Pryor Records from Berkeley County, West Virginia
1850 Census Berkeley Co., VA
Dist. 9, page 315b, house 98 Dominac O’Connell 42 laborer Ireland, Ellen (Mrs. Mary Ellen PRYOR) 40 Ireland, Patrick 30 Ireland, Daniel 26 Ireland, John 24 Ireland, Michael 3 VA, Edward 1/12 VA, Mary 10 VA, Catharine 9 VA, Ellen 6 VA, Catharine PRYOR 16 Ireland, Mary PRYOR 12 Ireland, Thomas PRYOR 10 NY, John PRYOR 9 NY (Dominick O’Connell md. Mrs. Mary Pryor on Jan. 23, 1844 in Berkeley Co., VA)
1860 Census Berkeley Co., VA
Martinsburg, page 75, house 1443 Ellen O’Connell (Mrs. Mary Ellen PRYOR) 60 seamstress Ireland, Kate 22 Ireland, John 19 VA, Michael 14 VA, Daniel 14 VA, Ellen 13 VA, Dominick 10 VA.
1870 Census Berkeley Co., WV
Martinsburg, Page 272b, house 659 Ellen PRYOR 55 Ireland, Catherine 30 no occupation Ireland, John 24 RR foreman WV, Michael 22 RR conductor WV, Frances 20 RR foreman, WV, Dominick 17 apprentice to carpenter WV, Ella 16 WV. (Ellen Pryor is possibly the widow of Dominick O’Connell– Mrs. Mary Pryor married)
Records from Fayette County, West Virginia
1757 – Richard PRYOR of Botetourt Co., VA assisted in building Fort George.
1850 Census Fayette Co., VA
Dist. 14, page 374b, house 587 living in the household of Thomas J. Robson inn keeper… Joseph W. PRYOR 35 doctor. (Joseph W. Pryor was in Marion Co., MO on the 1860 and 1870 Census. Joseph W. Pryor married Frances F. Bailey on Oct. 23 1850 in Fayette Co., VA)
Records from Greenbrier County, West Virginia
Note: Greenbrier Courty was part of VA before Civil War
1784 Petition: “That the Certificate on the other side, fully stating the nature of our Service, and emboldened by the Generosity wherewith this State always rewards those who are Happy enough to render it any service, We, your Petitioners Humbly Pray the Honorable House to grant us a Gratuity in land, in the Country to be laid off to the Officers and Soldiers, which will not only be a recompense to us, but also an Excitement to others to decline no Dangers in the Service of their Country when they find the same will be amply rewarded. And we as in Duty Bound will ever Pray.” “Green Brier, Va: We do certify that Phillip Hamman and John PRYOR by their Resolution and Vigilance rendered an Essential Service to this Country in the year 1778, when it was discovered at Fort Randolph that a large Body of Indians had marched toward this country, they with great and imminent hazard followed after them near two hundred Miles, and having overtaken them when almost arrived at the Inhabitants did at the resque of their lives pass by and come and advertise us of their Approach, by which timely notice, We secured ourselves, and in the Attack made by Indians on the Station at Capt. Donnally’s, they were by their courage highly instrumental in repulsing them. By which services they not only merit thanks but those of the State, as without their Information we had been Surprised and this County a Barrier of the State, been ruined. Given under our hands in Green Brier this 18th May 1784 Signed Capt. John Stuart, Capt. Andrew Donnally, Capt. Sam’l Brown, and Capt. Andrew Hamilton.
1787 Marriage – Betsy PRYOR md Henry Childers 10 Sep 1787 in Greenbrier County. (Note: a Miss Childress was the mother of David Pryor who married Susan Ballow and settled in Buckingham County, VA. It’s suspected that David Pryor was the brother of William Pryor, Betsy’s father or grandfather)
1789 Greenbrier Co., VA
Susannah PRIOR md. Shaderick Herriman 26 Aug 1789, died 1794. Her son migrated to Cannon Co., TN.
1798 Court Case – William Prior (or William Price) pltf against Zachariah Stanley, def.
1802 Marriage – John PRYOR md Sally Smith Mar 22, 1802 in Greenbrier County.
1813 Deed – Allyn Pryor and wife Peggy (late Peggy Lewis) of Mason county, VA to Robert McClintic of Greenbrier. Land on Culbertson Creek, adjoining John and William Blake’s land by survey 5 May 1797.
