Records from Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana
1880 Census, Avoyelles Co., LA
Page 447d, Wm PRIER 40 laborer LA LA LA, M. A. wife 30 LA LA LA, A. son 12 LA, J. son 10 LA, W. son 9 LA, M. E. dau 8 LA, C. (Charles?) son 7 LA (Possibly William Pryor and family who are on the 1900 Census in Hill Co., TX)
Records from Caddo Parish, Louisiana
1850 Census, Caddo Co., LA
Shreveport, page 336, house 133 T. W. Smoker (m) 24 PA, Martha 22 MO, Julia 1 LA, William Boarman 26 KY, A. J. (m) 21 KY, Henry Bodless 11 MS, Alexander Boarman 10 MS, James PRYOR 19 laborer MS, Martin Wallen 22 laborer TN.
Records from Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana
1880 Census, Calcasieu Co., LA
Ward 6, page 537a, house 33 S W Boles 28 hauling sawed logs TX MO AR, Purcey A wife 18 TX GA AL, Alda B 7/12 dau TX, S W PRYOR 7 nephew TX AL TX. (In 1900 Sam W Pryor b.1873 is in Montgomery Co., TX. Samuel Pryor and Mary Boles -below- were counted next door to each other on the 1870 Census in Milam Co., TX and the Pryors in Rapides Parish, LA in the 1840’s)
Ward 6, page 537b house 49 Mary Boles 55 AR SC SC, Mary F 32 TX MO SC, S W PRYOR grandson 7 TX LA TX,
1900 Census, Calcasieu Co., LA
Page 84b, house 97 Belle PRYOR Jan 1862/38 widow 3 children/3living IN DE IN, Dora dau Aug 1884/15 MO, Nora M dau Jan 1887/13 KS, Fred W son Sep 1890/9 MO, Asbury Wilkinson father Jan 1818/82 widow DE DE DE, Chester D Dickinson boarder Apr 1875/25 KS NY CT, Will PRYOR orphan Aug 1899/ 10/12 LA (note on census say “This child was found on the steps of Mrs. Pryor’s house”. Lydia later married Chester Dickinson and they are on the 1915 and 1925 State Census in Cowley Co., KS. Son Will was ID’d as Will Dickinson in 1915)
Records from Carroll Parish, Louisiana
1860 Census, Carroll Parish, LA
Page 394, Ward 5, Caledonia & Oakgrove PO, house 726 Luke PRYOR 45 laborer AL, Elmina wife 55 AL. (Luke Pryor married Amy Williams, widow of Joel Hurley in Pike Co., AL)
1870 Census Carroll Parish, LA
Ward 5, Oak Grove PO, page 267b, house 37 Luke PRYOR 60 farm laborer SC, Amy 67 keeping house SC.
Records from Catahoula Parish, Louisiana
1813 Settler – Zachariah Taliaferro from Amherst Co., VA settled in the parish (The Times, Shreveport, 22 Aug 1922)
1845 Land Record – Land purchased by William PRIOR on 1 Oct 1845. The north east fractional quarter of section six in township seven North of Range six east in the District of lands subject to sale at Ouachita, LA.
1850 Census, Catahoula Co., LA
Page 52b, house 61 John Wooton 35 planter KY and family
Page 52b, house 62 Agrippe Hanes 35 planter MS and family
Page 52b, house 63 Richard G. Wooten 50 planter GA
Page 52b, house 64 John P. Hanes 74 planter VA and wife Martha Hanes 64 FL
Page 52b, house 67 Peter Hanes 29 planter LA and family
Page 53a house 74 Morgan Coats 48 planter SC and family (Morgan Coats is on the 1841 MS state census in Lauderdale Co., MS)
Page 53B, house 79/79 William PRYOR 39 planter $2500 GA, Margaret 28 SC, William Jr. 14 MS, Marion 11 MS, Susan 8 LA, Rebecca 4 LA, Martha 6 LA. (In 1860 this family was counted in Rusk Co., TX. 1850 Mortality schedule lists Mary J. Pryor aged 15 born in GA)
Page 59b, house 171 Archibald Whatley 49 planter GA, Julia Ann 46 GA, Wooten W 24 LA, Nancy J 18 LA, Mary 16 LA, Jesse 14 LA, John 11 LA, Adaline 9 LA, Archibald Jr. 5 LA, Josephine 2 LA, William Simmons 28 no occupation LA.
