Tag Archives: Gasconade County

Pryor and Tackett Surnames


While experimenting with the new Search on this website I found something that may be of interest.

In 1818 Philip Tackett, Section 15, Township 44 was recorded in Gasconade Co., MO. At the same time there was a William Pryor in Section 32, Township 44 (History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford and Gasconade Counties Missouri
Published by Goodspeed Publishing Company 1888)

The Tacket and Pryor surname was connected by marriage in Gasconade when Mary Pryor married George Tackett on 14 Aug 1828.

I’m wondering if there was a connection between these families in Tennessee. TN Land Grant 7912 described land being granted to John Prior in 1828 as bordering land he purchased from Philip Tackett (no date for that transaction). The Pleasant Pryor on the 1850 Census in Gasconade Co. is thought to be related to the the Pryors in White County, TN.


1782 Amherst County VA Tax List Pryor Neighborhood

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I was looking through the transcribed Amherst County VA Tax List from 1782. The transcriptions were driving me CRAZY. First the web developer in me was frustrated that the names in the lists were spelled, probably, as they written on the actual lists. It’s a good genealogy practice and historically correct to transcribe actually what is seen on the page, however there’s a point when the transcriber should use discretion and insert a good “guess” of what the actual name might be. For example when you know there is no such name as “Childrefs” make an educated guess and write “Childress” in parenths next to it so people know its an alternative spelling. Google and all the search engines don’t know to find Childrefs when someone searches Childress. Yup, I was searching Childress and was surprised to find them in Amherst Co., VA.

After I read through the tax list I realized this was another Pryor “neighborhood”– I can find connections a generation earlier or a generation forward! I’ve extracted the names that are of interest and added some notes. Really, with this many connections–  Is it really just a coincidence that these folks were living around each other?!

Amherst County – 1782 Personal Property Tax List – Part 2

Richard Tankorley / Richard Tankersley : Served with David Pryor in VA regiment encamped at Valley Forge in Revolutionary War. Named in Revolutionary War Pension application of William Pryor (from Amherst County). Read more: Amherst County VA – Pryor And The Richard Tankersley Connection

Amherst County – 1782 Personal Property Tax List – Part 3

Zacharias Taliaferra / Zachariah Talliaferro/ Zachariah Talley : Is this a namesake of Zachariah Talley, the grandfather of William Anderson Talley who settled in Sumner County, TN? William  Anderson Talley was the father in law of Allen L. Pryor.

Roderick McCullock / Roderick McCullough: Roderick witnessed 1774 deed for William and Margaret Pryor. Roderick’s daughter married a son of Charles Taliaferro. 1783 State Enumeration lists Roderick on same page with Nicholas Pryor, Charles Ellis, David Crawford, Philip Thurmond, Charles Taliafero

Steward Ballow / Stewart Ballow:  Deeded 340 acres on Pedlar Creek in 1775. Online researchers have him as a possible son of Leonard Ballew… remember David Pryor and Susannah Ballow/Ballew/Ballou named a son Leonard.

John Childrefs (of Pedlan) / John Childress (of Pedlar)

Henry Childrefs / Henry Childress: The Henry Childress who married Betsy Pryor?

Galorbey Childrefs / Golsbey Childress / Goolsby Childers: The namesake of Goolsby Childers born 1805 in VA and lived in Milam Co., TX

William Page1788 John PRYOR purchased land in Campbell Co., VA. William Page witnessed the deed. Possibly a former resident of Goochland County, VA (archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/PAGE/1998-04/0893982570 see bio posted online)

William Edwards: Possibly related to Joseph Edwards who was a witness on 1773 deed with Philip Thurmond and Nicholas Pryor. 

Isaac Wright: Isaac Wright was the father of Elizabeth Pryor who married Capt. William Pryor of Amherst. Isaac married Susannah Ellis, daughter of Capt. Charles Ellis and Susannah Harding– her first husband was John Beckley. A John Beckley was sued by a John Pryor in 1792 in Henrico County (see post)

Philip Thurmond: 1783 State Enumeration lists on same page Nicholas Pryor, Charles Ellis, David Crawford, Philip Thurmond, Charles Taliafero

David NewA former resident of Goochland County, VA (see bio posted online genealogy.com/ftm/y/o/u/Wayne-Young/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0342.html).

Martha Golssby: I suspect Golssby is also “Gooslby/Goldsby/Goolsby, etc.” There is a Goolsby Childers/Childress born 1805 in VA and lived in Milam Co., TX 

William Shoemaker: William Shoemaker and William Pryor on military payroll in Albemarle County in 1758. Zedikiah Shumaker fought with Capt. William Pryor at Fort Randolph (per his Revolutionary War pension application).