1816 Marriage – Samuel T. PRYOR md Lucy J. Hunter Apr 15, 1816 in Greenbrier County.
1840 Census, Greenbrier Co., VA
Thomas M. PRYOR 000001 – 0000101 (the male head of household was born between 1801-1810)
Records from Hampshire Co, West Virginia
1830 Census, Hampshire Co, VA
Jesse PRYOR 000001 – 000001
Records from Hancock County, West Virginia
1870 Census Hancock Co., WV
Grant Twp, page 592a, house 136 Allen PRIOR 60 (bl) works on farm VA, Sarah 50 (mu) VA, Dora B. 15 (mu) VA, Bird A (mu) 12 VA.
Records from Kanawha County, West Virginia
NOTE: Kanawha County was part of Virginia before Civil War
1773 – 1775 Resided in Kanawha County – William PRYOR stated on his Revolutionary War pension application that he resided in Kanawha County in 1773, but was diven back by the Indians. He returned and was at Point Pleasant by 1775. “He was born upon Pedlar River in that part of Albemarle County now the County of Amherst.”
1780 John Pryor killed by Indians. The story is related in History Of The Great Kanawha Valley published in 1891. Pryor was traveling with his wife and a child. His wife and child were taken by the Indians, he was shot and returned to the settlement only to die that evening. (This is the John Pryor, brother of William Pryor and Nicholas Pryor from Albemarle Co., VA)
1788 Shadrack Harriman husband of Susannah Pryor (daughter of William Pryor), was a sgt. at the Fort Lee Garrison (National Register of Historic Places Inventory of John Harriman house in Kanawha County)
1791 Land Books
George Washington and Andrew Lewis
(Andrew Lewis was the Brig. General in command at the Battle of Point Pleasant on 10 Oct. 1774 Philip Hammond and John Pryor were in his regiment.)
1792 Tithes Kanawha Co. – Listed on the Tithetable:
Abner Pryor
Allen Pryor
William PRYOR. (Abner and Allen are likely from Connecticut. Abner and Allyn Pryor are in The History and Genealogies of Ancient Windsor, Connecticut …, Volume 2 published 1892, By Henry Reed Stiles. Abner Prior b. 1732 was the father of Abner Prior b. 1758 and Allyn Prior born 1762. Both Abner Jr. and Allyn served under their father in the American Revolution.)
1792 Personal Tax Record
William PRYOR, 1 male over 21, 3 horses
Jan. 1st, 1793 – Information from Col. Clendenin, Major Clendinin, and co. received Col. Donnelly and Watkins. Recieved from capt. John Morriss, from Capt. W. Morris, Leonard Morris, William Pryor, Joseph Carroll, and John Jones, with all their people, were at one time collected at Will. Morrisses–some continued two weekes some 6 some, 3 weeks.(Calendar of Virginia State papers and Other Manuscripts, Volume 6; published 1886)
1793 Letter– Samuel Coleman to the Governor, July 3, 1793. “In No. 9 are muster and pay-rolls of a detachment of militia under the command of Lt. Cooper for services in Kanawha to the 31st of May 1793, which appear to be duly authenticated. There is also included in this number a claim of Allyn PRYOR for 28 lbs. of powder authenticated by the certificate of Lt. Vanbebber and Col. Thomas Lewis.” Calendar of Virginia State papers and Other Manuscripts, Volume 6; published 1886
July 2nd, 1793 – Charges against Captain Caperton. 11th charge – “For recieving after the 6th of May , 1792, in Kanawa, an extraordinary transfer of Andrew Donnellys, Sr., Reuben Slaughter, Edw’d McClung, and Andrew Donnelly, Jr. , Militia of Capt. J. Morris’ ranging company, andn swearing to the enlistment and mustering of them on the 18th day of March, 1792–he on that day at Greenbrier Courthouse.” Col. Thomas Lewis and Abner Pryor to testify.” (Calendar of Virginia State papers and Other Manuscripts, Volume 6; published 1886)
1793 Tax List Kanawha Co. – Listed on the Tax List: Abner, Allen and William PRYOR. (Possibly the same Allen Pryor who was granted land in Putnam Co. and was counted on 1810 and 1820 Census in Mason Co., VA , later WV.)
