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Pryor Records of Baldwin County, GA

1810 Tax ListJohn Pryor (Wilkes) and Marlow L Pryor (Putnam)

November 1813 – Pension record of James Brooks states he volunteered at Milledgeville for the War of 1812. The file also states that he was a substitute for Marlow PRYOR. (James Brooks b. 1795 is on the 1850 census in St. Clair Co., AL)

1814 Grand JurorsMarlow L Pryor

1814 Notice – Notices of jailed prisoners Marlow L Pryor recorded as jailor (The Georgia Journal, March 09, 1814 )

1815 Notice – Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, at the courthouse in the town of Milledgeville, between the usual house…A fourth of lot No 4 in square 24 in the town of Milledgeville, levied on as the property of John Cowan, to satisfy an execution in favor of the corporation of Milledgeville, against JOHN PRYOR and JOHN COWAN–property pointed out by Pryor and returned to me Richard Jowell, constable.
John Watson, shff
June 28, 1818
(The Georgia Journal, July 12, 1815)

1815 Marriage – William PRYOR to Charity Holliday 4 Jan 1815. (William Pryor born 1788 in Ireland. He died 1848 in Preble Co., OH)

1816 Notice – On the first Tuesday in July next, will be sold at the courthouse in Milledgeville, between the usual hours, the following property, viz: Lot No one in square 39 in the town of Milledgeville, levied on as the property of JOHN PRYOR to satisfy an execution in favor of the Commissioners of Milledgeville against said Pryor and George Micklejohn; property pointed out by Pryor
John Watson, D. S. May 29, 1816
(The Georgia Journal, June 12, 1816)

1820 Census Baldwin Co., GA
Marlow L. PRYOR 221010-2001 (18 slaves. Oldest male 45 years – born 1775)
Marlow PRYOR 01011-0001 (no slaves. Oldest male 45 years) (Marlow Pryor married Mary Armour on Sep. 12, 1816 in Greene Co., GA. Marlow Pryor was probably living in Baldwin Co. as early as 1813, James Brooks served as a substitute during War of 1812. In 1822 he was still in Baldwin Co. when he was appointed a commissioner of the county academy.)
Wright 1001 – 001
John H Wright
00001 – 101

1822 -1823 Marlow PRYOR served as mayor of Milledgeville, GA.

1827 Land Lottery in Muscogee, Ann Caroline Pryor, widow obtained land.

1827 Land Lottery in Coweta, Mary Pryor, widow obtained land.

1827 Land Lottery in Carroll, William B. Pryor, obtained land on 16 Mar 1827.

1827 Land Lottery in Lee, Pryor Wright, obtained land 25 April 1827.

1830 Census Baldwin Co., GA
Page 28, Ann C. PRIOR 0102-001001 (Ann C. Pryor is on the 1840 Census in Muscogee Co., GA) 

Records of Burke County, GA

1785 Land Grant in Burke County – No. 20
By the Court of Justices of the County of Burke
To Anne Prior. One Hundred acres in the said county of Burke on the North Side of Duhart’s Creek adjoining lands of Chas Hudspeth and Widdow Roberts on her Head Rights. 4th Day of April 1785
(Researchers state she is possibly widow of Haden Pryor)

1787 Land Grant in Burke County
State of Georgia No. 114
By the Court of Justices of the county of Burke. To Thos. Lewis Esq. County surveyor for the said County. You are hereby authorized and required to admeaure and lay out, our cause to be admeasured and laid out unto Robert Pior a tract of Land which shall contain Three Hundred and Fifty Acres in the said County of Burke in the fork of Boykin’s Mill Creek and Reedy Creek, Adj’g Land of David Farmer, his Head Rights. Taking especial care that the same has not heretofore been laid out to any other Person or persons and you are hereby aslo directed and required to record the plat of the same in your office and transit a copy thereof together with this warrant tot he surveyor General within the term of Two Years from this Date. Given under my Hand as Junior Justice of the said County this Sixth Day of March 1787
Attest Willm Lord CLD
David Emanuel
[Backside: Robert Pior. 350 Acres. Exd July the 13th 1787 by J. Tapley A. S.
(Robert Pior is in records in Jefferson County, GA too)

1796 Newspaper NoticeAnn Pryor requested the court to appoint her the administrator of the estate of Benjamin Wade.

1820 Burke Co., GA
Commencing 30 Sept. 1820 JOHN PRIOR of Burke Co. received Revolutionary War pension for service in VA from 1777 to 1782. Prior was 63 years old when he applied for the pension in 1820 (born about 1757). Other records state John served under Capt (Joseph) Swearingame (Swearingin?) and Col. James Wood. He was a British prisoner and was discharged at Charleston, SC. At the time of his application he had “four in family” consisting of “himself viz. one boy and two girls.”

