Samuel Pryor of Montgomery County, TN Also in Mercer County, KY

I’m not sure Samuel Pryor actual lived in Mercer County, KY or if he was just transacting business there.

Samuel Pryor of Montgomery County, TN, Christian County, KY, and Hardeman County, TN was married to Frances Hooe. Samuel and his brother in law Thomas B. Hooe are named an instrument filed in Mercer County in 1820 (DB 11: 284)

“…bonds was taken by the Sheriff of Mercer County by Virtue of an execution issued from the office of the Mercer Circuit court in the name of Ezekiel Barber assignee against the Estate of said Saml Pryor and which rep9?)n bond is dated the 12th day of November 1819 and is for the total amount of Four hundred and forty eight dollars ten cents payable…”

“…the second which —-? bonds was taken by the said Sheriff by virtue of an execution issued from the same office in the name of Jesse Head against the Estate of the said Saml Pryor and is dated on the said 12th day of november Eighteen hundred & nineteen and is for the total amount of one hundred & three dollars thirty one & one half cent payable with in three months from the date thereof which Interest…”

“…The third of which rep(?)y Bonds was taken by the said Sheriff by virture of an execution (—?) from the said office in the name of David Epperson assignee against the estate of the said Saml Pryor and is dated on the said twelfth day of November Eighteen hundred & nineteen and is for the total amount of Two hundred & sixty eight dollars thirty Eight & half cent payable with Interest thereon within three months from the date there of…”

“…Pryor paid by the said Waugh & Hooe the receipt where of is here by acknowledged hath bargained & sold and by these presents doth Bargain & sell unto them the said Geo L. Waugh and Thomas B. Hooe the heirs & the following described property {to wit} Sam a negro man Slave aged about Twenty five years by profession a Blacksmith, Anthony a negro boy slave twelve years of age and Billy a negro man slave aged about forty years and also a certain Bay stud horse with a blazed face called Tanner. All which Slaves & which horse are now the property of him the said Pryor …”

The witnesses were Richard Sutfield and Robert McCoun
