Tag Archives: white county

Jackson County & Montgomery County, MO Tie to the Pryors in White County, TN

This is an interesting tie-in between Pryors in different states. First there is a deed dated 14 February 1834, between Joseph Pryor and Dudley Hunter. It was for land in White County, TN on Caney Fork in Dry Valley. The conveyance was signed by witnesses Joseph Bartlett and Jesse A. Bounds. It was filed in White County on 6 January 1840. Yes, that’s six years after the transaction.

The next deed in the book was a conveyance between William Pryor to Dudley Hunter on 13 March 1834. It refers to William Pryor of Montgomery County, Missouri. It is also for land on Caney Fork in Dry Valley. It refers to a survey dated 19 June 1828. In the body of the conveyance in two spots William is referred to as William Pryor Jr.

It looks like William was already in Missouri when this land was sold. There is a notation at the bottom from the State of Missouri, Jackson County dated 14 March 1834, before Samuel C. Owens, clerk of the court. “Came William Pryor Jr. whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument…” Then justice Richard Fristoe of Jackson County certified the document. Then the White County court recorded it on 7 January 1840.

Pryor and Tackett Surnames


While experimenting with the new Search on this website I found something that may be of interest.

In 1818 Philip Tackett, Section 15, Township 44 was recorded in Gasconade Co., MO. At the same time there was a William Pryor in Section 32, Township 44 (History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford and Gasconade Counties Missouri
Published by Goodspeed Publishing Company 1888)

The Tacket and Pryor surname was connected by marriage in Gasconade when Mary Pryor married George Tackett on 14 Aug 1828.

I’m wondering if there was a connection between these families in Tennessee. TN Land Grant 7912 described land being granted to John Prior in 1828 as bordering land he purchased from Philip Tackett (no date for that transaction). The Pleasant Pryor on the 1850 Census in Gasconade Co. is thought to be related to the the Pryors in White County, TN.


Sherrill Pryor of White County, TN — His Will Filed in MO

I didn’t think I’d revisit John Pryor and Ruth Sherrill so quickly. I recently posted about their son William (see post).  It looks like we now have information of what happened to their son Sherrill Pryor. His will was found in Polk County, Missouri. It mentions his wife Rebecca* (he married Rebecca* Hitcherouth in Sangamon County, Illinois in 1832 Continue reading

William Pryor Estate in Hancock County, IL

The estate of William Pryor piqued my attention since it’s thought that he was from a Pryor line that was in early Greene County and later White County and migrated into Illinois Continue reading

Connecting Pryor from 1789 TN Frontier to 1840 MO Census

It looks like friends and family stayed connected as they migrated from the TN frontier into Middle Tennessee, and onward to Missouri. I stumbled on this connection between 1789 and 1840 that may help Richard and Mourning Pryor line support their genealogy.

Petition Sundry Inhabitants South of French Broad

These are frontier residents petitioning North Carolina in 1789. (see petition transcript)

Page 15 of 19
Thomas Going | Toms Odle
Ezekel Ray | Moses Mckay
Jossaway (?) Movels(?) | Thomas Woodfin
Daniel Job | Niklas (?) Woodfin
Joseph Pryor | William Heney (Henry? or Haney?)
Isaac Odell(?) | Henery Jones

Ezekial Ray (or Rhea) was on the 1802 Tax List in Jackson County, TN. It’s thought that he died in White Co., TN before 1820. It’s thought that a younger Ezekial Ray (born about 1811) was his son. Daniel Job (or Jobe) is thought to the man who married Mourning Pryor, a daughter of Richard and Mourning Pryor.

Now, for something interesting. Similar names appear living in close proximity in 1840.

1840 Census in Van Buren County, MO

Osage Twp
Line 7, Thomas Woodfin
John Woodfin
Jas. M. Smith
John M Henry
James Goodrich
Line 12, Jonathan PRYOR
William Summers
William Barnes
Daniel Smith
Line 16, William Bartlett
Mark Whittied
Line 18 William PRYOR
Line 19 Ezekiel Ray
Line 20 John L. Wood