1820 Census Burke Co., GA
Page 39, Waynesboro – Edmund Pior 20011 – 0101
(Counted on same page Simon Jones, Peggy Cox, Margaret West, Verity Farmer, James Farmer, John Reynolds, John C Lee, Robert Allen, Tolliver Dillon.)

1821 Notice
Land Lottery Register, For Richmond, Burke, and Columbia Countiesb\
Burke County John PRIOR.
(Augusta Herald. December 18, 1821)

1823 Death – John Pryor, Revolutionary War pensioner died 8 October 1823 per pension rolls. He was 66 years old.

1826 Estate Notice in Burke County – Whereas MARY PRIOR, ROBERT PRIOR and Samuel Davis, applies for letters of Administration on the estate of EDMUND PRIOR, deceased. 6 November 1826
(The Constitutionalist. November 28, 1826)

1827 Land Lottery in Muscogee, John PRYOR‘s children obtained land.

1830 Census Burke Co., GA
Page 123, Robert PIOR 100001-00001 (Written Pior not Prior on the schedule)

1832 Cherokee Land Lottery:
Robert Pryor
Edmund Pryor, orphan

1837 Estate, Burke County
The court of Ordinary of said county
Whereas Allen S B PRIOR executor of Edmund PRIOR, deceased, late of said county has petitioned for letters dismissory, stating that he has fully administered the estate.
(Augusta Chronicle & Sentinel. November 13, 1837)

1838 Estate
Allen S B PRIOR and Sarah Smith, administrators of the estate of James J Smith
(Chronicle & Sentinel. May 12, 1838.)

1840 Census Burke Co., GA
Page 162, Robert PRIOR 120001 – 11001

1845 Revolutionary War Pension Application for Moses Crawford filed by his wife Nancy in Cleveland, TN (Bradley County). Includes deposition of Mary PRYOR of Jefferson Co., GA. Mary Pryor swore she became acquainted with the Crawfords when they lived in Burke Co., GA.

1850 Census Burke Co., GA
50th & 52nd Dist. Page 274B, house 72 Augustus PRIOR 17 printer GA.  (Augustus may have been counted twice in Burke Co. & Richmond Co. 24 Jun 1857 Edgefield Advertiser ran article that an Augustus Pryor was being sought for murder in SC.)

71st Dist., page 396A, house 581 Araminta Roberts 47 $304 GA, William PRIOR 25 GA, Mary A. 22 GA, Lenora A. V. 4 GA, Martha P. 2 GA.

72nd Dist., page 302a, house 498 Robert PIOR 47 GA, Clarissa 49 NC, Edmund B. 19 GA, William H. 17 student GA, John B. 14 GA, Elizabeth E. 12 GA, Benjamin B. 8 GA, Narcissa 6 GA. (Possibly related to the Robert PIOR who settled and died in Jefferson County, GA. Narcissa may be named for Narcissa, daughter of the elder Robert Pior. HOWEVER, there was no younger Robert Pior recorded as a heir of Robert Sr. when he died in 1820-1821. Robert, Clarissa and Benjamin were in Natchitoches county, LA for 1870 census)

1864 US Military Enlistment – Augustus PRIOR age 20 enlisted 1 March 1864 in Vicksburg, MS. Co. A, 5 Reg’t, US Col’d H Art’y. Payroll records indicate he served until at least May 1866 (about a year after the Civil War ended). His widow Rachel Davis, filed for a pension in 1888 in Mississippi.

1870 Census Burke Co., GA
Page 282a, house 81/88 Berry PRYOR (bl) 55 farm laborer GA, Laura (bl) 30 farm laborer GA, Willie (bl) 7 GA, James (bl) 5 GA, Berry Rogers (bl) 8 GA (Berry Pryor was in Burke Co., GA in 1880).
Page 424a, house 1813 Gilbert PRIOR (bl) 47 farm laborer GA, Rachel (bl) 45 GA, Lizzie 19 (bl) GA, Daniel 17 (bl) GA, Wilson 14 (bl) GA
Page 424a, house 1817 Caroline PRIOR (bl) 27 GA, Philip (bl) 7 GA, Morgan (bl) 3 GA, Susan (bl) 1 GA.

1880 Census Burke Co., GA
Dist 65, page 181b, house 235 Berry PRYOR mulatto 60 farmer GA GA GA, Laura 45 wife GA GA GA, Mumfort 30 son farm laborer GA, Jim 22 son farm laborer GA, Willie 14 son GA, Betsey Lawson 77 mother house keeper GA GA GA.

