Tag Archives: North Carolina

1822 – Peter Pryor and Green Pryor of Tennessee in NC Estate

State of North Carolina.
Rockingham County. Inequity.
April term, a d 1822.
Robert Galloway, administrator of the estate of Charles Galloway, deceased, against Elizabeth Gentry, administratrix of the estate of James Galloway, deceased, and others. It appearing to the court the
Thomas H Perkins
Nicholas Perkins
Peter Pryor
Green Pryor
Edward Williams
Green B Williams
Thomas Williams
Alexander M Williams
Thomas Worsham and Nancy his wife
Steven Coleman and Polly his wife
John T Johnston
Luis Dillabunty and Lucinda his wife
—- Hardy and Sally his wife
Meredith Johnston
Minerva C. Johnston
Nicholas Scales
Joseph H Scales
Robert Scales
Constant Scales
Peter Scales
George W. L. Man
John Man
William M Man
Sally Man
Constant H. P. Man
Peter N. Man
Agatha Man
Matthew Daniel and Agatha his wife
reside without this state, and they being part of the defendants to the bill of complaint filed in this state, it is ordered, that publication be made for 6 weeks in the Raleigh Register, for the above-named defendants and each of them to appear at the next term of this court, on the 5th Monday after the 4th Monday of September next, then and there to answer, plead or demur to the said bill, or the same will be taken Pro confesso against them, and heard ex parte. Test. James T Moorhead, c. M. E. May 4th 1822.
(Weekly Raleigh Register June 7th, 1822)

I took a look to see what I could find out about the people named in this notice.

Peter and Green Pryor

Peter and Green Pryor, the orphans who were raised in Williamson County, Tennessee. Peter and Green Pryor Pioneer Children of Williamson County by Dorris Callicott Douglass concludes they were the children of John Pryor and Elizabeth Perkins, who married Headly Stone after the death of John.

Nicholas Perkins

It’s probable, although there were several men who were named Nicholas Perkins, this Nicholas Perkins was one of the 3 men of this name counted on the 1820 Census in Williamson County, Tennessee.

Alexander M. Williams and Green B. Williams

He is possibly the Green B. Williams who was counted on the 1820 Census in Maury County, TN. Alexander M. Williams was counted in the same county in 1820.

Nicholas Scales and Peter Scales

Nicholas Scales married Elizabeth Perkins – Their children moved to Williamson County, TN (Clarion Ledger, Jackson MS August 27, 1963). Nicholas Scales was the Principal Assessor for the 5th Dist, Williamson County, TN (Nashville Whig, June 25 1816)

Peter Scales appointed assistant marshal for Rockingham County, NC in 1840 (North Carolina Star, March 25, 1840)

Autosomal DNA: Separating Two Pryor Lines

The kids are back in school and it’s time to get back to Pryor research.

Sometimes mixed up family lines help to solve each other. I recently was looking at the Ancestry DNA (autosomal) results for a test kit that matches one of my own. This tester is descended from the line of Allen L Pryor of Sumner County, TN through his son William. The interesting thing about William is that he married a woman who was the grand-daughter of a Pryor: Absolem Bostic Pryor born about 1797 in NC. 

My tester matches to my kit as approximately a 5th cousin which works out correctly on paper if Allen L Pryor is our common relative.  If we were related also through the line of Absolem Bostic Pryor, then this cousin who tested would have more Pryor DNA than expected.  

Surnames and geography don’t prove out a family tree. I’ve seen some sloppy Ancestry trees where people see a surname in a geographic area and wrongly assume that everyone using the name in their family tree must be related.  Or even when someone finds their ancestor in one state and wrongly assumes that someone living in another state can’t be related.

So, if the DNA doesn’t point to a connection between these two Pryor families and Absolem has been placed in family trees that stem from “North Carolina” Pryors that haven’t converged with the line that includes Allen L Pryor, then I’d have to suggest that unless there’s a story of an adoption or other story that can explain the DNA — these two lines aren’t related.

Not a Pryor Signature


Beware of the signature that’s not a Pryor. I’ve stumbled upon NC governor William Tryon’s signature several times and misread it as Pryor. An important signature to check against other signatures on documents.

Signatures: John Henry Pryor and Haden Pryor

John H. Pryor signed estate of Peter Rogers as a “garnishee”. 1787 Estate in Caswell County, NC states that Peter Rogers was from Halifax County, VA.  John Pryor who sold a tract of land to Roger Atkinson in 1770– Peter Rogers was a witness on that sale (Rogers relationship?).  Roger Atkinson, namesake of General Roger Atkinson Pryor of Nottaway County, VA. I suspect John H. Pryor who was a garnishee in 1787 isn’t the same man on the 1770 deed. Continue reading

Another Prior from Cornwall, England

Falmouth Cornwall I stumbled upon another Prior (or Pryor) from Cornwall. William Prior’s reads that he in North Carolina and his children Ann and Christiana were in the UK.  He named his brother Simon their guardian, yet I haven’t been able to confirm the existence of these Priors in UK records. Hope this helps someone ID the whereabouts of their missing kin.

1829 Will – Mecklenberg Co., NC
The last will and testament of William Prior of the county Cornwall G. Britain witnesseth–
I appoint Capt J P Fell and J L —- at present residents in Mecklenburg Co. No Car’a my true and lawful executors.
I request them to — from — Griffiths A— Co my mark of — appoint and to sell the same to the but advantage.

I give and bequest to my two daughters Ann and Christiana Prior in equal portions all my property.

I appoint my brother Simon Prior now and recently of Parish Waldron County Cornwall G. Britain the guardian of my two daughters.

Witness my hand this fourth day of May in the year of our Lord 1829

Signed by William Prior

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