May 29th, 1794? Letter – Allen Pryor to James Wood, Lieutenant-Governor– Enclosed I submit to the Board the contract entered into by me with Mr. Cavendish, to supply the Troops raised for the defence of Kanawha with provisions. (from Calendar of Virginia State Papers and Manuscripts)
December 19, 1794 – The legislature established the town of Point Pleasant on land owned by Thomas Lewis. Appointed trustees of the town: Leonard Cooper, John Van Bibber, Isaac Tyler, William Owens, William Allyn, John Reynolds, George Clendenin, William Morris, Allyn PRYOR.
1799 Land Grant – Edward Tupper and Allen PRIOR grantees 3400 acres.
1800 Land Grant – 19 May 1800. Grantee(s): Edward W Tupper and Allyn Pryor in Kanawha County, VA. Description: 18,970 acres. Source: Land Office Grants No. 44, 1799-1800, p. 448 (Reel 110). (Found Edward W. Tupper on the 1820 Census in Gallia Co., OH– one online family tree states Tupper was from MA. Allyn Prior was from CT..)
1804 Chancery Court Case – Jacob Kinney v. Allen Prior et al, filed in Augusta County. Summons in file for parties in Mason County: Allen Pryor, and Margaret his wife late Margaret Lewis and Elizabeth Lewis.
About 1801 Civil Case. – Allyn PRIOR plaintiff vs. Jesse Van Bebber on a debt.
1809 Deed – Nicholas PRYOR of Kanawha to John NEWGIN of Kanawha Co for $314 on Kanawha River, lower end of Pryor’s field, bank of river, mountain side. witness Reuben Slaughter, James D. Prior, George Dixon. 9 Mar 1809 [Kanawha Co grantee, Deed Bk C:353] (Possibly James P Prior)
1809, Dec 14: Nicholas Pryor to Benjamin Morris who paid $200 for same tract on which Nicholas now lives, deeded to him by his father William Prior, dec’d- acres unknown. Corner to Newgin and Pryor, Pryor and Milburn. Witnessed by Wm Morris, Jesse Garret (marks with “T“; Samuel Shrewsbury Jr.; John Shrewsbury Jr. (Kanawha Co Deed Bk C:519) (Probably William Pryor of Amherst Co., VA, son Nicholas Pryor, Susannah Pryor Harriman 2nd marriage was to David Milburn)
1810 Census Kanawha Co., VA
Page 126, line 13 Gilbert Christian (Gilbert Christian signed the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Western Country (NC), December, 1787 one line from John PRYOR. Discover Kingsport (TN) website gives the account that “1769, Gilbert Christian’s 2nd exploration group from Virginia arrived at the forks of the Tennessee and Clinch Rivers and were accosted by 60 Indians, deprived of their guns, and forced to return home” He was part of the estabishment of settlements in Sullivan County, TN)
Page 129 Nicholas PRIOR 00001 (Near Daniel Hankins,)
Page 130, line 6 Benjamin Morris
Page 130, line 18 Samuel White
Page 130, line 19 Joseph PRIOR 012 – 0001
Page 131, line 9 Robert Childress
Page 132, line 12 Andrew Donally Sr. (founder of Fort Donnally)
Charleston, page 142 Luke PRIOR 2001-0001 (oldest male 26 – 44 years, near Nathan Huddleston, possibly the Luke Pryor who was in Mason Co in 1820, possible kin to Allen Prior who was in the same county)
1811 Deed – Land indenture of Nicholas PRIOR of Kanawha Co to John Harriman who paid $360 on bank of river below sd Prior’s corner to John Newgin up river to mouth of Mildburn’s Spring branch, up the branch to the “stilling place” to corner of orchard, straight acreos field to corn crib to Newgin’s line. Wit: Wm Morris, David Milburn, Joseph PRYOR. 7 Feb 1811 [Kanawha Co Deed Bk C:504] (Susannah Pryor Harriman 2nd marriage was to David Milburn)
1813 – Kanawha Co Court of Quarter Sessions: James P. PRIOR, bonded as admin. for estate of Nicholas PRIOR, dec’d; Wm Park his security. Ordered John Hansford, John Nugent, John See and David Milburn, Robet Duke to appraise estate.
