South Carolina – Counties A – D

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Records from Abbeville Co., SC

1850 Census, Abbeville Co., SC
The Saluda Regiment Dist., page 103A, house 1588/1588 John PRIER 50 farmer TN, Melinda 37 SC, Lucy Jane 12 SC, James W. Filmer 10 SC. (John Pryor and his household were record as white by “” marks on census)

1860 Census Abbeville Co., SC
Greenwood PO, page 63, House 923 Mary PRYOR 47 farmer SC, James Fife 24 farm laborer SC, Josephine Pryor 7 SC, James H. Pryor 5 SC (Mrs. M Pryor is listed on the 1860 Slave Schedule, owned one male slave aged 59. Mary/Malinda Pryor’s race is not noted on the 1860 Census, however she and her children were noted as black on the 1870 Census. Is the 59 year old slave the John Pryor noted on the 1850 Census?)

1870 Census Abbeville Co., SC – non population schedule
Malinda PRYOR 30 acres

1870 Census Abbeville co., SC
Page 383a, house 66 Malina PRYOR (bl) 60 SC, James W (bl) 31 farm laborer SC, Josephine 20 (bl) SC.

Records from Aiken Co., SC

See earlier records in Edgefield county that mention property in Beech Island, SC (now in Aiken Co.)

1877 Estate – Richard D PRIOR, deceased. Probate date 25 Oct 1877. Archie N. PRIOR signed note that estate owes him money. (Death record for Eliza Pryor Johnson states she was the daughter of Richard Daniel Prior and Mary Anna Hall, Eliza was born 2 Feb 1866 in Aiken co. Richard D and family were in Barnwell Co in 1870)

1880 Census Aiken Co., SC
Page 99a, Hammond Twp., house 40/40 David Clark 59 SC SC SC, Elizabeth Clark (probably Elizabeth B Prior) 41 SC SC SC, Adger Clark 21 SC SC SC, Emily Clark 19 SC SC SC, Anna Clark 17 SC SC SC, Richard Clark 14 SC SC SC, Jane Clark 11 SC SC SC, Jonathan Clark 8 SC SC SC (This family was previously counted in Edgefield County, SC)

1930 Census Aiken Co., SC
Page 19b Robert Pryor 44 SC SC SC, Willie wife 30 SC SC SC, Evelyn dau 6 SC, John W. son 5 SC, Nath Lee dau 1 4/12 SC, Will Miner boarder 43 widow SC SC SC (Application for military grave marker shows Robert was in the military in 1898. Robert Edward Pryor registered for WWI draft in Aiken Co. in 1918)

1923 Death Record, Aiken Co., SC
Kinchin R Pryor 75 years, died 5 Dec 1923. Occupation mechanic. Born SC. Father David/Dennis Pryor. No informant name on death record. (Buried Wesley United Methodist Church Cemetery (Served in Union Army during Civil War from the State of SC. His son Robert E. Pryor died in Washington Co., TN– his death record states his parents were Kinch Pryor and Annie McElmurray. Robert was a well-digger from Aiken Co., SC)

1930 Census Aiken Co., SC
Page 19b Robert E Pryor 56 SC SC SC, Willie wife 39 SC SC SC, Evelyn J dau 17 SC, John W son 15 SC, Nettalee dau 11 SC, Jessie M dau 7 SC

Records from Anderson Co., SC

1849 DeathJohn Prior Archer b. 12 Dec 1806, died 3 Jul 1849. (Buried Pickens Chapel Cemetery in Anderson Co., SC. Probate was filed in Pickens Co. SC)

1892 News Report – A white prisoner, J. H. PRYOR from Pelzer, hanged himself in his jail cell. He had been arrested for receiving goods under false pretenses. He left a wife and two sons, one of which was married. He was about 42. He was buried in the county poor house graveyard. (The Intelligencer, Anderson, SC, 23 Jun 1892)