Records of Carroll County, GA

1843 Received Land – Revolutionary War vet, John Pryor, received land in Carroll County from 1827 Land Lottery. He was a resident of Jasper County. (, Hitz, Alex M., comp. Authentic List of All Land Lottery Grants Made to Veterans of the Revolutionary War by the State of Georgia. Atlanta, GA, USA: n.p., 1955)

1850 Census Carroll Co., GA
House 844 Erwin Price 26 farmer GA, Jane 29 GA, John 6 GA, unnamed male 1 GA, Jane Mead (PRYOR) 80 NC, Thomas 40 GA, John 4 GA, Nancy 3 AL.

March 17, 1855 Revolutionary War Pension Appllication. Soldier’s name Minor Mead in Carroll County Georgia, the widow, 79, filed for her bounty land entitlement adding that she was married to her husband in January 1793 by one Abram Marshall a minister of the gospel; that her name prior to her marriage was Jane Pryor. She signed this document with her mark. Minor Mead’s application states he was born in Spottsylvania Co., VA, lived in Louisa Co., VA and then in GA. (An online family tree states Jane was from Columbia, NC (Tyrell County).

Records of Chatham County, GA

1781 Deed – John Pryor and Robert Kelsall esq. (name changes to Roger in the deed) planters of Parish of St. Johns, agreement to pay Robert Baillie (Bailey?), George Houston, and Sir Patrick Houston. The document is dated 27 March 1781 “in the twenty first year of his majesties reign.” Witnessed by D. Duncan. It was not registered until after the Revolutionary War on 16 June 1787. (Deed book D, page 401)

1781 Slave Sale – Isaac Wells purchased slave named Mingo from John PRIOR. Both John and Isaac were planters from the Parish of St. John’s. Witnesses Henry Wells, Christopher Baker. 10 April 1781. Deed book G, page 361.

1788 Georgia Statehood

1790 Estate – Probate dated 19 May 1790 for John PRIOR. Mrs. Delphia Prior was the administrator. Administration bond filed. Surety Stephen Dewsberry or Dewsenberry. Witness John Richardson (Possibly John Prior and Delphia Dillard from Middlesex Co., VA)

1793 Tax List – Savannah District, Mrs. PRIOR, page 10

1798 Estate in Chatham County
Mrs. Delphia Wilson of Savannah, widow. Appointed adminstrix of David Wilson late of Savannah, deceased. Probate bond issued 23 January 1798. Surety Peter Miller, Thos. Wylly, Jno Eppinger. Estate inventory dated 29 March 1798. (possibly widow of John Pryor who was deceased in 1790)

1803 Lawsuit in Chatham County
Georgia, City of Savannah
In the court of Aldermen to the honorable the mayor and alderman of the City of Savannah the petition of Bud Davis of the said City Sheweith that John Pryor, Delphia Willson, and Willaim McNatt are indebted to your petitioner in the sum of ninety dollars on a note signed with them respective hands bearing date the 12th day of February in the year of our 1803 whereby they promised ten days after date to pay or cause to be paid to your petitioner or order the aforesaid sum. nevertheless who bring? now requested to pay your petitioner the contents of the said note they have refused and still do refuse to the damage of your petitioner one hundered dollars. Wherefore your petitioner pray process may issue against the said John Pryor, Delphia Willson, and Wm McNatt to answer in the presmises.
In the Court of Alderman June Term 1803
Cayter for Pltz
Bud Davis vs. John Pryor et al.

1806 Judgment in Chatham County
Febry 25th 1806
A. S. Richards vs. Delphia Wilson, fifty two Dollars, Eighty seven cent with interst & costs.
A. s. Richards vs. John Pryor, judgement for forty seven dollars 42/100 with interest & costs.

1915 Will – Alfred Pryor, estate. Wife Meta Bessie Pryor of Savannah. Wits Cecile A Ryan, H Mercer Jordan, A A Lawrence

Records of Chattahoochee County, GA

1860 Census Chattahoochee County
Page 516, house 573/497 PRIOR Dozier 73 (no place of birth recorded)
(Prior is on earlier census records in Edgefield, SC. Son of Thomas Dozier and Caty Pryor)

Records of Clarke County, GA

January Term 1811
Jury No. 12
Thomas Booth vs. Allen Pryor
Case. We find for the plaintiff forty two Dollars with interest and costs.
Jury No. 12: Sterling Combs, Thomas [Joplin], Nicholas Freeman
(Clarke County Court minutes, 1802-1872, page 22)