NOTE: Edward Pryor in Wilkes Co., GA was counted in the Clay Dist. in 1791 with neighbors named Wooten and Hanes, and also a older man named Archibald Whatley.
1852 Catahoula Homicide – Synopsis: In 1848 Charles Jones living on Black River near Major Liddle suffered a gunshot wound by a woman (unnamed) while in the presence of Liddle. Jones went away for 4 years and returned with “one Richard Pryor , sometimes called Col. Pryor, a noted blackleg, without means or character.” Jones, Pryor, and Jones’ nephew Samuel Smith tried to way-lay Liddle by jumping out from behind some trees. Later Samuel Glenn became involved in the plots against Liddle. Eventually Liddle killed a Mr. Wiggins thinking him to be Pryor.(The Woodville Republican, 27 July 1852)
Records from DeSoto Parish, Louisiana
1880 Census DeSoto Parish, LA
Ward 2, page 189d, house 551 Bob PRIOR (Creole) 60 farmer LA France France, Louisa 55 wife LA France France, Sadie 11 LA.
Records from Iberville Parish, Louisiana
1813 Marriage – Benjamin W. Pryor married Mary Billings on 27 May 1813.
1820 Census Iberville Parish, LA
Benjamin Praer 100020001000-4
(Benjamin Pryor married Mary Billings on 27 May 1813. Benjamin Pryor is in Ellis Co., TX in 1850)
1830 Census Iberville Parish, LA
Benjamin Pryer 1110001 – 110001
Abraham Billings 00002 – 01001
Records from Jackson Parish, Louisiana
1866 US IRS Assessment
Pryor & Foley, retail liq. dealers, in Jackson
W. K. Pryor, retail liq. dealers, in Jackson
1880 Census Jackson Co., LA
East Feliciana, page 82d, house 116 E. J. PRYOR 40 teacher NY Ireland Ireland, Lizzie 13 dau LA, William J. 12 son LA, Thomas B. 10 son LA, Annie T. dau 8 LA, Mary 7 dau LA. (father’s place of birth listed as Ireland. Elizabeth Jane Brady, widow of William Keenon Pryor. Son Thomas B. was in Sebastian Co., AR. Eliza Jane may be daughter of Thomas and Catharine Brady who were on the 1860 Census in New Orleans.)
Records from Lafourche Parish, Louisiana
1850 Census, Lafourche Co., LA
Page 284, house 149 Adam Hawthorne 39 overseer SC, L. N. PRIOR (m) 35 carpenter MD, William Shaw 35 Scotland.
Records from Madison Parish, Louisiana
1850 Census, Madison Co., LA
Page 376, house 234 W. B. PRYOR 57 planting $1800 VA, Jane B. 51 VA, Richard 30 $400 VA, Agnes D. Creasy (nee PRYOR) 28 VA, Mary A. Pryor 26 VA, William P. Creasy 10 MS. (Possible son of Richard Pryor and Ann Bland, William Bland Pryor served in the war of 1812 under Capt Philip Pryor’s in the VA Militia. Capt. Pryor was his uncle. He married Jane B. Atkinson Oct. 12, 1818 in Chesterfield Co., VA. Jane B. Pryor, daughters and her son Richard were on the 1860 and 1870 Census in Warren Co., MS. William B. Pryor is on the 1820 Census in Brunswick Co., VA and on the 1830 Census in Tipton Co., TN. Agnes Pryor md. William B. Creecy/Creasy on Nov. 15, 1838 in Warren Co., MS. William B. Pryor is mentioned in the US Supreme Court Case of Richard Stockton v. James C. Ford involving land transactions in Carroll Co., LA involving Roger B. Atkinson in May 1837.)
1 March 1851 Land Warrant #5398 to Richard Pryor private in Captain McKierman’s company fifth Regiment LA volunteers. Madison county land office.
Records from Morehouse Parish, Louisiana
1 Oct 1879 Land Warrant 71315 for 120 acres. Jane B Pryor widow of William B. Pryor Corporal, Captain Pryor’s Company Virginia Militia, War 1812. (See BLM website, probably the Jane Pryor who was with W B Pryor in Madison county in 1850.)
Records from Natchitoches County, Louisiana
1880 Census Natchitoches Parish, LA
Page 502a, house 152/181 Sarah PRIOR (mu) 64 laundress LA LA SC.