1900 Census, Anderson Co., SC
Williamston Twp., sheet 14b, house 20, Sarah A PRYOR May 1846 54 widow, 8 children/7 living, SC SC NC. Mattie dau Sept 1878 21 SC NC SC cotton mill weaver. Lizzie dau Sept 1881 18 SC NC SC cotton mill weaver. Lela dau Jun 1883 16 SC NC SC cotton mill spooler. Della Putman g-dau Aug 1895 4 SC SC SC. Nannie Putman g-dau Mar 1896 3 SC SC SC. (Sarah A Pryor (the record is under the spelling Prior) died in Williamston in 1926. Her death record states she was born 11 May 1846 and her father’s surname was Youngblood. In 1880 Sarah and husband Samuel T. Pryor were on the census in Pickens Co., SC. Per Find A Grave, Samuel T. Pryor is buried in Greenville, SC)

1910 Census, Anderson Co., SC
Williamston Twp., page 321A, McLaughlin St., house 194/196 George W. PRYOR (md. 21 yrs.) TN TN TN, Martha wife 42 (10 children/6 living) TN TN TN, Joe son 16 TN, Chick son 12 TN, Floyd son 7 TN, Myrtle dau 4/12 SC.
Williamston Twp., page 321A, house 195/197 Willie PRYOR head 21 single (md. 3 years) TN TN TN, Lizzie dau 21 single (1 child/1 living) TN TN TN, ??? dau 1 7/12 TN. (Marital status is unclear on the census record)
Williamston Twp., page 321B, house 197/199
Will L. PRYOR 42 (md. 22 yrs.) TN TN TN  runs elevator at cotton mill, Mandie wife 41 (10 children/10 living) TN TN TN, Sarah dau 16 TN, Darcus dau 14 TN, Lucy dau 12 TN, Theodore son 10 TN, Leo son 8 TN, Raymond son 6 TN, Carl son 4 SC, Lila dau 7/12 SC. (Vincent Pryor & Sarah of Jefferson Co., TN>sons George & Will)

1917 WWI Draft Registrations, Anderson Co., SC
William Lanford PRYOR, born 28 Mar 1889 in Dandridge, TN
Joseph Luther PRYOR, born 17 Jan 1894 in Dandridge, TN
James Alex PRYOR, born 14 Mar 1896, in Jefferson Co., TN
Elmer Ovely PRYOR, born 2 May 1900 place not recorded, permanent home in

1920 Census Anderson Co., SC – ED#62
House 3/3 Will PRYOR 30 TN TN TN, Sue 35 wife TN TN TN, Annie Love 11 dau TN,  Bertha May 9 dau SC. (Sue Pryor died in Anderson Co. per Death Record Feb. 8, 1924, aged 40)
ED#62, Williamston Twp., house150/150 James A. PRYOR 22 TN TN TN, Lillie 26 wife SC SC SC, Ruby 2 dau SC, Raymond St. James? 9 st-son SC, __? st-son 5 SC.
House163/163 George PRYOR 52 TN TN TN, Jolly? wife 49 TN TN TN, Myrtle 10 dau TN (George W. Pryor died in Anderson Co. per Death Record May 2, 1932 aged 66)
House 235/235 William L. PRYOR 50 TN TN TN, Amanda 49 wife TN TN TN, William 18 son TN, Oscar 16 TN, Raymond 14 son TN, Carl P. 12 son TN, Lila 9 dau SC.(Mandy Pryor died in Anderson Co. per Death Record Jan. 2, 1926, aged 24)
(George 52 and William L 50 appear on the 1880 Census in Jefferson Co., TN, page 461D: Vinson Pryor 49 SC VA NC, Sarah 36 TN, George 11 TN, William 10 TN, Eliza 8 TN, Ida 4 TN, Harvey 2 TN, Sally 9mo TN)

Records from Barnwell Co., SC

1820 Census, Barnwell Co., SC
Page 7, Isham H Clayton (married to Susannah Pryor b.1801) 00001-10002 (Isham Henry Clayton and wife Susannah Pryor b. 1800 and Daniel Wilson Clayton were in Lowndes Co., GA in 1850 – Susannah Pryor may be the daughter of John Prior of Edgefield County, aka Susanna Pryor Grubbs.)
Page 41, Tobias PRYOR 30001-001 (see Edgefield Co. 1850 Census)

1824 Marriage – Mary A PRYOR married Kinchin Rambo. (Mary A Pryor born 1808 in SC. They are on the 1840 Census in Gwinnett Co., GA and in 1870-1880 in Floyd Co., GA. On the 1880 Census Mary states her father was born in England.)