1814 Estate Appraisal / Estate Sale – Sale of Nicholas PRIOR estate, appraised by John Nugen, John See and Robert Duke, (all signed) admin James P. Prior—To Samuel White, Joseph PRIOR, Wm Roach, Wm Dooling, Jarrett See (2 reap?, hooks-66c); James P. Prior, Peter Lykins- (1/2 bushel-50c); Charles See(fry pan-$1); Westley PRIOR-sundry old barrels (75c); John Buckle, George Dixon, Allen PRIOR. 5 Mar 1814 [Kanawha Co WV Deed Bk F:12-13] (Allen Pryor and Joseph Pryor were in Decatur County, IN on the 1830 Census. Westley Prior was in Wayne Co., IN on the 1820 Census. 1811 Kanawha County VA Legislative Petition signed by John See, William Parks, and John Nugent.).
1817 Birth – George Prior born 10 April 1817 in Kanawha County to Wesley Prior and Hannah See. (per Margaret Elizabeth Ferrel Hayes and Her Ancestors, Volumes 4-5, by Edward R. Hayes. George Prior is on the 1850 Census in Henry Co., IA)
1820 Census Kanawha Co., VA
James PRIOR 100010 – 101 (oldest male was 26 – 45 years, born between 1776-1794)
John Harriman 20001 – 3001 (the son of Susannah Pryor and Shadrack Harriman)
This census was recorded in alpha order, so it is difficult to place who was living near who.
1826 Birth – Allen Pryor, possibly born in Kanawha Co. in 1826. Allen is on the 1850 Census in Wyandot Co., OH near John Pryor and Samuel Pryor. Allen, John, and Samuel are on the 1860 Census in Decatur Co., IA.
1830 Census Kanawha Co., VA
Lucy PRIER 011 – 011001 (Lucy Hudnall Pryor, widow of James Paxton Pryor. James was the son of Nicholas Pryor and Sally Paxton, and a nephew of the William Pryor of Amherst Co., VA)
1831 Probate – 8 July 1831 Commissioners reported to court that James P Pryor‘s widow refused to allow them on to her property to appraise his estate. Commissioners: Felix G Hansford, Wm White, Alvah Hansford.
1838 Marriage – Jan. 22, 1838 in Kanawha Co., VA Sarah PRYOR married Dryden Starke. (Sarah Pryor Starke, is probably the daughter of James Pryor and Lucy Hudnall Pryor. Sarah Pryor Stark/Starke is on the 1850 Census in Cooper Co., MO.)
1840 Census Kanawha Co., VA
Enumerator Stephen Chilton, page 14 Dryden Starke 00001 – 101001 (Dryden Starke and wife Sarah Pryor are in Cooper Co., MO in 1850)
Enumerator Stephen Chilton, page 16, Lucy PRIOR 001001 – 0010001 (oldest woman was 40 – 49 years old, born 1791 – 1800. Probably Lucy Hudnall Pryor)
Enumerator Stephen Chilton, page 18, Jas. W. PRIOR 00001 – 001 (Counted near David Childers possibly Childress, and John L. Woodson)
1850 Census Kanawha Co., VA
Dist. 29, page 68b, house 1619 William PRIOR 28 farmer VA, Elizabeth 22 VA, Frances J. 2 VA, James W. 1 VA, Lucy 53 VA. (William P. Pryor md. Elizabeth Shelton on Dec. 24, 1846 in Kanawha Co., VA. Lucy Hudnall Pryor, his mother, was living with the family on this census.)
1860 Census Kanawha Co., VA
House 2291 John Hudnall 63 and family
House 2299 Anderson Hudnall 58 and family
Point Creek PO, page 334, house 2300 William P. PRYOR 38 farmer VA, Elizabeth 33 VA, Frances J. 12 VA, James W. 10 VA, Samuel H. 8 VA, Levi 5 VA, Sarah M. 3 VA, John S. 1 VA. (William Paxton Pryor)
House 2302 Joshua Harriman 35 and family
1870 Census Kanawha Co., WV
Malden Twp, page 204b, house 291 William PRIOR 38 carpenter VA, Margaret 36 VA now WV, Eliza 17 VA now WV, Julia 13 VA now WV, Joseph 12 VA now WV, William 11 VA now WV, Page 8 VA now WV, Elizabeth 6 WV, David 4 WV, John 8/12 WV (born Oct).
London Twp., page 150a, house 33 George PRYOR 55 (bl) VA now WV, Mahah 45 (bl) VA now WV.