1870 Census Natchitoches Parish, LA
Page 531a. Robert Pyor (possibly Pior) 74 VA, Clarissa 65 GA, Benjamin 23 GA (Probably the Pior family on the 1850 census in Burke Co., GA)
Records from New Orleans, Louisiana
1816 Notice – Samuel H. Harper, Attorney at Law and Register of the Land Office, has removed his office to his residence in Custom House Street opposite Messrs. Gilly and Pryor. July 3. (Louisiana State Gazette, 15 July 1816)
1816 Notice – Published by William Liddle regarding a bread transaction mentions Mr. Thomas M Winn, Mr. Pryor, Mr. Martin Gordon, Mr. Sterrett, Mr. George Ralston, Mr. Cenas. Mr. Liddle may have been a supplier or baker as he had demanded a payment for bread from Mr. Winn and all others involved were mentioned because Winn had complained to them (some in Natchez) that the bread had been paid for. (Louisiana State Gazette, 11 Oct 1816 – Note there was an incident in Catahoula Parish in 1850 that concerned a Mr. Pryor and a Mr. Liddle).
1819 Notice of a runaway slave named Jim – (in French)
Parti marron Samedi B Janvier, le negre nomme JIM, appartenant autrefois a Gilly et Pryor, et Quiells out vendu a MM. W. et J. Montgomery. Jim est un negre tres bien fait, tres robuste, tres noir, figure pleine, il a 5 ieds 9 a 10 pounces, et il est age de 23 ans. Au moment de son deaprt il avait une grosse capotte de couleur brune, une veste de gingas, des pantalons de gros drap brun, un vieux chapeau, et une pair de souliers a la Jefferson. La recompense ci-dessus sera payee si on le prend en ville, et si c’est hors des lunites de la corporation, on y ajoutera les frais raisonnables qu’on aura pu faire. S’adresser a MM. W. & J. Montgomery, ou a soussaigne.
Ths. Johnson.(Louisiana State Gazette, 14 Jan 1819)
1820 Census New Orleans
J B Gilly 1002102111 (Possibly John B Gilly, brother in law of Nathaniel Pryor of Louisvile)
1841 Mail “General Delivery” – The notice of a letter held in New Orleans for Mrs Patzy T Pryor (Times-Picayune on 11 Sept 1841)
1841 Mail “General Delivery” – The notice of a letter held in New Orleans for Richard Pryor (published in the Times-Picayune on 14 Apr 1841. Is this the same man who had letter held for him in Nashville in 1834? Another article published on 10 April 1841 in the Public Ledger in Philadelphia discussed the death of Beverly Pryor and the eventual death of his killer Eli Abbot. It states that Richard Pryor, Beverly’s father, was in New Orleans.)
1842 Horse Sale – SALE OF TOM MARSHALL. — Since the races of last week Mr. Benj. Pryor has sold his colt Tom Marshall, by imp. Leviathan to T. J. Wells, Esq. of this State, for $500. (The Times Picayune, New Orleans, 29 Dec 1842. This is likely John Benjamin Pryor of Natchez, MS
1844 Probate for John PRYOR deceased. Filed by his widow Bridget PRYOR and Philip Canterbury. Marriage affidavit from a Priest at St. Anthony’s states John was the son of John Pryor and Mary Kerns, and that Bridget was the daughter of John Fox and Catherine McGovern. Briget had one child that died soon after birth, a mid-wife’s affidavit states it was Bridgets first born child and had been very large at birth. (Bridget Prior and Philip Canterbury were living together on the 1850 Census — see below)
1844 Death Notice – “The remains of the late John PRIOR, of the firm of PRIOR & Havalin, were yesterday accompanied to the grave by military escort, formed by his brother citizen soliders of the Louisiana Volunteers. Mr. PRIOR’s death was caused by his falling from the scafolding of a house in Gravier street on Saturday, on which he had been pursuing his trade of tinman or plumber.” (The Times Picayune, New Orleans, LA)
1844 – 1849 Theatre Notices – An actor named Mr. PRIOR performed at the American Theatre. In a play titled Brutus, Or The Fall of Tarquis Mr. Prior played Titus and Mr. Booth (relative of John Wilkes Booth?) played Burtus. His possible wife Mrs. J Prior also performed in plays in New Orleans. In 1849 a Mr. J Prior of the St. Charles and Mobile Theaters was touted as a writer. In May and June 1849 there was a Mr. J PRIOR performing in Pittsburg, PA. (Notices in Times-Picayune and The Pittsburg Gazette)
1850 Census, Orleans Parish, New Orleans, LA
Page 333A, house 3151 “Boarding House”…Richard PRIOR 25 sailor ME.