1830 Census, Barnwell Co., SC
Toby PRYOR 0020001 – 00001 (Tobias Pryor)

1870 Census, Barnwell Co., SC
Richard D. PRYOR 30 SC, Mary A 34, Elizar 4, Richard H. 2 (Death record for Eliza Pryor Johnson states she was the daughter of Richard Daniel Prior and Mary Anna Hall, Eliza was born 2 Feb 1866 in Aiken co.)

Records from Beaufort Dist, SC

1780 Petit Jury List – Seth PRIOR (Prince William Parish)

Records from Charleston , SC

See Craven county for possible other records related to Charleston

(Cheraw’s District) 1775 Revolutionary War Soldier – Luke PRYOR, Captain of the St. David’s Parish Volunteer Company 9/26/1775. Later, a QM in militia in 1782.

Luke Pryor’s Connection to the Revolutionary War
  • Pension application for William Shelley of Marion Co., SC states he was drafted into the militia in 1776 under the command of Luke Prior. He served with the militia for 3 months at Haddrell’s Point near Charleston.
  • Pension application for John Owen of Augusta Co., AL states his service began in March (the year of the Battle of Sullivan’s Island — 1776). He also served one month at Haddrells’ point and Luke Prior was his Captain. Luke Pryor was too young to have served in the Revolutionary War.
  • Pension application for Moses Lindsey of Newbury, SC (living in Williamson Co., TN). His veracity was sworn to by Luke Pryor of Williamson County.

1774 Estate Appraisal – George Ackerman late of Prince William parish. Just & true appraisement of the estate of George Ackerman which were shown unto us by Mary Ackerman now Mary Keating given under our hands the 20th January 1774. Seth PRIOR, John Myers, Thomas Myers

1780 Petit Jury List – Thomas PRIOR (Parish of St. Thomas and St. Denis)

1781 Estate Appraisal – Appraisment of negroes of W. Daniel Blake deceased 15th February 1781. Brewton’s Plantation. Prince Williams Parish, Greenville county. Seth Pryor, Marlder? Pryor, Wm Stautenburgh appraisers.

(Dorchester) 1784 Letter of AdministrationThornton PRYOR deceased of St. George Parish, Dorchester. Seth Pryor of the same parish applied to be administrator on 13 Dec 1784. Charles Lining, attorney.

1785 Inventories of EstatesMarlow Pryor’s bond to William Ancrum dated the 28th November 1785 for $43.12. Records Of Charleston District, Court Of Ordinary, Inventories And Appraisements Books (Marlow Pryor and William Ancrum mentioned in Kershaw Co., SC record)

1786 Ad – Sarah Pryor, At No. 40, Elliott-street, Begs leave to inform the Ladies, that she has a great variety of the newest fashions from London in the Mantua-making business; she also makes Italian cosoys and German jackets on the most reasonable terms. October 11th, 1786.
Charleston Morning Post (charleston, SC) 11 October 1786

1786 Ad – Adam Pryor, Pastry Cook and Confectioner, (From London,) At No. 40, Elliott-street, opposite the Printing Office, Performs the Art of Cookery in all its variety, particularly after the French and English modes–receives orders for and dispatches dinners any time between 12 and 3 o’clock–An will be happy in receiving commands in his line from ladies and gentlemen of the city, which they may rest assured will be punctually complied with.
Charleston Morning Post (Charleston, SC) 17 June 1786

1786 Marriage – MARRIED. Mr. Adam Pryor, to Miss Sarah Folks, both of this City. Charleston Morning Post (Charleston, SC) 28 July 1786

1787 Ad Adam Pryor, Pastry Cook and Confectioner, Having taken that well situated House, No. 126, Broad-street, will open on Monday next, An ORDINARY, where gentlemen or select companies may be furnished with all kinds of soups, relishes, dinners, &c. &c. on the most reasonable terms. Orders for dinners &c. to be sent out, will be carefull complied with.
Charleston Morning Post (Charleston, SC) 22 February 1787.