1812 Notice
Clarke County
Rule Nisi
Upon the petition of Bedford Brown, shewing to the court that Obediah Pryer, on the 2d of January 1810 mortgaged to the said Bedford a tract of land, granted to Freeman, lying and being in the County of Clark, adjoining Archibald Crowley and others containing one hundred and twenty-five acres, more or less on Wild Cat creek. “A true extract from the minutes.” Ordered dated 20 August 1811. Bedford Brown, clerk.
(Georgia Express, Athens, April 24 1812)

1814 Clarke County Tax Digest
Capt. Martin’s District: Obed Pryor 65 acres, granted to Freeman, joining Clarke?, county Clarke, waters Wildcat

1816 Mariage – Allen PRIOR to Sallie Thornton 4 Jan 1816

1816 Tax List – Obadiah Pryor, 67 acres adjoining Freeman and Maxey
1816 Tax List – Allen Prier, — acres, adjoining —
(Possibly the same Obadiah and Allen Pryor who were in Oglethorpe Co., GA)

1816 Court Case
David Taylor vs. Alex. Pryer: Judgment confessed.
I confess Judgment to the plaintiff for thirty three dollars with interest & costs, Jany. 22nd 1816
Test: Reuben Hill
Alex [his mark] Prier
Clark County Court Minutes 1802-1872, page 203

1816 Court Case
Jury No. 1
Charles Crowley vs. Obadiah Pryer. Debt. We find for the plaintiff twenty five dollars with interest & costs. Thomas Hightower.
Clark County Court Minutes 1802-1872, page 204

1817 Court Case
Georgia, Clark County, To the keeper of the joal in the county aforesaid, greeting, We command you that you have the body of Allen Pryor detained in our said prison in your custody as it is said by whatsoever name he may be called in the same together with the day and cause of the taking and detaining the said Allen Pryer before us immediately after the receipt of this writ to do and receive all and singular things which the one of the Justices of the Inferior Court for said county shall consider of therein in this behalf and have then and there this writ.
Witness James M. Burton one of the Justices of the Inferior court foresaid County this 19th day of May 1817
Clark County Court Minutes 1802-1872, page 7-9
Returned the cause of detention with the body of the prisoner in open court this 19th May 1817,
James Hendon
It is ordered that Allen Pryer be released from farther detention on the payment of all costs then being no offence set forth in the [mittimas?]
Wa[l]ter Shropshire vs. Allen Prier, Personally came before me Geo. M. Moore, jailor for Clark County who being duly sworn saith that the deft. in the above case has been committed without pltff giving the security for jail fees required by law and that he is app{—?—] said fees may be cost of said deft is longer detained.
Sworn to & subscribed before me this 3rd June 1817
James M. Burton

1829 Marriage – Robert A PRYOR to Louisa Houghton 22 Dec 1829

1837 Marriage – William Mason to Emily PRYOR on 28 Dec 1837

1840 Census Clarke Co., GA
William Mason 100001 – 11001

1850 Census Clarke Co., GA
William Mason 34 Eng, Emily Mason (Emily PRYOR) 32 GA, John 11, Charles 8, William 6, George 3, Martha F. 1, J. T. Marr 46 NY.

Records of Columbia County, GA

1794 Probate – Jane PRYOR administratix Philip Pryor deceased — died intestate.

1796 Marriage – Nancy PRIOR to Patrick Dougherty 27 Dec 1796 (Patrick’s will was filed in 1839 in Columbia County and there is no mention of his wife, so Nancy probably died before him)

1800 Marriage – Sarah PRIOR to John Magrudger 20 Oct 1800 (An online family tree places Sarah as the daughter of Haden Pryor and Elizabeth Wade. John Magruder in his will appointed his friend Patrick Dougherty and his son John Magruder as his executors. Signed 18 Oct 1826. His will names wife Sarah, daughter Mary Flint, son John Magurder, daughter Amelia, daughter Eleanor, daughter Martha.)

1807 Marriage – Jane PRIOR to Michael Dougherty 18 Apr 1807 (Jane Pryor Dougherty is on the 1850 Census in Columbia Co., GA)

1808 Marriage – Elizabeth PRIOR to James Harley 20 Dec 1808

1820 Census Columbia Co., GA
Patrick Dougherty – in Capt. Horatio Gatrells Dist. 310201020102 (11) (Patrick Dougherty married Nancy Pryor in 1796 in Columbia Co, GA. Counted on census near Joseph Tankersley Sr. Joseph was the son of Richard Tankersley who explored Kanawha County with William and Nicholas Pryor.)
Page, line 24 Mistress Elizabeth PRIOR 00021000001
Page, line 27 John Magruder – in Capt. Jesse Morris Dist. 010110220100 (5) (John Magruder married Sarah Pryor in 1800 in Columbia Co., GA)