Ricahrd Taliafero / Richard Taliafero / Richard Taliaferro and may also be Talley or Toliver: Probably neighbor or David Crawford. David Crawford’s will states he purchased land from Richard Taliaferro.

David Crawford: David Crawford wrote will 1801 in Jefferson Co., KY naming his children and land in Amherst Co. Witnessed by John Pryor and William Pryor. 1783 State Enumeration lists on same page Nicholas Pryor, Charles Ellis, David Crawford, Philip Thurmond, Charles Taliafero

Joseph Goodwin: The Goodwins were associated with the Pryors as early as 1776- Feb 3 1776 William Pryor deeded to David Burford 99 acres Wit: Micah Goodwin, Virginia Burford, Edmund TAYLOR, Elizabeth Goodwin, Edward Goodwin

Nicholas Pryor: 1783 State Enumeration lists on same page Nicholas Pryor, Charles Ellis, David Crawford, Philip Thurmond, Charles Taliafero

Phillip Gooch / Philip Gooch : Not the same man, but there was a Philip Gooch b. 1807 who married a daughter of Robert Pryor in Gasconade Co., MO. Robert may have been born in KY in 1780’s.

Estate of Robert Boling:

John Buford: see Daniel Burford below.

Isaac Rucker:  John Pryor b. 1818, a grandson of Capt. William Pryor, married into Rucker family, daughter of Peter Rucker.

Edmund Taylor: Possibly the Edmund Taylor who was brought up on a complaint for harassment of William Pryor and Margaret Pryor. There’s also the possibility that this is the same man who was the father of Massey Taylor and Spicy Taylor who married respectively John and William Pryor in Campbell County– Why? Because of the proximity of Campbell County and also the the inclusion on this list of Giles Perrin and Richard Oglesby (see below)

Daniel Burford Sen.: Daniel mentioned in 1794 deed, “14 Feb 1794 JNO. FLOYED, Ga. Power of Attny to PHILLIP THURMOND, AC – DANL. BURFETT  of Va.”.– John Floyd, uncle of Nathaniel Pryor, was married to a daughter of Daniel Burford. See Philip Thurmond above on this tax list.

Thomas Stovall: Possibly Thomas Stovall, father of Benjamin Stovall who went Sumner Co., TN. Benjamin Stovall fought in the Revolutionary War. Benjamin Stovall was born in Bedford Co., VA (per his Rev War Pension App). Benjamin named a son George Pryor Stovall. Thomas Stoval /Stovall (and John Pryor) witnessed the will of Jacob Rector in Bedford County in 1779.

Thomas Street: Edmund Taylor, possibly father of Massey Taylor Pryor and Spicy Taylor Pryor, had Lefever Street witness his will.

Amherst County – 1782 Personal Property Tax List – Part 4

Micajah Goodwin: see 1776 deed above, Micajah acted as witness.

John Bowling

Edward Bowling

Perrin Giles: He is thought to be the first husband of Sally Dickey. He died around 1816. Sally Giles remarried in 1818 to Hezekiah Taylor in Campbell Co., VA. Hezekiah was the brother in law of John Pryor who married Massey Taylor and William Pryor who married Spicy Taylor, both daughters of Edmund Taylor.

Richard Oglesby: He is probably the father of Mary “Polly” Oglesby who married Hezekiah Taylor who was NOT the son of Edmund Taylor. This second Hezekiah died in the War of 1812.

Charles Taliaferro: 1783 State Enumeration lists on same page Nicholas Pryor, Charles Ellis, David Crawford, Philip Thurmond, Charles Taliafero

Gasconade County, MO – Pryor Records

This is for our Missouri “cousins” who connect with Edward Pryor of Wilkes County, GA. I spent some time in the Gasconade County records and pulled out a few Pryor Records. The transcriptions are below…

Gasconade County, MO Administrator, Executor, Guardian Bonds, 1825-1848, vol. A, page 137

https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1951-45903-7468-41?cc=2399107&wc=SHN7-GPD:1327958501,1328035990, image 11

[Note: an part transcription of this bond states James Kerley “chose” William Pryor as his guardian. I think the correct reading of this bond disproves this earlier interpretation. Chose may mean chosen by the court or selected by the community/family.)