Cabin Creek Twp., page 29b, house 223 William PRIOR 58 VA now WV, Elizabeth 42 VA now WV, Frances 22 VA now WV, James 20 VA now WV, Samuel 18 VA now WV, Levi 15 VA now WV, Sarah 13 VA now WV, John 11 VA now WV, Clifton (Tipton) 9 VA now WV, Robert 7 VA now WV, Mary 5 WV, Lorena 2 WV, Edmond McVay 25 coal miner VA now WV, George 3 WV, James 10/12 WV.
1872 Birth – John Pryor Hudnall born 30 Apr 1872, born in Holly Grove.
1880 Census Kanawha Co., WV
Cabin Creek Dist., Dist. 48, page 205a, house 452 Levi PRYOR 25 carpenter WV WV WV, Maria 27 wife PA Eng PA (probably Levi is son of William pryor on 1870 Census)
Cabin Creek Dist., Dist. 48, page 211b, house 574 William P. PRYOR 58 riverman WV VA VA, Elizabeth 52 wife WV KY WV, John H. 21 clerk coal co. WV, Tipton L. 19 son clerk in store WV, R. E. Lee 17 son farm laborer WV, Mary K. 15 dau WV, Leonora 12 dau WV, Elizabeth M. 9 dau WV, Samuel 28 son riverman WV, Araminta 19 dau in law WV. (William Paxton Pryor was in Kanawha Co., VA in 1860, he was married to Elizabeth Shelton per death record of daughter Elizabeth Mary Pryor Hubbard born 1865 who died in Frankfort, KY)
1900 Census Kanawha Co., WV
Cabin Creek Dist., Dist. 39, page 32b, house 85 Levi PRYOR b. May 1855 45 WV WV WV carpenter, Maria wife Feb 1853 47 PA Eng PA, Stella dau Jan 1881 19 WV, Jesse dau Aug 1883 16 WV
Cabin Creek Dist., Dist. 39, page 34b, house 85 James W. PRYOR b. Sept 1849 50 WV WV WV, Mary P wife Aug 1852 48 (md 22 years) OH PA KY, Hattie dau Jan 1879 21 WV, Bessie dau Dec 1881 18 WV, Alice dau Jan 1886 4 WV.
Cabin Creek Dist., Dist. 39, page 38a, house 86 R. L. PRYOR Feb. 1863 37 WV WV WV, Alice wife Mar 1869 32 WV WV VA.
Cabin Creek Dist., Dist. 39, page 38a, house 95 Samuel PRYOR Mar 1852 48 WV WV WV, Araminta wife Aug 1861 38 WV WV WV
Cabin Creek Dist., Dist. 39, page 38a, house 96 W. P. PRYOR Jan 1822 78 (md 54) WV VA VA, Elizabeth wife Feb 1828 72 (md 54) WV KY WV, Clarence Wash grandson may 1881 19 WV
Cabin Creek Dist., Dist. 39, page 38b, house 97 James H. PRYOR Feb 1859 46 WV WV WV, Dora wife Jan 1863 37 WV WV WV, Gypsy dau Nov 1891 8 WV, Lillian dau Dec 1892 7 WV, William son Mary 1894 6 WV, Julia dau Dec 1897 2 WV.
1930 Census, Kanawha Co., WV
Page 243a, East Bank Twp., house 108 William L. PRYOR 36 (md 25) WV WV WV, Helena V. wife 31 (md 20) WV WV OH, William Jr. son 10 WV.
Page 243a, East Bank Twp., house 110 Tipton L. PRYOR 68 WV WV WV, Rose S. 57 WV OH Ger, Louise dau 26 WV, Marjorie dau 24 WV.
Records from Marion County, West Virginia
1910 Census, Marion Co., WV
Farirmont Dist. page 215, house 106 Harmon PRYOR 60 PA PA OH, Jane wife 62 PA PA PA, Frank son 23 PA PA PA
1916 Occupation – George Pryor of Fairmont, WV was turning a profit raising moles for their pelts on a one-acre mole farm. (Manhattan Daily Nationalist, Manhattan, KS – 29 Feb 1916)
Records from Mason County, West Virginia
NOTE: Mason County was part of VA before Civil War.
