorce – “Amelia PRYOR has petitioned for divorce from Robert PRYOR, charging him with cruelty, adultery, and desertion.” (National Republican, 4 Dec 1886)
1888 DeathMattie E Pryor died at her mother’s home at 704 East Capital St. 7 Nov 1888

1900 Census Georgetown, Wasington DC
27th St., house 1321 Beverly PRYOR (bl) Mar 1833 67 VA GA KY porter, Mary E dau May 1870 30 DC, Thomas son Aug 1871 28 DC (Beverly Pryor was listed in an 1890 directory living at 1321 27th NW. Beverly Pryor died about 1905)

Page 17a, House 704 S. Capitol St. Charles PRYOR (bl) Sept 1824 75 VA VA VA carpenter, Angeline M. wife (bl) Dec 1824 75 VA VA VA, Mary Brook boarder Jun 1875 24 DC VA VA dress maker, Charles M Brook boarder Jul 1882 17 DC VA VA, Lucy Lewis boarder (bl) Nov 1888 11 DC VA VA.

Page 231a, House 247 10th St., William Grimshaw (bl) Aug 1848 51 VA VA VA, Carrie (PRYOR) wife (bl) Apr 1865 35 VA VA VA, Eveline dau (bl) Aug 1875 24 DC, Walter H son (bl) Sept 1879 20 DC, Ruth M dau (bl) Apr 1892 8 DC.(Caroline Pryor married William H. Grimshaw the author of “Freemasonry Among the Colored People in North America”)

1905 DeathBeverly PRYOR. Will names daughter Mary E. Pryor and Mariah Clark, sons William, Robert, Charles Nelson, Thomas. It states the property he lived on was conveyed to him by the First Colored Baptist Church in Georgetown.

1907 DeathGeorge G. PRIOR. Will names wife Josephine. The will describes a building owned by Prior as 6 rooms and one bath located at 310 10th St. South East, Washington, DC.

1910 Census Washington DC
Page 17a, House 704 S. Capitol St. Charles PRYOR (bl) 88, married 66 yrs, VA VA VA, Angeline M. wife 66 VA VA VA, Mary J Tignor grand dau (mu) divorced DC DC DC, 34, Madison Tignor great grandson (mu) 8 DC, Lucy R. Lewis lodger (mu) 21 DC VA VA.
Page 194a, A Street, John H PRYOR 71, md 48, MD MD MD clerk government, Sarah boarder 66, MD MD MD. (The death of John H Pryor was reported in the Washington Times, 25 Sept 1916. The obit states he was buried in Congressional Cemetery).

1920 Census Washington DC
Page 185b, house 704 Angeline PRYOR (bl) 100 widow VA VA VA, Mary J Tignor 42, Lucy R. Lewis 32, Madison W. Tignor 18 (Mary J Tignor and Lucy R. Lewis were counted in the same household in 1930, their relationship was recorded as cousins)