Know all men by these present that I Wm. Pryor as principal Guardian of James Kerley and we Samuel Abott and William Kerley as securities do acknowledge ourselves to and stand indebted unto the State of Missouri in the penal sum of three hundred dollars lawful money of the United States for the true payment of the same we bind ourselves our heirs and legal representatives firmly and jointly by these presents signed with our hands and sealed with our seals and dated this 15th day of August 1826.

The concition of this bond is such that whereas the said William Pryor has this day been chosed guardian of James Kerley of said County now if the said William Pryor shall faithfully discharge the duties of guardian of said James Kerley according to law then this bond to be void else to remain in full force and virtue in law.
Witness, David Waldo
William Pryor “his mark” {seal}
William Kerley “his mark” {seal}
Samuel Abbott “his mark” {seal}

Gasconade County, MO Administrator, Executor, Guardian Bonds, 1825-1848, vol. A, page 137′

https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1951-45903-7442-51?cc=2399107&wc=SHN7-GPD:1327958501,1328035990,  image 25

[Note: Samuel Sherrill was also security for Jacob Watson for the estate of Henderson Campbell, 26 Jan 1837]

Know all men by these presance that I John G. Huffman as principle and one Samuel R. Sherill, J. B. Harrison as securities acknowledge ourselves and stand indebted to the State of Missouri in the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars and for the payment of the same well and truley to be made and bond ourselves, our Heirs, and legal representatives Jointly and Severly by these presents. Signed with our hands and sealed with our seals this 11th day of February 1837.

The Condition of the above Bond is such that if the above Bond John G. Huffman administrator of the estate of Robert Pryor, Deceased Shall well and truly administer said estate according to law account for pay over and deliver all moneys and properties of said Estate and perform all the things ____? said administrator required by law or the order of any Court having Jurisdiction there and then this obligation to be void else to Remain in full force and virtue in law Given under our hands this day and date above written.
John G. Huffman {seal}
Samuel R. Sherrill {seal}
J. B. Harrison {seal}
Duly Recorded this 22 day of Feby 1837
Eli M Lilton? Clk

Gasconade County, MO, Administrator Letters, 1825-1857, vol A-B, page 41

https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1961-45903-13710-38?cc=2399107&wc=SHJF-RMS:1327958501,1327997356, image 58

State of Missouri
Gasconade County
Eli M. Litton, Clerk of the County court in and for the County of Gasconade and State of Missoui to all whom these presents Shall come Greeting where as it is represented that the Estate of Robert Pryor deceased is unrepresented by an administrator. Therefore is hereby to authorize and require William Bumpass who is the authorized Public Administrator for the County of Gasconade and State aforesaid to administer according to law all and singular the Goods and chattels land and tennants rights and credits money and effects of the Said deceased and I do further ___? hereby authorize and require the said William Bumpass as Public Administrator to administeter said Estate according to law of the said deceased Robert Pryor

In testimony where of I have her unto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in Mt. Sterling this 18th day of March 1837
Eli M. Litton, Clk
State of Missouri
Gasconade County
I Eli Litton Clerk of the County Court of Gasconade County and State afforesaid do hereby certify that the foregoing letters of Administration to have been duly recorded on the 18th day of March A. D. 1837.
In testimony wherere of I have unto set my hand and official seal this 18th day of March 1837
Eli. M. Litton, Clk.

Gasconade County, MO, Probate Court General Index, Vol. 1

ROSANNA Pryor, et al
Guardian C93, Ord. 94, Ord to give bond 114. Allow D26, Sett. 47, Attach 58
Minor heirs of Robert Pryor

Guard D49, Discharge 62, charge 62
Infant heirs of Robt. Pryor

WILLIAM Pryor, dec’d
Bond App D75, Sett 83, Allow 86, Final Set. 129, Final Set 351

JAMES Pryor, dec’d
Ord. Cont. D94

PLEASANT Pryor, dec’d**
2 allow E4293, Allow 469, Ex Set 470, Set 542, Fin Set Con. Bond App Fig No of Fin Set 25, Will Will rec. B 131

Gdn & C—E 593, Bond app 612, set con F90, allow 107, set 108, set 154, set con 162, set 214, set 217, set cont 274, set con. 289, ,fin set 296, set con 309, fin set 325
infant heirs of (nothing written in)

George W. Sewel Executor of Pleasant Pryor Estate
Gasconade Co., MO Probates, Probates, 1827-1867, vol C-D, page 280
https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-45907-1889-11?cc=2399107&wc=SHXF-VZS:1327958501,1327958506, image 317

1864 Nov. Term To Inventory and Appraisment Bill $402.55
Amt of notes and cash on hand $147.54
To amt of sale bill $243.46
Feb. 12 1868 Balance due Executor $775.22