Ward 1, page 214A, house 1255 James B. PRIOR 15 Ireland, Charles 17 Ireland, Jane 25 Ireland, Elizabeth 15 Ireland, Marguerite 9 Ireland, Jane 2 Ireland.
Page 18, house 288/287 Catharine Donovan 40 $2000 Ireland, Mary Jane PRIOR 17 NY, Eliza PRIOR 15 LA.
Ward 1, page 101b, house 1783 T. A. Prieur 43 Jamaica, E. 30 LA, V. (f) 19 Jamaica, Henry 12 Jamaica, Emma 4 LA, E (f) 2 6/12 LA, Charles 9/12 LA
Page 2A, house 17/18 Thomas Egan 28 drayman Ireland, Eliza Jane 35 Ireland, James Noble Grey 7 LA, Daniel G. Humphrey 37 painter NC, Mary Jane (PRYOR) Humphrey 18 MS, Philip Jordan 35 laborer Ireland, Mariah Jordan 25 Ireland, Patrick Gannon 30 laborer Ireland, Susan Gannon 27 Ireland, Owen Matthews 30 cooper Ireland, Sarah Matthews 27 Ireland. (D. G. Humphrey married Mary Jane Prior on May 29, 1849 in Caddo Parrish, LA)
Dist. 3, page 242b, house 1751 Philip Canterbury 52 soda manufacturing MA, Bridget Prior 34 Ireland (see John Pryor probate 1844 above.)
1852 Death Notice of former New Orleans resident
DIED: On Saturday, July 3, at Bay St. Louis, Hancock County, Miss., Mrs. JANE BUCHANAN PRYOR, aged 66 years. relic of the late John Baptiste Gill, late of the City of New Orleans.
The New Orleans Crescent, 6 July 1852
(The Jane Pryor is possible sister of Nathaniel Pryor of the Lewis and Clark Expedition)
1855 Mail “General Delivery” – The notice of a letter held in New Orleans for Samuel Pryor (published in the Times-Picayune on 21 Oct 1855)
1856 Mail “General Delivery” – The notice of a letter held in New Orleans for Madison PRIOR (published in the Times-Picayune on 27 Jul 1856)
1856 Notice in Newspaper
The case of Wm J. DeShea and Lane Pryor charged with the stabbing of Alden Crockett at Fanny Taylor’s was postponed to the 26th; Miss Belle Reed making an affidavit that DeShea did the stabbing and Lieut. Kearney making affidavit that Crockett told him that Pryor did it. The accused were refused bail but subsequently by order of Judge Robertson they were admitted to bail of $1500 each, which they furnished.
The New Orleans Crescent, January 18, 1856
6 Notice in Newspaper
Lane PRYOR and Wm. S. DeShea, accused of sword-caning, or cane-swording Alden Crockett, at Fanney Taylor’s, almost a month ago, were examined before Recorder Bright on Saturday, and discharged. It appeared that the parties were all good friends–had started out on a lark–and whilst in a vortex of wine and women at the house named, got into a row, the nature of which not on e of them could understand on becoming sober. Crockett being entirely recovered, and not wishing to prosecute, of course the matter was settled.
The New Orleans Crescent, January 28 1856
1857 News Article – An “aspiring pyrotechnist” named James PRYOR caused an explosion and fire with the careless use of powder at 308 Maria St. Pryor died in the accident and it was determined he was storing large quantities of gun powder in his room.
The New Orleans Crescent, 7 July 1857
1867 Notice in Newspaper
The case of J. A. PRYOR charged by Mr. Callahan with assault and battery, was dismissed at the request of the prosecutor.