1787 Ad – A fine green turtle will be dressed this Day, at Pryor’s Ordinary, No. 126, Broad-street. Families may be supplied, by sending from 12 to 2 o’Clock.
Charleston Morning Post (Charleston, SC) 4 May 1787

1790 Census, Charleston, SC
St. Philip’s Parish, John PRIOR —
2 free white males 16 and up
2 free white males under 16
4 free white females
Cheraws Dist., John PRIOR —
1 free white males 16 and up
0 free white males under 16
1 free white females
Cheraws Dist. , Luke PRIOR —
2 free white males 16 and up
1 free white males under 16
5 free white females

(Dorchester) 1798 Will – Seth PRYOR, of St. George Dorchester, deceased. Heirs: Sons, Seth Thornton PRYOR and Samuel PRYOR, nieces Prudence Johnston, Mary Day. Mentions his boat “Harriet”. Executors and guardian of son Seth Thornton Pryor – Matthias Hutchinson and William Flack. Proved 30 Jun 1798. (See Colleton Co., SC. Seth Thornton was not yet 25 years old in 1798 per the will)

(Dorchester) 1802 Appointment – Appointed to inspect warehouses, Samuel PRIOR. (An Alphabetical Digest of the Public Statute Law of South-Carolina, Volume 3 By South Carolina, Joseph Brevard, pub. 1814)

1804 Event – Samuel PRIOR, Manager of Elections wrote to the House of Representatives. 30 November 1804 (South Carolina State Archives)

1805 Death Notice – On the 24th ult. Master Major L. Pryor, aged 16 years, son of Mrs. Delphia Wilson: after a short and painful illness.
Charleston Courier (Charleston, SC) 2 November 1805

1806 Estate – Return of the estate of Stephen Prieur late a lieutenant in the British Navy, deceased. There is no personal property in this country belonging to this estate. Marie Elizabeth Hoynate Prieur
(South Carolina Probate Papers)

1806 Notice – The following gentlemen were unanimously elected Vestrymen, and Church Wardens, on Esther Monday the 7th inst. for the Protestant Epsiscopal church in Dorchester, St. George’s parish the ensuing year:— Vestrymen. Henry Middleton, Henry m. Rutledge, William Joor, Joseph Waring, Thomas Waring of Pine Hill, James B. Stewart, Samuel Prior.
The Charleston Daily Courier, 15 April 1806

1810 Census, Charleston, SC
Page 164, Mary PRIER  10101- 211
St. John’s Berkeley, Page 158 (or 224) Wm (William) PRYER 01001-1001-4

1814 Will – Sarah PRIOR
was unable to lift her hand to sign, so will was signed for her by John Jacob —udy, 26 Sept. 1814. Executor Joseph Curtis. Will proved 11 Feb 1815.

1816 Probate – Joseph Curtis appointed administrator of the estate of Sarah PRIOR, widow, late of St. John’s.

1824 Poor House Record, Transient, Sick and Poor Admitted – Sept. 20th Henry PRIOR age 32, labourer, born in NJ. Admitted for 10 days. Discharged Sept. 30th.

1825 Book Seller in Charleston – Located at 40 Broad Street, James PRIOR. (The Charleston Mercury, 7 Feb 1825. Ads on page 4)

1829 Letter Held at Post office for W. R. J. PRIOR
(The Charleston Daily Courier, March 20, 1829)

1832 Letter Held at Post office for Mrs. Frances PRIOR
(The Charleston Daily Courier, February 4, 1832. See Dr. W. J. R. Prior in Georgetown.)

1834 Letter Held at Post office for Mrs. Frances PRIOR
(The Charleston Daily Courier, July 4, 1834)

1850 Census Dist. of Charleston, St. Philip & St. Michael Co. , SC
Page 176B, House 291 Edward Henry 42 tavern keeper Ireland, Jane 50 Ireland, Edward 16 clerk SC, Mary Ellen 12 SC, Briget Stanley 13 Ireland, Catherine Stanley 11 Ireland, Bernard PRIOR 24 clerk Ireland, Catherine 24 SC, Edward D. 8/12 SC.
Page 192A, House 523 John PRYOR 45 Ireland, Elizabeth 28 Ireland, Harriet E. 10 NY, George Thos. 8 NY, Mary R. 6 NY, Frances Emily 4 NY, Ellen T. 1 SC.
Page 251A, House 538 Seth PRIOR 37 shoe dealer SC, Rebecca 36 SC, Rebecca Weinges 56 MA, Garbes 25 book seller SC, Rebecca PRIOR 15 SC, Elizabeth 14 SC, Cornelia 13 SC, Julia 6 SC, S. T. (male) 3 SC. (Death record for Rebecca Ridgeway Jackson b. 1834, d. 1919 states her parents were Seth Thornton Prior and Rebecca Wienges. Mrs. Rebecca Prior died in 1889, death record states she was born in Charleston, her father was born in Germany)
Page 282B, house 983 Jane Harvey 45 Ireland and several boarders… B. R. PRIOR (male) 26 clerk SC.