December 19, 1794, the general assemby enacted that “Two hundred acres of land, the property of Thomas Lewis, at the mouth of the Kanawha river in the said county of Kanawha, as they are already laid off into lots and streets, shall be establisherd a town by the name of Point Pleasant, and Leonard Cooper, John Van Bibber, Isaac Tyler, William Owens, William Allyn, John Reynolds, Allen Prior, George Clendinin and William Morris, gentlemen, appointed trustees thereof.” (Shepherd’s Statutes, vol. 1, p. 321.) Thus was begun the legal existence of Point Pleasant, one year and six days before that of Wheeling.” (From History of the great Kanawha Valley, with family history and biographical sketches. A statement of its natural resources, industrial growth and commercial advantages, page 278. Leonard Cooper was a Private at Point Pleasant in 1774 with John Pryor, Philip Hammond, John and Peter Van Bibber, Charles and Robert Clendinin.)
1799 Letter – George Washington to Allyn PRIOR.
Mount Vernon, November 1, 1799
Sir: Your letter of the 30th Ulto. came to my hands yesterday afternoon.
As I propose, next Spring to have my Lands on the Olio critically examined by a Person in whose integrity, and judgment I can confide, I am indifferent with respect to the sale, of any of them, at this time, especially of that tract on Mill Creek which I conceive must be particularly fine, or possessing some valuable properties, from the number of applications which have been made to me of it.
If, however, it is disposed of before such examiniation is made, the terms will be, twelve dollars per Acre. One third down; the other two thirds by annual Instalments with Interest; and a Mortgage on the permises for the security of payment. I am etc.
(The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799, Volume 37. George Washington, John Clement Fitzpatrick, David Maydole Matteson. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1799)
1801 Land Deed – An 1836 Mason Co. Supreme Court case, “Ruffners vs. Lewis’s Executors”. Mentions: George Alderson, William Griffith, Edward Graham, John Reynolds, Thomas Edgar, Andrew Lewis, Lewis Summers. “On the 8th of September 1801, Alderson, for the consideration of 500 dollars, conveyed to John Reynolds and Allyn PRIOR a particular part of this tract of land.” It states that Allyn Prior purchased part of the land that included a salt well and salt works on the Kanawha river.
1804 Chancery Court Case – Jacob Kinney vs. Allen PRIOR and wife Margaret, late Lewis, and Elizabeth Lewis.
1810 Census Mason Co., VA
Page 426, Allyn PRIOR 00001 – 10001 (1794 Allyn Prior/Pryor noted in records of the Volunteer Militia. Allyn Prior was in Kanawha County before Mason Co.)
1813 Bankruptcy – An 1836 Mason Co. Supreme Court case, “Ruffners vs. Lewis’s Executors”. Allyn PRIOR took the oath of insolvency on 17 June 1813 under the execution of a suit by Thomas Edgar. Allyn Prior then conveyed his real estate to Maurice Reynolds, the sherrif of Mason County.
1820 Letter – Allyn Prior, Mason Co., VA., letter to John Mathews. Wanted information concerning his lands received for his services in the Revolutionary War. August 30, 1820. This letter confirms the approximate age of Allyn Pryor and his tie to Kanawha County as he corresponded with Matthews in 1796 in Greenville, Kanawha Co.)
1820 Census Mason Co., VA
Allen PRYOR 000001 – 01001 (oldest male is 45 or older, born 1775 or earlier)
Luke PRYOR 23001 – 1001 (oldest male is 26 to 45 years, born 1775 – 1794)
(Census was recorded in alpha order so it’s difficult to determine if people lived near each other. Possibly the Allen and Luke Pryor who were in Kanawha Co., VA)
1836 VA Supreme Court Decision –
July 1836, Ruffners v. Lewis’s, exectutors and others.
“On the 8th of September 1801, Alderson, for the consideration of 500 dollars, conveyed to John Reynolds and Allyn PRIOR a particular part of this tract of land, by metes and bounds.”
“On the 17th of June 1813, Allyn PRIOR being in custody of the sheriff of Mason County under an execution of the suit of Thomas Edgar, took the oath of insolvency, and conveyed to Maurice Reynolds sheriff of Mason County his real estate, amongst which he mentioned all his right, title and interest in a certain salt well and salt works and land adjoining, on the river Kanawha and in the county of Kanawha, then held by the Ruffners.”
“On the 20th of September 1821, a deed was made between Allyn PRIOR and Margaret Lewis his wife and Lewis Summers of the first part, Andrew Lewis of the second part and Thomas Edgar of the third part…”
(This suit states the name of Allyn Prior’s wife and also confirms that the Allyn Prior in Kanawha County was also the same person in Mason Co.)