The New Orleans Crescent, January 3, 1867
1869 News Report – Mr. PRIOR shot and dangerously wounded in a family difficulty (Nashville Union and American, 27 November 1869)
1875 Arrest – Arrested for forcible horse theft, George PRIOR (The Times-Picayune, 10 Apr 1875)
1880 Census, Orleans Parish., LA
page 354A, house 1/1 Dave Turner (bl) 41 hosteler VA VA VA, Eliza (PRYOR?) black 37 VA VA VA, Emma PRIER black 93 mother VA VA VA (LA Death records state Emma Prior died March 16, 1884 at 105 years old)
Records from Rapides County, Louisiana
1830 Rapides Parish, LA
page 100, John C. PRYOR 220021 – 00001 (John C. Pryor married Ann E. Bullard in Franklin Co., TN in 1818)
Next line, Wm A Kitchen 20002 – 00001
1830 Indenture – Between James Smith and Eliza his wife of LA and Charles Jones of Rapides Parish. $2500 for a lot with a tavern. Witnessed by John C. PRYOR. (Charles Jones later lived in Catahoula Parish and had a friend named Richard Pryor around 1852 when they sided against another Catahoula resident in a noted feud)
1840 Census, Rapides Parish, LA
Page 211 Isaac Thomas 0000011 – 0010001 (Researcher notes Isaac Thomas born 4 Nov. 1784 in Sevier Co., TN. Died in Rapides Co., LA in 1859. Married Jane Bullard, Emerline Flint, and Anne PRYOR)
(next line) E. H. Flint 00001 – 0001
1843 Court Case – Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Louisiana – Page 257 by Louisiana Supreme Court, Louisiana Court of Errors and Appeals, Merritt M. Robinson – 1843. “This is a petitory action by which the plaintiff seeks to recover an undivided half of a piece of ground in the town of Alexandria…on the 6th of February 1830 while he was absent from the parish of Rapides in the discharge of official duties his partner John C. Pryor, pretending to act in the name of the firm, but without any authority to so do, made a conveyance of the lot of ground to F. M. LaFerriere Levesque… John B. Scott now claims to be the owner of it
1846 Birth – William Thomas Pryor born to William and Rebecca Simmons Pryor. (The family is on the 1860 Census in Jackson County, TX. They are related to the Pryors in Calcasieu Parish, LA.)
1870 Census, Rapides Parish., LA
Alexandria Ward, page 111a, house 1465 Daniel PRYOR (bl) 50 farm laborer TN, Hettie (bl) 45 LA, Louis (bl) 20 LA, Elizabeth (bl) 18 LA, Dick (bl) 15 LA, Susan (bl) 8 LA, Aaron (bl) 6 LA.
Alexandria PO, Anacoco Ward, page 227b, house 389 Cornelius PRYER 35 AL, Marsalee 32 AL, David 9 AL, Albert 7 AL, William 5 AL, Adley (f) 3 AL, Michael 4/12 AL (born Feb 1870).
1880 Census, Rapides Parish., LA
Alexandria Ward, page 495d, house 412/513 Daniel PRYOR (bl) 70 TN TN TN, Hetty (bl) 55 wife LA LA LA
Cheneyville, page 656c, house 484/515 Harvey PRIOR (mu) 48 laborer TN VA VA.
Records from Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
1880 Census Terrebone Co., LA
House 381 Harkless (Hankless) PRIOR bl. male 57 laborer TN VA TN, Jennie wife 53 GA GA GA, Jennie grand-daughter 18 laundress LA LA LA, Joseph 17 son laborer LA TN GA, John 15 son laborer LA TN GA (If son Joseph was born in 1863 in LA, this family was in LA during the time of slavery before the Civil War)
Records from Union Parish, Louisiana
1870 Census Union Co., LA
Ward 3, page 68b, house 276 Nancy (PRYOR) Heard 31 AL, John 14 AL, Martha 13 AL, William 10 AL, Charity 8 AL, Sally 6 AL.
Ward 3, page 68b, house 277 William PRYOR 58 farmer GA, Wiley 21 GA, Thomas 19 AL, Doctor 17 AL, Jesse 10 AL, Charles 8 AL (William Pryor was on the 1860 Census in Perry Co., AL).
Records from Washington Parish, Louisiana
1850 Census, Washington Co., LA
Page 447A, house 137/137 James PRIOR 39 farmer TN, Eliza 31 MS, G. W. (m) 12 MS, Martha 10 MS, William 8 MS, Barney 6 MS, Abel 4 MS, Lavinia 1/12 LA. (This family is probably the family on the 1866 State census in Wayne Co., MS)
Records from West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana
Records from Winn Parish, Louisiana
1870 Census Winn Co., LA
Page 508b, house J W PRIOR (male) 39 NC, E Jane 50 LA, Madora Purl 18 LA, Lu