1860 Census, Charleston, SC
4th Ward, page 339, house 504 “The Pavilion Hotel” B. R. PRYOR 31 merchant Ireland, Catherine 29 SC, Edward 10 SC, Eleanor 5 SC, Eugene 4 SC, Walter 1 SC.
4th Ward, page 311, house 231 Robert Janey? 49 saddler Ireland… living in household E. PRYOR female 22 SC
4th Ward, page 340, house 410, “boarding house”… J. or L. PRYOR 47 male clerk SC, Rebecca 46 SC.
4th Ward, page 325, house 396 W. B. Carson 35 clergyman ME SC… living in household W. M. PRYOR 20 male clerk SC.
4th Ward, page 334, house 529, Jno. (John) PRIOR 50 clerk Ireland, Harriet 18 NY, George 16 NY, Rebecca 15 NY, Frances 12 NY, Teresa 10 NY, Margaret 8 NY.

1877 Death – Died Feb. 1877 at 7 Felix St., William Pryor aged 60, occupation coachman, resided in Charleston 30 years. (Death Record states native of VA. African American.).

1901 Death – Died Mar. 1901, Tony Pryor aged 65, occupation farmer, resided in Charleston during his life.

Records from Cherokee County, SC

1914 Marriage Announcement Miss Stewart Pryor daughter of Dr. Stewart Pryor of Chester, to marry Dr. Ralph McFadden of Yorkville. Miss Pryor a niece of Mr. J. C. Pryor of Gaffney (The Gaffney Ledger, 24 Mar 1914)

1916 Social Announcement Mrs. Julius C. Pryor entertained friends for dinner at her home on Frederick St., assisted by her daughter Miss Lillie Pryor.

1924 Death – Died 14 Jun 1924 in Limestone (Saluda Co.?), Joseph D. Pryor born 23 Jun 1852 in NC. Father born in NC, mother Lucrecia born in NC.

1951 DeathMiss Lilly Pryor age 71, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pryor. Lived in Gaffney her entire life. (The Gaffney Ledger, 20 Jan 1951)

1959 DeathMrs. Sallie Pryor Whelchel, age75, daughter of Joe Pryor and Rebecca Sparks. (The Gaffney Ledger, 27 Jan 1959)

Records from Chester Co., SC

1820 Census, Chester Co., SC
Page 102, Henry PRYER 0002,13-no females

Records from Chesterfield County, SC

1790 Census – Cheraw Dist.
Luke PRYOR 2 males over 16, 1 male under 16, 5 females, 2 slaves
John PRIOR one male over 16, one female (born abt 1774 or earlier)

1800 Census, Chesterfield Co., SC
John Berry Jr. (1850 his son Pryor Talley Berry living in Scott Co., MS)

Records from Colleton , SC

1800 Census, Colleton Co., SC
Page 180, Sam’l (Samuel) PRIOR  000200000008
Page 161, Seth PRIOR 10010000100-24 (Seth Thornton Pryor died in 1830, per notice in Charleston Observer. Sons of the American Revolution Membership Application for Claude Henry Babb states that Seth Pryor was born 1734 in VA. Will for Seth Pryor filed in Charleston in 1798–mentions sons Seth Thornton and Samuel. Seth Thornton was not yet 25 years old in 1798 per the will)

1820 Estate – John Rose Esq, deceased. Estate appraisal. Executors Seth T. PRIOR, Edward Hughes, Isaac W. Walter. November 28, 1820.