1840 Census Mason Co., VA
page 216, George S. PRYOR 210001 – 10001
Records from Monongalia County, West Virginia
Birth 1750 – Susannah PRIOR, white, born 1750 died in Grayson Co, KY in 1861 per her death record. Place of birth Monongalia (Monongalia Co. is in WV) Parents Charles M. PRIOR and Unknown, parents place of birth unknown.
1925 Marriage – Walter James Cornelius PRYOR married Sarah May Clark
Records from Nicholas County, West Virginia
1830 Census Nicholas Co., VA
John C. PRIOR 00000001 – no females
1840 Census Nicholas Co., VA
page 14, John C. PRIOR 0000000001 – no females (male born between 1771-1780)
(Nicholas County became part of West Virginia. It is located near Kanawha and Grenbrier Counties)
Records from Ohio County, West Virginia
1850 Census Ohio Co., VA
City of Wheeling, 3rd Ward, 44th Dist., page 123b, house 1753 Oliver PRYOR 30 merchant MD, Jane 32 PA, Mary W. 8/12 PA, John Smith 6 black VA, Mary J. Hudson 32 MD, Lena Grenwald 16 Germany, Mary J. Bowman 13 OH.
City of Wheeling, 3rd Ward, 44th Dist., page 138a, house 1929 James PRYOR 70, no occupation, MD, Sarah Gafford 73 MD, Sarah Boyd (Boyd?) 39 MD, Pryor Boyd 8 VA, Mary E. Boyd 6 VA, Deborah J. 3 VA. (James Emory Pryor, possible son of Emory Pryor of Queen Ann’s Co., MD)
1860 Census Ohio Co., VA
City of Wheeling, 3rd Ward, page 193, house 1798 James PRYOR 80, farmer, MD, Sarah E Boyd 45 MD, Pryor Boyd 18 VA, Mary E. Boyd 16 VA, Jennie 13 VA, Emily Robinson 17 domestic VA (Son Albert Pryor was in Belmont County, OH in 1860)
1867 Executor’s Bond – Oliver Pryor, deceased, C Jane Pryor executrix. Dated 11 Sept. 1867. “No security required by will”
1880 Census Ohio Co., WV
Triadelphia, sheet 513c, house 165 Mrs. C. J. PRYOR 62 PA Eng Eng, Oliver 25 son WV MD PA, Jennie 22 dau WV MD PA, Martha 19 dau WV MD PA, Annie Mest servant 13 Germany Germany Germany, George Kieger boarder 22 WV VA VA.
1900 Census Ohio Co., WV
Triadelphia, sheet 3b, house 49 George Woods Jan 1854 46 VA VA IN manager, Jane A. wife Jan 1858 42 VA MD PA, Mattie PRYOR Apr 1861 39 single VA MD PA. (Martha J. Pryor b. 4/3/1861 applied for passport in 1906 stated she was born in Wheeling WV)
Records from Pendelton County, West Virginia
1840 Census Pendleton Co., VA
Anna Pryor (Pyron?) widow 001-0000010001 (oldest woman between 70-79 years).
1850 Census Pendleton Co., VA
North Folk HIlls, 50th Dist., page 28b, Nancy PRYOR (Pryan?) 45 VA, Anne 81 VA pauper
Records from Putnam County, West Virginia
1800 Deed – Allen PRYOR, et al 18,970 acres on Big Hurricane Creek, book 1, page 227. (Likely the Allen Pryor who was in Kanawha County and Mason County)
Records from Taylor County, West Virginia
1860 Census Taylor Co., WV
house 471 B. F. PRYOR 41 machinist MD, Mary 48 MD, W. C. 13 MD, Laura R. 11 MD, Erskine F 7 VA (Laura R. Pryor died in 1877, her place of birth was recorded as Baltimore. This family is on the 1850 Census in Baltimore, MD.)
1870 Census Taylor Co., WV
Fetterman Twp., page 133a, house 19 Mary PRYOR 58 MD, Wesley C. 23 machinist MD, Sarah B. 21 MD, Erskine F. 16 VA. (The family was living next to a cigar maker on the 1870 Census. On Erskine’s 1929 death record it was recorded that he was a “stogie maker.” Wesley C. Pryor died in Allegheny Co, PA– his death record states his parents were Benjamin F Pryor and Mary Clark, both born in MD.)
1890 Veteran’s Schedule, Taylor Co., WV
Fetterman Twp.,
Westley C. PRYOR private. No other information. (Westly C. born in MD, son of Mary Pryor born 1812 in MD)