1827 Land Lottery in Muscogee Mary P Pryor, widow obtained land.

1827 Land Lottery in Muscogee Wade Pryor, obtained land.

1829 Marriage
– Wade PRIOR to Rebecca Poythress 4 Mar 1829 (Wade Pryor is on the 1830 – 1850 Census in Harris Co., GA)

1832 Estate, Columbia County
Requested court to sell the property of Robert T Allen, MARY PRIOR, administratrix.
(The Georgia Constitutionalist. January 01, 1833. Administrator’s bond filed in December 1832 names Mary P Prior, William Upton, John D. Dickison, Reuben Massey)

1840 Marriage – Felix PRIOR to Martha A. Rees 2 Nov 1840 (Felix Pryor is on the 1840 – 1850 Census in Columbia Co., GA)

1840 Census Columbia Co., GA
Dist 8, page 307, Felix PRIOR 10000101-0111

1847 Marriage – James Alford to Emily PRYOR (Emily Pryor Alford is on the 1850 Census in Columbia Co., GA)

1850 Census Columbia Co., GA
Div. 18, page 238A, house 9 Michael Dougherty 77 planter $2000 MD, Jane (PRYOR) 65 GA, Matilda 35 GA, Pamelia 31 GA, Eliza 29 GA “lunatic”, Sara 27 GA  (Michael Dougherty married Jane Pryor on Apr. 18, 1807 in Columbia Co., GA)
Page 242B, house 90 James Alford 24 planter  $2000 GA, Emily (PRYOR) 21 GA, Guilford 2 GA. (James Alford married Emily Pryor on Dec. 25, 1847 in Columbia Co., GA)
Page 243A, house 92 Felix G. PRIOR 61 planter $3500 GA?, Martha 45, Sarah 17, Felix 15, Palatia 11, Matthew Reed 25 boarder. (Felix Pryor married Mrs. Martha A. Rees on Nov. 2, 1840 in Columbia Co., GA)

1860 Census Columbia Co., GA
Page 659A, House 648 Martha A. PRIOR 57 planter $1600/$13,252 GA. (Widow of Felix Pryor)

Records of Dade County, GA

1880 Census Dade Co., GA
Mountain Twp., Page 52C Thomas LeCroy 64 GA SC NC, Louisa C. wife 40 TN  GA TN, Emeline Scott sister in law 36 TN GA TN, Alexander M. PRYOR step-son 18 TN TN TN, Joseph H. PRYOR step-son 14 TN TN TN, James R. PRYOR step-son 9 TN TN TN. (Louisa Catherine wife of Philip Pryor of Marion Co., TN. She and children Alexander and Joseph are on the 1870 Census in Marion Co., TN.)
Sligo Twp., page 13a, Henry PRYOR (mu) 36 TN TN AL, Lovena (bl) 30 wife GA GA GA, Emma (bl) dau 9 GA, Walter (bl) son 6 GA, Lulu (bl) dau 4 GA, Frances (bl) born June 1879 11/12 GA.

1900 Census Dade Co., GA
960th Dist., Trenton, page 247a, house 62 Alexander PRYOR Feb. 1861 39 (md. 19 yrs) GA GA TN, Matilda C. wife Sept. 1862 37 (9 children/8 living) GA MO SC, Louisa A. dau Dec. 1881 18 GA, Paul son Aug. 1883 16 GA, James T. son May 1885 15 GA, Charles son Aug 1887 GA, Clement son Mar. 1893 7 GA, Mattie D. dau Feb. 1896 4 GA, Mijah E. dau Nov. 1898 1 GA, Caroline F. Sitton grandmother Dec. 1816 83 (md. 40 yrs), (1 child/1 living) SC SC SC. (Several Pryor family members are on the 1909 Guion-Miller Eastern Cherokee Rolls: Matilda, Migah, Paul, Clemmons, & Mattie all have consecutive application numbers. Robert, Henry & William also applied but are not on the census. Cherokee by Blood: Records of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the U.S. Court of … By Jerry Wright Jordan states that Matilda and her son Joseph applied as Cherokees and were rejected. On his application Joseph states he was born in SC. Rejection says that he was born outside Cherokee domain and “shows no real connection with the Cherokee tribe.)

Records of Dodge County, GA

1880 Census in Dodge Co., GA
House 257 William Sawyer 45 works in saw mill GA GA GA,, Massa (PRYOR) 40 wife GA GA GA, Martha 15 dau GA, William Thomas son 11 son GA, Nilladay 9 dau GA, (on the 1870 Census in Pulaski Co., GA)