1825 NoticeMajor Seth Thornton Prior announced he was candidate for sheriff of Colleton Dist (This may be St George’s Parish)
The Charleston Mercury, 2 December 1825

1810 Census, Colleton Co., SC
Page 330, Seth PRIOR (image is illegible)
Page 349, Mrs. Samuel PRIOR  (image is illegible)

1820 Census, Colleton Co., SC
St. George Parish, page 122 Seth T. PRIOR 2001-0101 (Seth Thornton Pryor. Per death notice published about 1830 in the Charleston Observer: Major Seth T. Prior died on his plantation and left a widow and two sons.  He was 49 years old [born 1771].)

Records from Craven County, SC

Some of the records of Craven County are identified as Charleston or Charles Town. These names should be compared with Charleston records.

1720 Jury Duty – David Pair

1734 Will David Peyre of Craven County, sick of body. Names children: Philip, Rene’, Samuel, Lydia, Jane Judith. 3 eldest daughters had already received inheritance Jean, Catharine, and Elizabeth. Paul Bruneau 900 acres on the Wambah Creek. Land in St. John’s Parish. Signed 8th April 1734. Witnesses Jeanne Cabanis, John Dubois, John Palmer

1746 Will – Philip Peyre of Craven County. Names his siblings Samuel, Catharine, Elizabeth. His sister Jane’s children: Esther, Catharine, David and Judith. His sister Catharine’s children: Catharine, Rene, Charles, and Samuel. Executors his brothers Rene Peyre and Samuel Peyre, and friend James Boisseau. Signed 25 April 1746. Witnesses John Monk, James Boisseau Junr. Proved 25th June 1746.

1754 Will Judith Peyre, widow, of St. Stephen’s Parish in Craven County. Late husband David Peyre. Children: Samuel Peyre, Rene Peyre, Jean Boisseau, Catharine Crouch, Judith Caw, Lydia Gaillard. Sons Rene and Samuel named administrators. Witnessed by Alcimus Gaillard, Peter Sinkler, James Boisseau. Proved 27th January 1758.

1758 Will Samuel Peyre of Craven County, Parish of St. Stephen, a planter. Weak in body. Names wife Sarah. Names five children Sarah, Ann, Samuel, John, Charles. The children were to receive their inheritance when they turned 18 years old. Appointed executors his “friend” Mr. Charles Cantey, Peter Porcher, Philip Porcher, and Samuel Cordes. Signed 4th january 1758. Witnesses Willaim Vanvelsen, William Matthews, Hezekiah Maham

1766 Will – Rene Peyre signed on 25th January 1766. A planter of St. Steven’s parish in Craven County. Names children: Francis, Rene, Galliard (daughter’s surname?), Floride, Elizabeth and Ann. Names his wife Catharine and states his wife was pregnant at the time he made his will–if the child is a boy he named him David. Executors Samuel Bonneau and John Galliard. Witnesses David Palmer, Stephen Monk, Theodore Guerry. proved May 29, 1766.

1770 Notice – Estate of Captain Rene Peyre, deceased. Joshua Ward calling in all debts.
The South Carolina Gazette. 31 July 1770

1770 Notice from the Church Wardens of St. Stephen’s: Samuel Peyre and Edward Newman.
The South Carolina Gazette, 29 May 1770

1771 Marriage – In St. Stephen’s Parish, Rene Peyre Esq to Miss Elizabeth Cantey, daughter of Charles Cantey Esq. The South Carolina Gazette and Country Journal 15th March 1771

1785 Administration Bond – Charleston District, Samuel Peyre of St. Stephen’s Parish deceased, John Peyre administrator

1807 Death – John Peyre of St. Stephen’s parish. Notice published asking for all claims against the estate be submitted. Peter Robert and Francis Peyre, executors. (The Charleston Daily Courier, 29th June 1807)

1824 Death – Francis Peyre of St. Stephen’s parish. Notice published asking for all claims against the estate be submitted to Gaillard, Mayzek, and sons. (The Charleston Daily Courier, 23rd June 1821)

Records from Dorchester County, SC

1921 Death – Died 4 Sept 1921 in Ridgeville, William Pryor (bl) born in SC. About 70 years old. Father Jake Pryor born in SC, mother Rachel Brownlee born in SC.

1927 Death – Died 23 Jun 1927 in Summerville?, Thomas Pryor (bl) born in Ridgeville SC. About 76 years old. No parents info.